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Test Program

Generate native system input events for the purposes of test automation, self-running demos, etc. (

Showing results: 196 - 210 of 367 items found.

  • Differential Thermal Analyzer

    SKZ1055A - SKZ Industrial Co., Ltd

    Differential thermal analysis: temperature under program control, the relationship and difference oftemperature between the measured material and the material and the reference.The DTA curves is to describe the changing relationship depending on temperature and time between themeasured material and the reference compound. During the test, the sample temperature changes due tothe phase change or an endothermic or exothermic reaction effects.

  • Highly Accelerated Stress Screening (HASS) Test

    Aero Nav Laboratories, Inc.

    HASS consists of high and low temperature and 3 axis vibration testing performed either individually or in combination.Highly accelerated stress screening is a technique for identifying process flaws in equipment during production. HASS subjects equipment to overstress conditions but at a level which does not affect design life.For assistance in designing a HASS test program contact the laboratory.

  • Calibrators

    Physical Acoustics Corp.

    Physical Acoustics’ calibrators, also known as “simulators,” generate simple and complex waveforms of usable Acoustic Emission (AE) signals. Calibrators enable users to program various types of controlled tests, generating AE waveforms in a variety of shapes and amplitudes, mimicking external triggers, gate inputs or internally generated triggers with programmable repetition rates.

  • Modbus Diagnostic Program

    Modsak - Wingpath Ltd.

    Modsak is a versatile Modbus diagnostic program. It will be of interest to device manufacturers, software developers, system integrators and field service engineers. Modsak can be used to test or simulate almost any device or system that uses the Modbus protocol: slave devices, PLC's, HMI's, MMI's, DCS's, RTU's, SCADA systems, bridges, gateways, device servers, etc.

  • In-Circuit Test

    Test Coach Corporation

    Test Coach has been delivering the highest quality in-circuit test programs since 1998. Our engineers have the education, experience and expertise needed to solve your most challenging test requirements. We partner with our customers to provide comprehensive test solutions, including consulting on: design for test, recommendations on the best hardware and software options to implement, test strategy, and long term planning for multi board projects. Our expertise allows us to really understand customer requirements, so that quotes are accurate and timely. However, we also understand that sometimes projects can change scope. At Test Coach, we have the flexibility to adapt to changes with as little impact to delivery as possible.

  • Wire Harness Tester

    NX Solo - Dynalab Test Systems, Inc.

    The Dynalab NX Solo Wire HarnessTester is a low-cost, feature-packed, stand-alone tester with a maximum capacity of 256 test points. The flexibility of the NX System allows each program to perform multiple tests, display custom messages or sounds, and analyze the results of a test or an input to decide which operation to perform next. Testing for continuity, shorts, and a variety of components.

  • Digital Test Instrumentation

    Di-Series™ - Teradyne, Inc.

    The Di-Series tests all levels of integration from board level (SRA/SRU) to box level (WRA/LRU) units under test (UUTs), while maintaining full compatibility with previous generations of Teradyne instrumentation and systems. Excellent usability and reliability reduce programming and support effort, as well as straightforward upgrades of existing test program sets (TPS).

  • Probe System

    Acculogic FLS 980 Dxi - Terotest Systems Ltd.

    Flying Probe systems do not require test fixtures, have few restrictions on board access and can test boards with a virtually unlimited number of networks. They also allow developers to complete test programs in a short time.The FLS980 Dxi guarantees superior probing precision and repeatability, even as component sizes and denser packaging technologies pose challenges to other test engineers.

  • RF Training Kit And Lab Sheets

    Y1800A - Keysight Technologies

    The RF transceiver kit consists of a transmitter unit and a receiver unit in superheterodyne architecture. The transceiver units are made up of various RF building-block modules such as filter, low noise amplifier, power amplifier, mixer and oscillator. The RF transceiver kit is controlled by a Windows-based Control Panel software via USB. A Measurement Automation Program is provided to demonstrate automated characterization and test of RF circuits. A signal generator and a spectrum analyzer are required to run this program.

  • MOS Transistor Selector

    UI9610 - Lisun Electronics Inc.

    MOS with superior performance has now been widely used in electronic ballasts, energy-saving lamps were. But power MOS test screening, matching problem. It is difficult due to a lack of corresponding inspection means that many enterprises do not have to engage seriously in quality control as well as the effect of product consistence and reliability. The equipment in a unique program designed to solve the power MOS test problem containing micro-processing, intelligent a few significant simple application.

  • Acoustics Laboratory

    Trialon Corp.

    Trialon’s world class Acoustic test facility demonstrates how your product performs in real world conditions. Trialon’s technical expertise combined with our customer-focused program management will provide you with the highest quality acoustic testing services available. Our team will provide your organization with reliable testing services backed by a strong commitment to quality.

  • Protection Accessories

    Doble Engineering

    Testing programs can vary from team to team and company to company.That's why Doble offers a comprehensive series of accessories so you can maximize the capabilities of your Doble power system simulators.Options include amplifiers, communication devices, transducer/metering test options, distribution accessories and more.This way you can choose the accessories that make sense for your budget and business requirements.

  • Battery Test Software

    Landt Instruments, Inc

    Landt Battery Test Systems use different programs for data acquiring and data process. The acquiring software comes with a very user-friendly interface, which allows new users to operate with minimal training. Data process software shows different kinds of plots (Voltage vs. Capacity, Capacity vs. Cycle Number, Efficiency, etc.), which can be easily exported.

  • Ring Wave Generator

    SKS-1206IA/SKS-1206IB - Shanghai Sanki Electronic Industries Co., Ltd.

    The ring wave generator is fully compliant with the new standards of IEC61000-4-12 and GB/T17626.12. The interface contains standard differences between IEC and Chinese national standards. Users can choose to enter the corresponding interface to perform different Test: Program -controlled high-voltage power supply and electronic switch have the characteristics of high precision, long life and good reproducibility.

  • Yarn Count Tester

    TESTEX Testing Equipment Systems Ltd.

    Yarn Count Testing Machine, automatically calculates count systems used for sliver, roving and yarn, and can also be used for fabric yield. Yarn Count Tester consists of an accurate electronic balance with a capacity of 400g or 200g x 0.001g and built-in calculating program. Please contact us if you want to know more about yarn count test method.

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