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detectable impulse of electromagnetic radiation or quantum state superposed.
See Also: Signal Sources, Signal Processing, Signal Integrity, Signal Proccessing, Signal Analyzers, Signaling, Signal Conditioning, Signal Generators, Signal Meters, Signal Conditioners, Fidelity, Hunting
Ultra-Low Noise 2 kHz Photoreceiver w/ Si-PIN Photodiode
Picowatt Photoreceiver series PWPR-2K with switchable gain (10 to the 9th V/A, 10 to the 10th V/A) and a bandwidth from DC to 2 kHz is the perfect choice for cw-measurements, time resolved signal acquisitions and highly sensitive modulated measurements. Si and InGaAs models cover the wavelength range from 320 to 1700 nm.
Ultra-low Power NDIR CO₂ Sensor
The CozIR®-LP2 is an ultra-low power NDIR CO₂ sensor using state-of-the-art solid-state LED optical technology. The low-power LEDs are manufactured in-house, giving GSS complete control of the CO₂ sensor signal chain.
Ultra-Low Power NDIR CO₂ Sensor
The CozIR®-Blink is an ultra-low power NDIR CO₂ sensor using state-of-the-art solid-state LED optical technology. The low-power LEDs are manufactured in-house, giving GSS complete control of the CO₂ sensor signal chain.
Ultrasonic Imaging with Molecular Analysis
MoleculUS is a dual-modality ultrasound and photoacoustic data acquisition unit that allows the simultaneous collection of ultrasound and photoacoustic channels sharing the same probe elements. The analog signal path of MoleculUS is split into PA and US paths. PA and US modes operate sequentially in time with support for US preview mode and continuous on-fly multiplexing between modes.
Ultrasonic Level Transmitter
The Drexelbrook family of Ultrasonic technology level products offers an affordable two wire and line powered version for non-contact level measurement of liquids and slurries for level, distance, volume and open channel flow.Measurements of level, distance, volume and open channel flow is easily configured through the menu driven display. The Usonic level transmitter is offered with a two wire 4-20 mA, Hart output signal and is suitable for all Class I Div. 1, Zone 0, I.S. or XP locations. The bench configuration eliminates the need to move process material levels for calibration.
Underground Metal Detector
Shenzhen Graigar Technology Co.,Ltd.
An electronic device that gives an audible or other signal when it is close to metal, used for example to search for buried objects or to detect hidden weapons.
Under/Overvoltage Monitors
Contacts to control an external horn or light, or to signal your PLC are now available on independent accessories for any power supply. These modules can be used on power supplies with DC voltages from 5 to 125 Vdc. SPDT relay contacts switch if the power supply’s output deviates by:*1.0 volt or more (for 5 volt outputs)*2.0 volts or more (for 6 to 48 volt outputs)*3.0 volts or more (for 49 to 125 volt outputs)
Unipolar High Voltage Linear Amplifier
The P150 is a general purpose linear amplifier having a fixed amplification of 20 times and capable of unipolar high voltage output of +150V. Any functiongenerator or arbitrary waveform generatoror any othe signal source with amplitude up to +10 V can be used as an input device. The amplification can be set to x15 (or other value) on request.
Unipolar Variable Gain High Speed Amplifier
The F70PV is a very fast, unipolar, linear amplifier having a variable amplification of 0-10 times and capable of voltage output of +70V. Any functiongenerator or arbitrary waveform generatoror any othe signal source can be used as an input device. The amplifier's output is linear from DC up to ca 10 megahertz range. It can be used in a wide range of high speed applications.
Universal, Dual Input, High Performance HART Temperature Transmitter
The SEM310 is a universal programmable HART temperature transmitter which accepts most commonly used Pt100, thermocouple, mV and slide-wire sensors and generates an industry standard (4 to 20) mA transmission signal
Universal Dual Input Temperature Transmitter
The SEM1615 is a universal transmitter that accepts RTD, Thermocouple, Potentiometer or millivolt input signals and converts them to the industry standard (4 to 20) mA transmission signal.
Universal Encoder Checker
Test digital Encoders (5, 12, & 24 Volts) Troubleshoot Digital Read Outs (DRO's) Count / verify Pulses Per Revolution (PPR) Adjust Encoder after cleaning or repair Test for weak or dead signal output Test for intermittent phase jitter
Universal Preamplifier 14
For Two Dimensional Magnetic Recording (TDMR) and Heat-assisted Magnetic Recording (HAMR) Headamplifiers. Universal Preamplifier 14 (UP14) is designed for TDMR and HAMR Head Amplifiers. With new Guzik RWA4000 TDMR, UP14 allows to process signals from three Read Channels. It also supports two high speed data channels for Write data and Laser data. UP14 has two channels for dynamic TFC control and allows to program TFC power per sector and close loop TFC power control in each channel. UP14 can generate two programmable modulation signals for write data and laser data with bandwidth up to 20 MHz. UP14 consist of two boards. The first UP14 RW Board processes high-frequency signals: read-back signals, write data and laser data. The second UP14 Control Board provides power, control and low-frequency signal generation: TFC, write data modulation and laser modulation.
Up/Down Converters
Over the years, In-Phase Technologies has received many requests for frequency conversion units. Our standard product line of frequency converters includes models that operate from RF though 60 GHz. Many options are available to complement our standard offerings. We also have a series of RF-to-optical converters that allows customers to send RF and microwave signals over fiber optic cables.
USB-based Digital Oscilloscope
DSCope Series
DSCope is small(115mmx74mmx16mm), and can be packed in a shirt pocket. Combined with big screen and powerful performance computer, DSCope series oscilloscope can provide you amazing signal capture and analyzer experience.
USB-COM Data Logger
The USB-COM Utility is a free data logging andconfiguration program for use with the Validyneseries of USB or Serial pressure transducers.USB-COM Utility also comes in a premiumversion that allows up to eight signals to begraphed simultaneously while being recorded toa .csv file. The graph X and Y axis may bescaled to any values set by the user. A separatehistorical graph provides a complete visualrecord of the signals from the start of logging.
USB Controlled High Precision Audio Test Interface
AudioConnect 4×4
AudioConnect 4×4 is a high accuracy 4-in, 4-out audio interface specifically audio test and measurement. It offers digital and analog audio in and out at any user-specified sampling rate up to 200kHz, and a high signal to noise ratio and wide frequency response, making it suitable for the most demanding measurement applications. Controls are simple – a single USB connection and a power indicator – all other typical soundcard controls that are not used for audio test applications have been eliminated to make operation and calibration simple with no room for error. AudioConnect 4×4 is supplied fully calibrated.
USB Expansion Kit
OP-SB84 is an expansion board for monitoring USB2.0 and measuring VBUS power, inserting into a slot of portable communication analyzer (LE-8200A/LE-8200). It is a stand-alone USB analyzer, exchanging the measurement board and line state sheet for USB signals. This equipment runs without a PC and useful not only for developing USB devices but also trouble shooting and after-supporting of USB devices.
USB Extenders / Repeaters / Hubs
CommFront has all the solutions that you need to make your data travel seamlessly without limits. We offer a range of rugged, industrial-grade USB extenders (repeaters) and hubs to meet your data communications' distance needs by converting unbalanced signals to balanced ones, deploying repeaters to boost signal strength, and implementing hubs for star-configured connections, while still taking full advantage of cost-effective and readily-available copper wire.
USB Interface for 1-2 MIL-STD-1553 Channels
The NLINE-U1553 implements the latest USB 3 SuperSpeed technology for 1-2 dual redundant, independent 1553 channels. Full function capability for Bus Controller (BC), multi-RT (mRT), and Bus Monitor (BM). Also, o-scope signal capture on the first channel to troubleshoot bus signals. All built-in a small, rugged cable assembly that allows the customer to easily connect with standard 1553 jack connectors, or make their own custom cable with a Lemo break-away standard. USB 2 backward compatible (but not recommended – USB 3 offers superior throughput performance).
USB JTAG controller
The small, lightweight design means the XJLink2 can easily be moved to the Unit Under Test (UUT). Advanced features, like their programmable JTAG signal pin position, switchable power supply and auto signal skew, make it easy to connect to a wide range of circuit boards. Simple to install and use due to the USB plug-and-play ability.
USB Oscilloscope, Logic Analyzer and Variable Power Supply
Analog Discovery 2
Digilent Analog Discovery 2, developed in conjunction with Analog Devices and supported by Xilinx University Program, is a multi-function instrument that allows users to measure, visualize, generate, record, and control mixed signal circuits of all kinds. The low-cost Analog Discovery 2 is small enough to fit in your pocket, but powerful enough to replace a stack of lab equipment, providing engineering students, hobbyists, and electronics enthusiasts the freedom to work with analog and digital circuits in virtually any environment, in or out of the lab. The analog and digital inputs and outputs can be connected to a circuit using simple wire probes; alternatively, the Analog Discovery BNC Adapter and BNC probes can be used to connect and utilize the inputs and outputs. Driven by the free WaveForms 2015 (Mac, Linux and Windows Compatible) software, Analog Discovery 2 can be configured to work as any one of several traditional instruments.
USB Sensor Link
The 90386 is a portable sensor interface that powers and processes strain gaged based sensor into USB compatible signals. No need for additional signal processing or special PC cards.
USB To RS232 / RS485 / RS422 / TTL / Serial / Ethernet Converters
With our high-quality, high-performance USB to RS232 / RS485 / RS422 / TTL serial and Ethernet converters that use only top-quality chipsets such as FTDI and Silicon Labs, USB signals are converted seamlessly into RS232, RS485, RS422, TTL, serial and Ethernet signals. Pick from our menu of industrial or commercial-grade devices confidently, knowing that you will get nothing but the best from CommFront.
Utility Power Source
Load boards for applications like mixed signal, analog and RF require active components. To drive these active components multiple utility power supplies are needed. The SE-UDPS from Salland Engineering is an economical way of adding more utility power supplies to your Advantest™ V93K to drive op-amps, buffers, relays and switches. The SE-UDPS extends the usefulness of your current fleet of V93Ks. You can also minimize the need to add external power supplies on your load boards.
Rugged "Cycolac" instrument housing and detection headTelescoping HandleVisual Meter & Battery TesterBuilt-in speaker, signal and battery test meterOne sensitivity control knobBalanced and lightweight Adjustable extensionSet of stereo headphones3 Replaceable "AA" Alkaline batteriesDependable
Variable Attenuator
The VAXE Variable Attenuators are waveguide components for tunable signal leveling or reflection compensation in waveguide networks. The Attenuators consist of waveguide section with a resistive film evaporated on the mica surface. The Attenuators has 0 ÷30 dB minimum attenuation range. The VAXE Attenuators are available in four waveguide bands between 33 GHz and 170 GHz.
Variable Gain High Speed Linear Amplifier
The F30PV is a very fast general purpose linear amplifier having a variable amplification of 0-10 times and capable of bipolar voltage output of ±35V. Any functiongenerator or arbitrary waveform generatoror any othe signal source can be used as an input device. The amplifier's output is linear from DC up to ca 10 megahertz range. It can be used in a wide range of high speed applications.
Variable Optical Attenuators
A fiber optic variable attenuator is used to reduce the power level of an optical signal in fiber optic communications.
This program plots the left and right components of a stereo signal as vectors in such a way that the direction of arrival of the signal can be estimated. This has application to direction finding, or audio phasing checks. A screen-shot from an earlier version...