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an acertained value.

See Also: Metrology, Instrumentation, Sensors, Meters, Stability

Showing results: 6106 - 6120 of 10492 items found.

  • EM Tracking Products

    Northern Digital Inc.

    The strength of the Aurora and 3D Guidance electromagnetic tracking solutions lies in their similarities and their differences. Both can provide unobstructed in-vivo tracking of OEM medical instruments, share exceptional measurement accuracy and reliability and are engineered and manufactured to deliver unparalleled tracking performance. Between them, there are seven different field generators with unique measurement volumes, and 20 standard sensor offerings (plus custom options). While the Aurora has 6DOF and 5DOF sensors, the 3D Guidance solution specializes in 6DOF tracking. 6DOF sensors are usually re-processable; 5DOF can be disposable. Some of our field generators are portable, while others seamlessly integrate into the medical OEM’s procedural cart or operative table. These differences provide near-countless opportunities to customize and integrate the Aurora and 3D Guidance solutions – all while benefiting from a shared foundation of technical excellence and expert product execution.

  • Automatic Extensometer

    SIE-560A/560SA - Shimadzu Corp.

    To determine the suitability of a material for an application where it is under load, measuring its elongation is important. Measuring elongation enables determination of the elastic modulus (reversible elongation in the elastic region) by measuring the small initial elongation range, and determination of elongation at specimen failure, by measuring larger irreversible elongation in the plastic region. Shimadzu’s SIE-560A series automatic extensometers accomplish both of these measurements with high accuracy, and provide automated functions that increase testing efficiency and test reproducibility. Ideal for testing a wide variety of materials, including metallic materials, plastics, and composites, the SIE-560A series complies with ISO 527, JIS K 7161, and ASTM D638 standards for plastics tensile testing. In addition, the SIE-560A series supports strain-rate controlled metallic material tensile testing measurements specified in ISO 6892, JIS Z 2241, and ASTM E4

  • Spectroscopic Ellipsometers

    SENresearch 4.0 - SENTECH Instruments GmbH.

    The SENresearch 4.0 is the new SENTECH spectroscopic ellipsometer. Every individual SENresearch 4.0 spectroscopic ellipsometer is a customer-specific configuration of spectral range, options and field upgradable accessories. SENresearch 4.0 uses fast FTIR ellipsometry for the NIR up to 2,500 nm or 3,500 nm, respectively. It provides broadest spectral range with best S/N ratio and highest, selectable spectral resolution. Silicon films up to 200 µm thickness can be measured. The measurement speed of FTIR ellipsometry compares to diode array configurations, which are also selectable up to 1,700 nm. The new motorized Pyramid Goniometer features an angle range from 20 deg to 100 deg. Optical encoders ensure highest precision and long term stability of angle settings. The spectroscopic ellipsometer arms can be moved independently for scatterometry and angle resolved transmission measurements.

  • Device Parameter Analysis

    bsw TestSystems & Consulting AG

    The complexity of DC Parametric Characterisations has significantly increased with the level of miniaturisation in the semiconductor industry. The demand is not only on the precision of the measurements. New measurement methods have emerged to gain insight into phenomena previously unknown or only of marginal relevance. One example is "Pulsed IV" which is now widely in use. The modular concept of the Keysight B1500A allows users to tailor their instrument exactly to their needs. Flexible upgrades ensure the investment for many years. Together with bsw AG you will get an optimum solution for your application. Our experts provide not only support for the instrument itself but have also working knowledge of all the solutions surrounding it. This includes Cabeling and Adapters, Fixturing for packaged Parts and of course Wafer Probing. We help customers from replacements of broken or worn-out parts to planning and deployment of turn-key-systems.

  • Stand-Alone Doppler Current Sensor

    DCPS - Aanderaa Data Instruments AS

    The Doppler Current Profiler Sensor (DCPS) is a medium-range, 600kHz current profiler smart sensor. It offers high-quality ocean current measurements and is ideally suited for cabling directly to various systems or dataloggers via serial or AiCap bus. With its integrated compensation for tilting and movement, the sensor is commonly used to measure current from buoys and other moving platforms.The 5400/5400R version of the current sensor is 300m depth rated, the 5402/5402R version is 4500m depth rated, and the 5403/5403R version is 6000m depth rated and intended for commercial as well as research use. It comes with an integrated temperature sensor that can be calibrated on request.As an extension to the DCPS, we now offer the current profiler with an integrated pressure unit called the 5400P. This version enables acoustic wave measurements in addition to profiling currents. Ideal for small observatories, the DCPS sensor is the market's lowest-cost current and wave sensor.

  • Power Device Analyzer / Curve Tracer

    B1505A - Keysight Technologies

    The Keysight B1505A Power Device Analyzer / Curve Tracer is the only single box solution available with the capability to characterize high power devices from the sub-picoamp level up to 10 kV and 1500 A. These capabilities allow evaluation of novel new device such as IGBT and materials such as GaN and SiC. The B1505A supports a variety of modules: high voltage SMU (HVSMU), high current SMU (HCSMU), ultra high current (UHC) module, ultra high voltage (UHV) module and high voltage medium current (HVMC) module. The B1505A also supports: high-power SMU (1 A/200 V), medium-power SMU (100 mA/100 V) ,medium-current SMU (1 A/30V pulsed, 100 mA/30V DC) and a multi-frequency capacitance measurement unit (1 kHz 5 MHz). Its ten-slot modular mainframe allows you to configure the B1505A to suit your measurement needs.

  • Clean Room Panel

    CRP5 - Rotronic Measurement Solutions

    The Clean Room Panel, which is fitted with a diaphragm sensor for differential-pressure measurement, is a top-quality device. Validated according to GMP directives, and with its well thought-out design, the CRP5 is optimized for applications in laboratories and clean rooms. Optical buttons, and the magnet-mounted, removable HC2-CRP humidity and temperature probe permit efficient and effective cleaning. Up to 6 measurement values and messages can be displayed via its graphical color display. The colors of the display can be adjusted individually. Alarms, such as faults, exceeded limit values, or warnings are highlighted on the CRP5 display, and can also be forwarded digitally via MODBUS, Ethernet, or relays. Thanks to its analog and digital communication capabilities, the CRP5 is very easy to integrate in any monitoring system. Its comprehensive functional capabilities allow the CRP5 to be configured perfectly for each application. The CRP5 is distinctive in the marketplace through its tough glass front plate and a removable humidity sensor.

  • Oxygen Analyser

    Rapidox 1100 - Cambridge Sensotec Ltd

    The Rapidox 1100 oxygen gas analyser is the company’s most cost-effective and versatile range of gas analysers fitted with either zirconia or electrochemical type gas sensor.The zirconia oxygen sensor is the most common solution providing fast and accurate gas analysis over the range 1ppm to 30% O2 and is particularly suitable for aggressive industrial applications.Users have a choice of two electrochemical oxygen sensors: one for low ppm measurements of 1ppm up to 1% and another for high percent measurements in the 1ppm to 30% oxygen range. Electrochemical sensors are ideal for high oxygen applications or ppm applications where VOC’s, flammable gases, CO, H2 or He is present in the gas sample. A special “oxygen clean” version of the high range analyser is also available.Together the three sensor types offer an oxygen measuring solution for almost any application possible.

  • High Insulation Digital Clamp Tester


    ・Wide AC current measurements for 0.01A~500A.・Easy operation, Push to Open and Pull to Disconnect Mechanism.・Safe AC current measurements for high voltage circuit (AC80 to 7000V).・Auto power off function and Splash proof structure.

  • High Insulation Digital Clamp Tester


    ・Wide AC current measurements for 0.01A~500A.・Easy operation, Push to Open and Pull to Disconnect Mechanism.・Safe AC current measurements for high voltage circuit (AC80 to 7000V).・Auto power off function and Splash proof structure.

  • 2.4 MHz Level Test Meter

    ET91 - Vonaq Ltd

    *Level Meter, for selective and wideband level measurements with auto ranging*Generator, for the generation of measuring voltage for the test of FDM systems*Bridge, for the measurement of input and output parameter*Spectrum Analyser, for the test of output PSD, cross-talk and other interference signals

  • FieldFox C Handheld Microwave Spectrum Analyzer, 6.5 GHz

    N9934C - Keysight Technologies

    Capture elusive signals with up to 120 MHz gap-free, real-time bandwidth. Make accurate spectrum analyzer measurements (± 0.3 dB) without warmup. Perform over-the-air measurements for 5G NR and LTE. Use GPS/GNSS for geolocation and timestamping.

  • Compact Vibration Generator

    EMIC Corporation

    The compact vibration generator is used for calibration of a vibrometer, measurement of mechanical impedance, excitation source for modal analysis and reliability test of a small light specimen. In particular, EMIC uses the world's first ceramic armature for the 512-D and 513-D vibration generator,making it possible to excite up to high frequency of 30 kHz (513-D can excite up to 24 kHz).

  • Concrete Moisture Test Meter

    Rapid RH 4.0 EX - Wagner Electronics

    The Rapid RH 4.0 EX concrete test is superior to all other humidity measurement systems on the market today. Rapid RH 4.0 EX concrete moisture tests equilibrate faster than other concrete moisture tests. The reading taken one hour after installation for concrete relative humidity content will be within 3% of the final reading.

  • Data Management

    Marposs S.p.A.

    The world of manufacturing gives utmost importance to the availability of qualified data. Marposs' solutions generate data that accurately represents the product features and the status of the processes running underneath. Through our technologies of measurement collection, archiving and of applied statistical process control a wealth of reliable information is pooled. Our networking and clouding solutions make that information retrievable and consumable.

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