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an acertained value.

See Also: Metrology, Instrumentation, Sensors, Meters, Stability

Showing results: 7156 - 7170 of 10492 items found.

  • Flexible Vertical Gage

    911 - Adcole Corp.

    The world standard for camshaft measuring, the Adcole Model 911 is ideal for measuring pistons, pump rotors/housings, transmission shafts and any other cylindrical component. Measurement results are displayed on a touchscreen monitor and can be printed/plotted or simply uploaded electronically for historical tracking. Vertical part orientation does away with the need for sag correction, while also minimizing the gage’s footprint on the shop floor. The adjustable tailstock accommodates multiple part lengths. Parts are rotated for a full 360-degree analysis of each feature.

  • Probe Card Analyzers

    PB1500 - Integrated Technology Corp.

    The PB1500 is a low cost probe card analyzer system. It has the capability to perform all the tests done on the larger PB3600/6500 probe card analyzers, but at a lower cost for low pincount cards. A maximum of 1,280 channels may be configured in the PB1500 MUX system. The Precision Measurement Unit (PMU) has the same accuracy, repeatability and range as the larger analyzers. The repair process consists of selecting a failing probe, which moves it under the binocular microscope and positions a crosshair over the correct position for that probe.

  • Surface Roughness Meters

    Rinch Industrial Co.,Limited

    This instrument is compatible with four standards of site to measure surface roughness of various machinery-processed parts, calculate corresponding and clearly display all measurement parameters.When measuring the roughness of a surface, the sensor is placed on the surface and then uniformly slides along the surface by driving the mechanism by the sharp built-in probe. This roughness causes displacement of the probe which results in change of inductive amount of induction coils so as to generate analogue signal, which is in proportion to the surface roughness at output end of phase-sensitive rectifier.

  • Partial Discharge Inductor

    Tracy - BAUR Prüf- und Messtechnik GmbH

    Cable testing and diagnostics with the BAUR tracy. The BAUR tracy partial discharge inductor induces a signal at the apparent fault location in the cable from outside. In combination with any PD measurement system, e.g., PHG TD/PD, the induced signal can be located and compared with the result of the partial discharge pre-location. The partial discharge location can thus be determined precisely.* Portable, battery-operated signal coupling device* Suitable for cables and cable accessories* Inductive signal coupling* Aviods costly, unnecessary replacements of PD-free cable accessories

  • Melexis 90217 Hall-Effect Sensor

    605-00005 - Parallax Inc.

    Parallax has worked with the Melexis 90217 sensor in applications including CNC milling machine spindle speed measurement and feedback on motor RPM. With the CNC milling machine it reliably measured the top spindle speed of 7,500 RPM. This is a cost-effective and highly functional hall-effect sensor. The Melexis 90217 is designed to be used with a bias magnet (#605-00006) south facing the back (non-marked) side of the IC. With a single Hall plate, this sensor is immune to common rotary alignment problems. Very easy to interface with all microcontrollers.

  • Handheld Infrared Oil Analyzer

    FluidScan® 1000 Series - Ametek Spectro Scientific

    The FluidScan® 1000 series handheld Infrared oil analyzer provides direct quantitative measurement of a lubricant’s condition and plays an important role in Machine Condition Monitoring (MCM) for proactive and predictive maintenance in Reliability Management programs. It determines when oil needs to be serviced due to degradation of the oil chemistry or contamination by other fluids such as water or the wrong oil. It is compliant with ASTM D7889 “Standard Test Method for Field Determination of In-Service Fluid Properties Using IR Spectroscopy”.

  • XRF

    P Series - Bowman

    The P series offers the flexibility of measuring a wide variety of sample sizes, shapes, and quantities. It is equipped with a high precision programmable X-Y stage that offers several convenience factors over a fixed stage. Operators can use the mouse and software interface to move to desired measurement locations easily. Multi-point programs can be created to automatically measure multiple sample locations with the click of a button. Pinpoint control is achievable for testing critical areas. Larger sampling volumes are possible through multi-point programming.

  • Goniophotometer

    GMS2000 - OptCom Company, Ltd

    In this goniophotometer, the tested luminaire rotates in the prescribed burning position and around the vertical axle and a reflecting mirror rotates around the horizontal axle, meanwhile, a synchronous axle will rotate toward the opposite direction synchronously. The combined motion of the luminaire and mirror permit luminous measurement at the direction of any horizontal or vertical angle without tilting the luminaire, therefore, the luminous intensity will be not variation. The photometer head located at a fixed position of the limiting photomet- ric distance in front of the reflecting mirror to gather the light in each direction.

  • Scratch Tester

    CSR1000 - Rhesca Co., Ltd.

    This tester is highly effective in measuring the adhesion strength (adhesion strength) of hard coatings (Ti, TiN, SiC, DLC, etc.) formed by PVD and CVD on metal surfaces such as cemented carbide. Adopting a scratch test method that allows quantitative measurement with simple operations, the film surface is scratched while increasing the load on the sample surface, detecting film breakage with high sensitivity, and providing the load at which film breakage occurs (critical load). tools and mold tools that require

  • Vision System

    Project X - Aberlink Ltd

    Project X is different. It utilises a totally new, patented technology XY scale, that records not only X and Y position but also any rotational movement of the camera system. In addition, this is an absolute scale system, which means as soon as you switch on the machine it knows exactly where it is - no need for referencing. The camera is free to glide around the measurement area mounted on a simple air bearing system, without any worry about constraining the mechanics to avoid losing accuracy.

  • *PC Interfaces

    mks Ophir

    Ophir PC interfaces work on the smart plug principle. This means that almost any Ophir PC interface can work – plug and play – with almost any of the wide range of Ophir sensors. Ophir PC interfaces are also the most precisely calibrated units on the marketת, thus measuring with the highest accuracy. With the versatile Ophir StarLab software, your PC becomes a complete laser measurement station. Ophir also provides software to interface seamlessly with LabVIEW or the user's own software.

  • Near-Field Systems

    NSI-MI Technologies

    NSI-MI is the world leader in providing turn-key near-field antenna measurement systems with over 450 systems delivered worldwide. NSI-MI offers systems ranging in size from tabletop designs to large precision systems for a wide variety of applications. Our customers use our systems for testing in aerospace and defense, commercial, wireless, automotive and many other applications. Our systems are available in a wide variety of standard configurations as well as being easy to customize to your specific application.

  • Sample Conditioning Packages

    Bacharach, Inc.

    Neutronics Sample Conditioning Packages are designed to ensure that our oxygen sensors always have a clean and dry sample gas stream. Process conditions that include solvents, corrosive chemicals, and temperature extremes present significant challenges. To deliver accurate and reliable gas measurement, sensors require a sample that is free of contaminants. Sample conditioning systems built to withstand harsh processing conditions and efficiently remove damaging contaminants from the sample stream are critical to delivering reliable continuous-duty low-maintenance gas monitoring.

  • Resistance Meter

    MT16-4L - Holding Informtest

    М-module МТ16-4Л is a mezzanine module (hereinafter referred to as a mezzanine), designed to measure the resistance of resistive sensors using a four-wire measurement circuit in sixteen channels (sixteen-channel digitizer). М-module МТ16-4Л is installed on the mezzanine carrier - module НМ-М and is connected to it via a local information highway. Up to four mezzanines of various types can be installed on the NM-M module. The NM-M module, together with the mezzanines installed on it, forms a VXI module of the C-1 size and is used to create information measuring VXI systems.

  • Polarization Scrambler

    PS3300 - FiberPro

    FIBERPRO’s Polarization Scrambler Modules perform polarization scrambling at high speed and make Degree Of Polarization (DOP) zero on time average. It is based on all fiber technology that has enabled us to build practically zero insertion loss, back reflection free and a compact size. Recently it can be applied for PMD mitigation with very upgrade scrambling speed. With high reliable performance this product has been adapted for long-haul application, component measurement test system, sensor , etc.

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