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Water pressure principle logger version wave height meter
Infinity-WH is provided with a high capacity storage memory that enables 0.1 s sampling, allowing you to observe a variety of wave heights, from short to long period waves. With 20 min measurements per one-hour burst (12,000 samples with 0.1 s intervals), the instrument makes one-month long continuous measurements possible.
Closed Loop Hall AC/DC Current Sensor
ChenYang Technologies GmbH & Co. KG
This Hall Effect current sensor is based on closed loop compensating principle and can beused for measurement of DC and AC current, pulse currents etc. The output of thetransducer reflects the real wave of the current carrying conductor.
Full Wave Recorder
The V-FullWaver systems were specifically developed for precise full waveform time domain Induced Polarisation, Resistivity and SP measurements. Each system is fully independent; incorporating its own power source, GPS module and digital memory for up to 3 months continuous recording.
Millimeter Wave Converters
*variable output power*wide dynamic range*wide frequency range*highly stable measurement*convenient handling
Test Equipment
Our Trans-Guard DCVBD meter provides a 1kV @ 1mA test signal for direct measurement of the DC breakdown voltage of a variety of transient protection devices/products to help identify protection products that may be defective or damaged.
*Electrical Test And Measurement
GTC designs and manufactures a variety of electrical test and measurement tools.
1.6 GSPS, 14-bit RF Digitizer
The ADQ1600RF (formerly named ADQ1600) is a world-leading 14 bit digitizer. With its unique 1600 MSPS capture rate, enabled by SP Devices’ ADC interleaving technology ADX, the ADQ1600RF opens for demanding measurements such as RF/IF sampling, high resolution ultra sound imaging and high-speed data recording.
Low-noise 14-bit Digitizer
The ADQ214-DCLN digitizer features dual channels, 14-bit resolution, 400 MSPS capture rate and is optimized for highly accurate low noise measurements. The ADQ214-DCLN is ideal for phase noise measurements and wideband IQ-receivers.
Real-Time Pulse Detection Firmware
The core challenge in pulse detection is to design a system for random events. The Teledyne SP Devices’s firmware option FWPD, for the ADQ14 and ADQ7, is tailored to detected and analyze pulses in demanding measurement applications where the properties of the pulses (such as timing or length) are not known in advance.
1.6 GSPS, 14-bit Time-domain Digitizer
The ADQ1600TD is a world-leading 14 bit digitizer optimized for time-domain pulse capture. With its unique 1600 MSPS capture rate, enabled by SP Devices’ ADC interleaving technology ADX, the ADQ1600TD opens for demanding measurements such as time-domain pulse capture and high-speed data recording.
Real-Time Waveform Averaging Firmware
The Advanced Time-Domain firmware option, FWATD, equips the ADQ7 and ADQ14 digitizers with advanced tools for sophisticated time-domain measurements. Multiple steps of noise suppression is provided in order to achieve extreme dynamic range, so that rarely occurring weak signals can be detected and distinguished from noise.FWATD can track and correct for temperature-dependent baseline (DC level) fluctuations, which may otherwise lead to incorrect detection or even detection of false pulses. It supports several types of noise reduction for both random and systematic noise. The flexible architecture and user-defined settings enables tailored noise reduction for various applications.
PXIe High Voltage Device Power Supply - 2 Channels Per Card, 18-bit Voltage Programming Resolution and Measurement Resolution
Max. 48V DC output with 2 channels per card, 12V-48V independently Programable voltage level, Max. 250mA current per channel
Crude Oil Package for Vapor Pressure
The GRABNER INSTRUMENTS' Crude Oil Package is a comprehensive solution for the transport and measurement of the vapor pressure of crude oil according to ASTM D6377 (Expansion Method). The unique Floating Piston Cylinder allows safe sample transfer of “live crude oils” according to ASTM D3700 and eliminates the risk of evaporation of light hydrocarbon ends during transport. The Grabner Instruments crude oil package is also strictly in accordance with the Russian standard GOST 52340.
AC Power Measurement and Logging
WattNode® Logger for LonWorks®
Continental Control Systems LLC
The WattNode Logger is a kilowatt hour (kWh) energy meter that communicates on a LonWorks network, and can log 24,000+ measurement records in non-volatile memory. The WattNode Logger measures 1, 2, or 3 phases with voltages from 120 to 600 volts alternating current (Vac) and 5 to 6,000 amps in delta (phase to phase) and wye (phase to neutral) configurations.
Basic Multimeters
PeakTech Prüf- und Messtechnik GmbH
Is a very handy and safe pocket-sized multimeter. It offers measurement functions for direct and alternating voltage, direct and alternating current and resistance measurement. A continuity test and diode test can also be carried out.
Open Loop Current Sensor
The K03 series is a current sensor based on the Hall effect. It enables the electronic measurement of direct, alternating or pulsed currents as well as their combinations with galvanic separation between primary (high current) and secondary circuits.
EMF Detector
This EMF detector is an unparalleled value that offers fast, reliable, and user-friendly measurements of electromagnetic pollution. Since man-made alternating current (AC) is different from naturally occurring EMF, some sources say that even extended exposure of as low as 2 milliGauss may be harmful. Fortunately, once EMF sources are identified with your ElectroSensor you can moderate your distance and exposure.
Ultrafast Laser Pulse Measurement
Our FROG Scan system is versatile, adaptable and easy to use. With our FROG Scan, you can tweak a laser system or measure highly chirped pulses to calculate the amount of dispersion compensation you might need for recompression. Measure a short pulse that has been chirped out to several picoseconds, or measure pulses as short as 12 fs in real-time.
Ultrafast Laser Pulse Measurement System
FROG Scan Ultra
With a slightly larger format than our high value FROG Scan system, our FROG Scan Ultra platform allows any Ocean Optics spectrometer to be used (including the QE65000 and InGaAs models). This means higher resolution and the availability of InGaAs detectors for your ultrafast laser system. It can measure pulses from nearly 4 ms (custom systems only) to as short as 450 nm.
Atmospheric Sciences
Atmospheric Sciences productsz by Mesa Photonics: portable monodispersed droplet generator, cloud droplet measurement system, heterodyne spectrometer.
Ultrafast Laser Pulse Measurement
Ultrafast Laser Pulse Measurement Products by MesaPhotonics
Metrology Device
XPLOR 100 is a state of the art, fully automated metrology device designed for measurement and analysis of bubbles and inclusions for optical substrates in the Visible and NIR wave-bands.
Paperless Recorders
Rishabh Instruments Pvt. Ltd.,
LCD Touch Screen with user interface panel. Comes with 3/ 6 programmable input channels. Have 6/ 12 alarm outputs and 4/ 8 digital outputs. Visualization of measurements in graphical forms. Compatible with MS windows CE operating System. CE Approved and safety as per European Norms.
Rishabh Instruments Pvt. Ltd.,
Current Transformers With Transducer for the measurement of AC current. A very reliable, efficient and robust current transformer for measurement of AC current. It provides 4 to 20 mA or 0 to 20mA DC output.
Insulation Testers
Rishabh Instruments Pvt. Ltd.,
Rishabh Insulation Tester is a Digital Insulation Tester with selectable test voltage up to 10kV and Insulation. Resistance measurement upto 20 TΩ. Ideal for testing insulation in live switchyards.
Submersible Laser-Diffraction based Particle Size Analyzer
The LISST-200X is a submersible laser-diffraction based particle size analyzer designed to measure particle size and concentration in rivers, streams, ports, harbors, coasts and oceans, whether for biological, sediment transport, or environmental monitoring needs. Smaller, lighter, smarter, for starters, the LISST-200X combines the features of the original LISST-100X with new improvements to make a major advance in the technology of submersible particle size and concentrations measurements.
Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV)
Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) is a non-intrusive laser optical measurement technique for research and diagnostics into flow, turbulence, microfluidics, spray atomization, and combustion processes.
*Search and detection of gamma radiation sources with automatic identification of the radionuclide composition;*Measurement of the dose rate of gamma radiation;*Detection of neutron radiation and measurement of the neutron count rate (AT6102);*Measurement of the dose rate of neutron radiation (external detection unit BDKN-03);*Measurement of the flux density of alpha and beta particles from contaminated surfaces (external detection units BDPA-01 / BDPB-01)
Nano Particle Size Analyzer
Delivering 10 times the sensitivity of previous models, this innovative analyzer is capable of continuously measuring changes in particle size and particle size distribution at one-second intervals, within a range spanning 7 nm to 800 μm. In addition, unique options that accommodate the measurement of even high-concentration samples (up to 20 wt%) and trace quantity samples (down to 15 μL) are available. Due to its leading-edge measurement capabilities, the analyzer will likely be used for many applications in new areas, including nanotechnology, the life sciences, and fine bubbles (microscopic bubbles).