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Boundary-Scan Controller for PXI-Express 'Hybrid' Slots or Plug-In Controller for PXI-Express Peripheral Slot
JT 37×7/PXIE
High speed and performance JTAG Boundary-scan controller for PXI-Express ‘hybrid’ slots or plug-in controller for PXI-Express peripheral slot.The controllers are targeted at demanding manufacturing test applications, fast in-system flash memory programming and programmable logic configuration. The JT 37×7 is available in different operating levels (memory options) to suit your specific environment and application. Each unit is supplied with a four TAP port signal conditioning module the JT 2147 ‘QuadPOD‘The JT 37×7 DataBlasters are a family of high speed and performance, up to 40 MHz TCK, boundary-scan controllers. Besides being available as bench-top unit with USB/E-net/FireWire interface, these controllers also come as 19″ rack-mountable instrument with the same three interafces and as plug-in cards in PXI(e)and PCI(e) formats.
JTAG Boundary-Scan Controller for PXI and PXI-Express 'Hybrid' Slots or Plug-In Controller for PXI-Express Peripheral Slot
JT 37x7/PXI
High speed and performance JTAG Boundary-scan controller for PXI and PXI-Express ‘hybrid’ slots or plug-in controller for PXI-Express peripheral slot.The controllers are targeted at demanding manufacturing test applications, fast in-system flash memory programming and programmable logic configuration. The JT 37×7 is available in different operating levels (memory options) to suit your specific environment and application. Each unit is supplied with a four TAP port signal conditioning module the JT 2147 ‘QuadPOD‘
DataBlaster PCI / PCIE JTAG Boundary-Scan Controller
JT 37x7/PCI
High speed and performance JTAG Boundary-scan PCI PC plug-in controller for PCI bus slot or PCIe PC plug-in controller for PCI Express bus slot.The controllers are targeted at demanding manufacturing test applications, fast in-system flash memory programming and programmable logic configuration. The JT 37×7 is available in different operating levels (memory options) to suit your specific environment and application. Each unit is supplied with a four TAP port signal conditioning module the JT 2147 ‘QuadPOD‘
Pod with Four Test Access Ports for 5v or 3.3V TTL Thresholds
JT 2137
The JT 2137 pod remains a popular choice for DataBlaster controller installations that require a compact signal conditioning pod embedded within a test fixture. The JT 2137 features four test access ports which together may be set for 5v or 3.3V TTL thresholds, although additional plug-in adapters are available that allow alternative thresholds to be set on a TAP by TAP basis (contact your local sales office for details). The 20-way 0.1″ IDC TAP headers comply with the standard JTAG Technologies 20-way pin-out and provide the additional flash programming controls Read/Busy and AutoWrite.
TAP Pods
JTAG Technologies designers have been developing high-speed digital test equipment for well over 30 years. The current range of controllers ranges from the compact, stylish and reliable JT 3705/USB to the rugged, dependable DataBlaster family and variants that have been developed for industrial use. The latest addition, JT5705/USB adds analog measure and source capabilities to provide a true mixed-signal tester platform.
While many ICs are equipped with a JTAG (IEEE Std. 1149.1) boundary-scan register (BSR), a significant number of microprocessors and DSPs can be found with deficient or even non-existent BSRs. CoreCommander Micro uses the on-chip debug mode of processors to access ports and embedded peripheral controllers to promote ''kernel-centric'' testing. Similarly, in the case of today's Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) test engineers can ''bridge'' from the JTAG interface to the resources of the gate array itself. Our CoreCommander FPGA product implements a translatorinterface that allows our JTAG hardware to control embedded IP cores via a variety of bus interfaces (e.g. Wishbone Avalon etc.).
JT 2154
The JT 2154 is an experiment board based on National Semiconductor’s STA111 device, aimed at users looking to utilise addressable bridge/multiplexors within their designs, and thus set-up ‘system level’ JTAG access. The unit can also be used in semi-permanent installations to expand the TAP (Test Access Port) count on JTAG Technologies controllers in order to address highly segmented designs. Built-in support for ScanBridge-type devices within ProVision allows easy set-up of TAP assignments and device addressing.
19" Rack Mount Chassis, Industrial JTAG-Powered PCB Tester-Programmer 'CombiSystem'
JT 57××/RMIC
The new-concept, industrial JTAG-powered PCB tester-programmer the JT 57xx/RMIc ‘CombiSystem’ comprises a sleek base-level 19″ rack-mount chassis assembly that can house up to four customer-specified modules chosen from various JTAG (IEEE 1149.x) controllers, digital IO and analog IO and other measurement modules.
JTAG Live Controller
The JTAG Live Controller is USB connected and powered and features a single test access port in JTAG Technologies standard 10-way IDC pin-out. The JTAG Live controller is a smart, low-cost and easy-to-use USB JTAG/Boundary-scan interface.
Mixed Signal JTAG Tester
JT 5705
The JT 5705 series offer a unique combination of JTAG TAP controller (tester) interfaces plus digital and analog I/O in compact desktop package.Use the ‘mixed-signal’ features to measure power supplies, clock frequencies or test DACs and ADCs. Add your own capability through use of CoreCommander FPGA our generic bridge/translator system.
Production Stand-Alone
Using PSA, test engineers can build sequences of applications in the built-in AEX (Application EXecutive) manager using if then else goto capabilities. Sequence builders can also include additional capabilities through DOS/Win command line calls, create serial number logged test reports, export tests results to a database etc.. PSA includes drivers for all JTAG Technologies controller hardware past or present.
TAP Signal Isolation Module
JT 2139
The JT 2139 is a TAP signal isolation module designed for use in combinational test systems that utilise multiple instrument interfaces. To avoid parasitic capacitance effects and/or unwanted ground loops the JT 2139 can be used to completely galvanically isolate any JTAG Technologies boundary-scan controller from the remainder of the instrumentation system. JT 2139 isolators are a standard component of the JTAG Technologies ‘Symphony’ systems that integrate boundary-scan with In-Circuits Testers etc..
Portable JTAG Boundary-Scan Controller with USB (1.1 and 2.0 High Speed), Ethernet & Firewire Interfaces
JT 37x7/TSI
High speed and performance portable JTAG Boundary-scan controller, containing three interfaces to the test system: USB (1.1 and 2.0 high speed), Ethernet and FirewireThe controllers are targeted at demanding manufacturing test applications, fast in-system flash memory programming and programmable logic configuration. The JT 37×7 is available in different operating levels (memory options) to suit your specific environment and application. Each unit is supplied with a four TAP port signal conditioning module the JT 2147 ‘QuadPOD‘The JT 37×7 DataBlasters are a family of high speed and performance, up to 40 MHz TCK, boundary-scan controllers. Besides being available as bench-top unit with USB/E-net/FireWire interface, these controllers also come as 19″ rack-mountable instrument with the same three interafces and as plug-in cards in PXI(e)and PCI(e) formats.
I/O Modules
JTAG Technologies designers have been developing high-speed digital test equipment for well over 30 years. The current range of controllers ranges from the compact, stylish and reliable JT 3705/USB to the rugged, dependable DataBlaster family and variants that have been developed for industrial use. The latest addition, JT5705/USB adds analog measure and source capabilities to provide a true mixed-signal tester platform.
Boundary-Scan Controllers
Boundary-scan test and programming applications are only as dependable as the hardware they run on. JTAG Technologies has the industry’s most reliable IEEE 1149.x high speed and performance JTAG controllers, JTAG interfaces and more. To reliably execute your test and programming applications you can choose from a range of different controllers with different performance capabilities and form factors. For use in design, production and manufacturing and service.