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Voice Quality Test

Checks speech signals to standard algorithms and subjective quality measurements.

See Also: Voice Quality Testing, POLQA, VQT

Showing results: 16 - 17 of 17 items found.

  • End-To-End Performance Testing

    IxLoad Wireless - Keysight Network Applications and Security

    IxLoad Wireless enables mobile operators and equipment manufacturers to test and validate complex wireless networks and components for greater end-to-end service quality. This “lab to live” LTE testing solution recreates networking environments and real-world subscriber traffic, such as voice, video, and data. At the same time, it emulates multiple mobile subscriber activities—including handovers, TAU, and idle-connected transitions—for comprehensive test coverage. Whether modeling the behavior of thousands of subscribers or measuring end-user experience, IxLoad enables mobile operators to fast-track new networks and services with confidence.

  • End-to-End VoLTE Device Lab Test Automation

    QUIKPROBE™ and Q-DAAT™ - W2BI Inc.

    End-to-end test automation of devices and applications has become more critical in the launch of new 4G services, such as, VoLTE, Rich Communication Services (RCS), NFC transactions, multimedia services, etc. in order to deliver an excellent customer experience. In order to simulate realistic end user scenarios, W2BI has developed extensive set of test plans that control both the smart device and the network emulators in a lab environment. The control of the smart device enables to perform realistic end user activities and measure the results directly on the device to ensure there are no performance impacts on the device (e.g. throughput, voice quality, jitter, battery drain, etc.) or the service.

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