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Streak Cameras
measure intensity variations in multiple optical events over time, ultra fast.
See Also: Cameras, Line Scan Cameras
Streak Cameras
Streak camera technology was developed for measuring ultra-fast optical phenomena. OptoScope streak cameras provide temporal resolution down to the Picosecond regime. Additionally, OptoScope systems have high sensitivity allowing single photon detection. Streak cameras are the only instruments that can capture the behavior over time of multiple optical signals. Combined with a spectrometer this allows their application in the field of time resolved spectroscopy.
Streak Cameras
We collaborated with them to develop the technology the scientists needed and made it commercially available—and now the Sydor ROSS Streak Camera is integral to many of the diagnostic systems found in leading, world-class laboratories. The Sydor ROSS Streak Camera is the only one of its kind that features dynamic calibration—with our proprietary, DynaCal OCM (Optical Calibration Module), available exclusively from Sydor Technologies.
Streak Camera
OptoScope S3C-1
The S3C-1 is a streak camera based on a semiconductor sensor. Like tube-based streak cameras, the S3C-1 captures changes in light along a line and records the change over time. To record the intensity values, they are sampled and stored with up to 2 GSamples/sec. The line is 65 µm wide and consists of 200 elements along its 5 mm length. Each element consists of a sensitive photodiode with a downstream amplifier.A new and special camera feature is continuous recording. This makes it possible to take recordings of events for which precise information about the time of their occurrence only becomes available after they have taken place. This "post-triggering" simplifies or allows certain applications.
Streak Camera
OptoScope SC-20 systems
The SC-20 streak camera system is characterized by its large detection area of 35 mm x 4 mm and a large usable screen diagonal of 40 mm. Signals are mapped onto the fiber optic input window and measured without the need for optical reduction. In the simplest case, the entrance optics consists of a slit mask that lies directly on the entrance window. In addition, a flexible extension with a shutter, a lens mount or an adjustable slot with coupling optics is possible. The time resolution in the sub-nanosecond range qualifies the camera for many applications in detonics and plasma physics.
Streak Camera
OptoScope SC-10 systems
SC-10 systems are based on the SC-10 main unit and cover a very large range of applications thanks to their flexibility. With a time resolution of 2 ps, a very high temporal resolution streak system is available. The main unit itself uses a fused silica input window, maintaining sensitivity well into the UV range. Deflection units for triggered and synchroscan operation are available. The configuration with a second deflection unit for extension with an orthogonal time axis is also possible. SC-10 systems are well suited for applications in the field of time-resolved spectroscopy and offer a wide range of options for optical coupling.
Streak Camera Systems
Rotating Mirror framing cameras offer very high resolution and dynamic range.
(X-ray and XUV) Streak Cameras
We build streak camera systems that can achieve time resolution on the femtosecond time scale while conserving and ultra-fine spatial resolution on a very long slit length.
(Visible and IR) Streak Cameras
Our ultrafast cameras are well-suited for time-resolved spectroscopy of ultrafast events in the X-rays as well as in visible light.
Dynamic Calibration for ROSS Streak Cameras
The DynaCal Optical Calibration Module (OCM) is designed exclusively for the Sydor ROSS Streak Camera to ensure accuracy, both over time and in situ, so you can be confident that the data from your shot is certified to be correlated to the calibration of your camera. The beauty of in situ calibration is that the cost of removing and resetting the camera is avoided—and so is the risk of the replacement of the camera and shifting or disturbing the sensitive nature of streak camera results. Only in situ calibration will reveal the real world effects of EMR, gravity, electronic noise and more when they distort your camera results.
High Throughput Optical Streak Camera
AXIS-NV is used for time-resolved spectroscopy of subnanosecond eventsin the visible and IR range.
(Visible and IR) Affordable Picosecond Streak Cameras
* 3 ps resolution * Spatial resolution of 50 m at the center of the slit * Time window 300ps to 500ns * no trace curvature
Streak Tubes
Streak tubes are the most important modules of streak cameras used for the study of ultra fast optical phenomena. The latter cameras are tools of critical importance in many areas of science and technology like studies of plasma/electric discharge/ combustion/laser ablation/ condensed matter phenomenon, in optical communications, electron beam acceleration technology, photochemistry, medicine, biology etc. Streak cameras have made possible a series of important scientific discoveries in earlier mentioned areas of science and technology. Precision information about parameters of streak tubes is needed both by manufacturer of such tubes in improve tube design and by users of these tubes to correct data generated by the tubes and make possible more accurate interpretation of output images.
X-Ray Beam Monitors
When standard products just aren’t good enough—or the measurement technology does not yet exist—Sydor Technologies develops technology to enable these complex imaging measurements. Just as we’ve developed next-generation streak cameras and x-ray detectors to meet novel, emerging requirements in national laboratories, we’re doing the same with x-ray beam monitors.