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Satellite Emulators
Test satellite modem performance and to ground link. Satellite Simulators
Flight Processor Emulator
Flight Processor Emulators are an essential part of satellite simulators – both for testing of flight software and at the heart of operational simulators. The Terma Emulator is a suite of instruction-level emulators, based in the ESOC Emulator Suite, supporting several processors used in the Space industry: MIL-STD-1750 in both A and B variants. ERC32 in both 3-chips configuration (691-E) and single chip configuration (695-F). LEON 2 (AT-697)...
Software Tester & Test Manager
With their ability to replicate all types of networks (i.e. Wide Area Networks, the Cloud, over Wireless, Radio and Satellite links etc. ) iTrinegy network emulators provide testers with the ability to test application performance in a realistic simulation of the target network environment.