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tympanum, bioacoustic sensed pressure waves.

See Also: Ultrasound, Audio, Infrasound, Reverberation, Acoustic, Sound Calibration

Showing results: 676 - 677 of 677 items found.

  • Audio Test Software

    Soft Hearts LLC

    1. Distortion free stimulus even the equalized stimulus.2. Unlimited channels acquisition and processing. (Hardware limited)3. Human correlated listening test(Bark Scale intensity chart). (Requires large memory)4. Hi Res intensity chart for buzz/pop detection. (Requires large memory)5. Auto equalization method with target dBSPL accuracy.6. TCP client for test framework integration.7. Easy limits and logs development.8. Easy logs visualization module.9. Auto waveform alignment and triggering.(Upto single point alignment accuracy)10. Easy regression testing via TCP client.11. Standard Magnitude, Phase, THD, THD+N, Rubb&Buzz, Pink Noise, Noise Tests.12. Unlimited calibrations and equalization for scaling to different products and stations.13. Lowest test system and test sequence development times.14. Requires minimal training and debugging.15. Automatically avoid Reference speaker play and stop pops.16. WMD/ASIO driver compatible sound cards supported.(B&K 3670 recommended)

  • GeoSwath Module

    Teledyne Marine Gavia ehf.

    ​The GeoSwath Plus Sonar Module contains a wide-swath bathymetric sonar suitable for a range of survey and inspection tasks. The GeoSwath Plus is a 500kHz interferometric sonar, or phase detecting bathymetric sonar (PDBS) from Kongsberg GeoAcoustics. Boat-mounted GeoSwath sonars are used worldwide for high accuracy surveys including port and harbour navigation and environmental mapping: the Gavia’s GeoSwath module makes this capability available in a commercial AUV. The GeoSwath Plus offers: wide swath coverage of up to 12 times the AUV altitude when near the seabed; integrated bathymetry with simultaneous true digital side scan; high depth resolution suitable for IHO survey standards; as well as the accuracy and repeatability of a boat-mount hydrographic survey system. Like most of the survey-grade sensors on the Gavia AUV, the GeoSwath data is time-synchronised with the AUV master clock using the vehicle PPS/ZDA system. Benefits of the GeoSwath AUV module include ease of deployment, ease of use, reducing survey time, and the ability to take a 500kHz high-resolution sonar down to targets in 1000m of water. The GeoSwath Plus post-processing software (provided as standard with the system) allows a user to inspect and process the data, create and inspect digital terrain models, and create basic sonar mosaics. Several other commercial post-processing software packages are also available, please ask for details. Note that for best results the GeoSwath Module should be deployed with a direct-reading sound velocity sensor (option) in the Control Module, and one of the high-accuracy INS/DVL Navigation Modules for motion sensing.

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