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Femtosecond Laser
ALTAIR is a compact fiber laser producing high average power with ultrashort femtosecond pulses (< 160 fs) at high repetition rate (80 MHz standard, others optional) in an ultra compact and robust format.
Femtosecond Laser
Spark Lasers’ ALCOR is specifically designed for two-photon excitation. It offers clean femtosecond pulses with the highest guaranteed peak power on the market, in an unprecedented compact format and with fixed wavelengths at 780, 920, 1040 and 1064 nm.
Femtosecond Laser
DIADEM is a high-energy, versatile femtosecond fiber laser operating at either 1030 or 1064 nm in the most compact and robust air-cooled configuration on the market. DIADEM produces pulses of < 400 fs up to 40 µJ with many pulse control features such as adjustable pulse duration, selectable repetition rate from 40 MHz down to single pulse, or fine pulse energy tuning so that pulses can be emitted in various modes (on demand via external signal, burst of pulses with configurable pulse separation).
*Femtosecond Lasers
Focus the energy on a very short time scale within a single laser pulse.
ORIGAMI femtosecond lasers
Our all-in-one, single-box, microjoule femtosecond lasers. The laser head, controller, and air-cooling system are all integrated into one robust package so small it fits in your hand luggage.
Femtosecond Terahertz Spectrometer
Terahertz spectroscopy and microscopy are becoming a powerful tool in biology, medicine, semiconductor physics and in many applicaitons. Designed for obtaining THz spectra by using of THz pulses generated by femtosecond laser in oriented ZnTe crystal.
Femtosecond Fiber Lasers
Best in class femtosecond fiber lasers: highest output power, lowest phase noise, highest reliability. Choose the perfect model for your application from our Erbium and Ytterbium fiber lasers with center emission wavelengths from the visible to the NIR, and extending to the Mid-IR in selected models.
Femtosecond Fluorescence Up-Conversion Spectrometer
Femtosecond optical gating (FOG) methods give best temporal resolution in light induced fluorescence lifetime measurements. Since 1997 we manufacture model FOG100-DX for operation with femtosecond oscillators and we offer now FOG100-DA for operation with femtosecond amplified pulses.
Femtosecond Ti:sapphire Laser Kits
TISSA Series
TISSA kits contain all components of femtosecond Ti: sapphire oscillator preinstalled and tested on a breadboard and supplied with a cover box.
Femtosecond Fluorescence Upconversion Spectrometer
Beacon up-conversion spectrometer has been specially designed for measuring fluorescence lifetimes in the 400 - 1500 nm spectral range.
Femtosecond Multipass Ti:sapphire Amplifier
MPA 50
MPA 50 is a multipass Ti: sapphire amplifier based on a two-mirror confocal design and containing a pulse stretcher, a pulse compressor, a pulse picker, synchronization electronics, and the Faraday isolator.
Femtosecond Optical Parametric Amplifier
CDP 2017
*> 30% conversion efficiency from pump pulse to parametric radiation*Wavelength conversion for ExciPro, TAPPIR, FOG 100-DA*Wavelength conversion options for wavelength tuning from 240 nm to 16 mm
One-box Femtosecond Ti:sapphire Lasers
The TISSA is a series of mode-locked Ti: sapphire oscillators integrated with a pump laser.
Femtosecond Extended Spectroscopic Systems
Capabilities of HARPIA‑TA spectrometer can be further expanded by HARPIA‑TF and HARPIA‑TB extensions. Fundamentally, the all-integrated HARPIA system can be viewed as a miniaturized lab facilitating all the most popular time-resolved spectroscopy experiments in a single package. The all-inclusive HARPIA system can provide an extensive comprehension of the intricate photophysical and photochemical properties of the investigated samples.
High Power Femtosecond Lasers
The Carmel series offers a very compact design with free-space delivery wavelengths of 780 nm, 1550 nm, and now 1750 nm, pulse widths as short as 90 fs and power levels up to 2.5 W. In contrast, the Cazadero offers high pulse energies (up to 3 µJ) with pulse widths of < 500 fs at 1550 nm and user-selected repetition rates from MHz down to single pulse.
Femtosecond Autocorrelators - Pulse Measurement Systems
The autocorrelation technique is the most common method used to determine laser pulse width characteristics on a femtosecond time scale . Del Mar Photonics autocorrelators have been specifically designed to measure the width of pulses from femtosecond lasers.
Broadband Mid-Infrared Femtosecond Laser Source
FemtoFiber dichro midIR
The new FemtoFiber dichro midIR represents an ideal laser source for mid-infrared spectroscopy and imaging. It provides a tunable broadband output in the wavelength range of 5 to 15 m (20 - 60 THz, 670 - 2000 cm-1). The unique 400 cm-1 broad emission spectra allow to excite a wide range of materials at the same time. The air-cooled system is based on TOPTICAs proprietary fiber laser technologies and includes a difference frequency generation (DFG) unit as well as all necessary electronics into the same box. All functions and features are computer controllable by Ethernet or USB interfaces.
Femtosecond Terawatt Ti:sapphire Laser System
MPA-XL is a cost-effective terawatt Ti: sapphire amplifier system. It gives up to 200 mJ energy of the stretched pulse and further compression with 65% efficiency. A standard air compressor can be placed into a custom designed vacuum chamber.
ExciPro Femtosecond Transient Absorption Pump-Probe Spectrometer
ExciPro is the first on the market femtosecond transient absorption pump-probe spectrometer. Two linear image sensors are placed in the focal in the focal plane of an imaging spectrograph to measure probe and reference spectra originating from femtosecond white light continuum generator.
Femtosecond Pump - Probe Transient Absorption System
The Hatteras is first professional system on the market for ultra fast transient absorption pump - probe spectroscopy. Two linear image sensors (multichannel detection) or two photodiodes (singlechannel detection) are placed behind an imaging spectrometer to measure probe and reference pulses, originating from a femtosecond white light (continuum) generator or from an optical parametric amplifier.
Powerful 1 µm Femtosecond Fiber Laser
FemtoFiber ultra 1050
The FemtoFiber ultra 1050 is part of TOPTICA's third generation of ultrafast fiber lasers. The system delivers laser pulses of 90 - 100 fs in duration at a central wavelength of 1050 nm. Using a power amplifier the system provides more than 5 W average output power. It is a compact femtosecond laser system with turnkey operation and cost-effective design.
TAPPIR Femtosecond Transient Absorption Pump-Probe Infrared Spectrometer
A femtosecond difference frequency generator (DFG) is installed inside the TAPPIR optical unit for the tunable probe of transient absorption within 3 mm - 11 mm. DFG is pumped with signal and idler waves delivered together from an external optical parametric amplifier.
*Femtosecond multi-pulse transient absorption and reflection measurements *Femtosecond fluorescence upconversion *Time-resolved femtosecond stimulated Raman scattering (FSRS) *Hundred picoseconds-to-microsecond time-correlated single-photon counting (TCSPC)
Compact Fiber Seeders
LightWire FFS Series
LightWire FFS series fiber lasers are dedicated for seeding solid state femtosecond Yb:YAG based CPA systems. Ekspla offers FFS lasers either with femtosecond pulse duration directly from fiber, or with chirped pulses.
aeroPULSE Ultrafast Fiber Lasers
aeroPULSE is our ultrafast fiber laser platform. Robust, industrial, and available in both pico- and femtosecond flavors.
Cross-Correlator Pulse Profiling Systems
The third order cross-correlator is ideal for looking at the full range of output from amplified femtosecond laser systems. High temporal resolution over a long (close to 1 ns) window shows pulse features that are usually missed, giving the user a detailed and complete picture of the quality and stability of the output pulse parameters of their femtosecond lasersystem.
Nanosecond Pulsed Lasers
Our nanosecond pulsed lasers feature pulses in the ns range. For picosecond and femtosecond lasers please see Ultrafast Lasers.
*Industrial Ultrafast Lasers
*Designed for heavy duty operation in real industry*Picosecond or femtosecond pulse duration*Tailored for micromachining, microfabrication, photovoltaics, ophthalmology
Lasers for Micromachining
With thousands of femtosecond and picosecond lasers deployed in demanding manufacturing applications, Spectra-Physics delivers highest reliability for dependable multi-year operation to advance micromachining production applications.
(X-ray and XUV) Streak Cameras
We build streak camera systems that can achieve time resolution on the femtosecond time scale while conserving and ultra-fine spatial resolution on a very long slit length.