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Data Loggers, Data Recorders, and Measuring Transducers
Wuntronic Data Loggers, Data Recorders, and Measuring Transducers
Transducers for Temperature
Overview of transducers with Ethernet interface for temperature and humidity.
Wireless Transducers with GSM Modem
Wireless GSM data loggers for temperature, humidity, binary-u. counter input.
Transducer with RS485 Interface
RS485 Temperature, Humidity, Atmospheric Pressure and CO2 Transducers.
Transducers with 4-20 mA Output
Transducers / transmitters for temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure and CO2 with 4-20mA interface.
Altitude Indicator and Pressure Transducer
Bemcos AI100 Altitude Indicator and Pressure Transducer provides a red, 5-digit scaled LED display of chamber or process Altitude, calibrated in feet or meters as well as a linear, scaled output of 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 5 VDC, or 0 to 10 VDC for use with other instruments including process controllers, recorders, and programmable logic controls.
The TC4014-5 broad band spherical hydrophone offers a very wide usable frequency range with excellent omnidirectional characteristics in all planes. The overall receiving characteristics makes the TC4014-5 an ideal transducer for making absolute underwater sound measurements up to 480kHz. The wide frequency range also makes the TC4014-5 perfect for calibration purposes, particularly in higher frequencies.
Acoustic Transducer
The TC 3021 is our entry-level, universal 2MHz transducer and is ideal for high precision sound velocity measurements over short distances.
Multibeam Echosounder - Deep Water
SeaBat 7160
The SeaBat 7160 transducer array is comprised of linear receive and transmit arrays mounted together on a support base. The T-shaped array geometry provides the basis for a compact, high-resolution sonar which is easily installed for portable or hull mounts – a first for a high-resolution system in this frequency range. The system features a pitch-stabilized transmitter and an active roll compensated receiver.
The TC4034 broad band spherical hydrophone provides uniform omni-directional characteristics over a wide frequency range of 1Hz to 480kHz.The overall receiving characteristics makes the TC4034 an ideal transducer for making absolute underwater sound measurements up to 480kHz. The wide frequency range also makes the TC4034 perfect for calibration purposes, particularly in higher frequencies.
Acoustic Transducer
Originally designed for underwater telephone systems, the TC 1037 is a rugged directional transducer ideal for operating at low frequencies.
Acoustic Transducer
The TC 2178 is a hydrodynamic dual-frequency transducer, ideal for navigation and carrying out hydrographic surveys. The hydronamic shape in combination with integrated mounting bracket and rope connection points allows for easy over-the-side use on smaller vessels.
Acoustic Transducer
Ideal for taking long or short baseline measurements, the TC 1026 is a powerful communications transducer for transponder, telephone and acoustic telemetry systems.
Multibeam Echosounder - Shallow Water
SeaBat T20-P
The ultimate combination of portability and performance. With the SeaBat Portable Sonar Processor mobilization time is reduced to help you focus on getting the job done. Fully adaptable to a wide range of applications the T20-P uses compact low-weight transducers in a 1°x1° configuration. The Portable Sonar Processor is water resistant and is capable of time tagging typical support sensors.
Tasman DVL
Teledyne Marine RD Instruments
Teledyne RDI’s new Tasman DVL represents the next generation of DVL technology, taking your navigation to the next level. Teledyne RDI’s long-standing Workhorse Navigator was the first DVL to enter the market, and remains the gold-standard for precision subsea navigation around the globe. However, the new Tasman DVL, with its wide array of advanced features, reduced size, and increased range, is ready to replace this industry icon. Other new features include enhanced broadband signal processing and an innovative, cost-effective field-replaceable phased array transducer design.
NBiOT Technology
We offer fully-integrated solutions to control and automate factory problems from individual sensing devices and transducers to multi-functional measurement and control systems
R&D Solutions
We offer fully-integrated solutions to control and automate factory problems from individual sensing devices and transducers to multi-functional measurement and control systems.
Ultrasonic Transducers
Low frequency transducers for ultrasonic testing of concrete and other course grained materials. Shear Wave transducers (pictured above) are used in combination with compressional wave transducers to calculate Poisson's Ratio. The line of general-purpose compressional wave transducers feature robust PZT elements in stainless steel.
Contactless Torque Transducers
These contactless Torque Transducers are not limited by operational speeds, can fit any shaft and capable of measuring torque from 1nm and up to 500knm, providing highly accurate and reliable torque measurement in many applications.
Pressure Transducers & Transmitters
NOSHOK is an industry leader providing highly reliable and repeatable industrial pressure transducers and transmitters. Multiple measuring ranges, output options, process connections and electrical connections are available. NOSHOK Industrial transducers and transmitters are ideal for applications such as HVAC, hydraulics and pneumatics, injection molding machines, railroad equipment and stamping & forming presses, power generation, and aerospace equipment.
Embedded Rod Style LDT
AMETEK Sensors, Test & Calibration
The 958A Embedded Linear Position Transducer is a Rod Style LDT (Linear Displacement Transducer) that is designed fit entirely inside of hydraulic cylinder. The 958A provides absolute analog feedback in the most demanding applications.
High Performance Pressure Transducers
Repeatably Accurate Pressure Measurement. Our high performance Baratron® capacitance manometers measure gas independent, absolute pressure at high accuracy and with high repeatability. Accuracy is specified as a percentage of the reading for an accurate output signal even at the low end of the scale.
Strain Gauge Sensor
ZET 7010
Digital strain gauge ZET 7010 is designed for measuring relative deformation using primary transducers based on strain sensors. This can be strain-gauge transducers, torque sensors or separate strain-gauge transducers connected via bridge or half-bridge circuit.
Rotary-Torque Transducers
Standard on-board kits include: wireless electronic torque transducer-equipped driveshaft yoke, tail-shaft pickup coil, wireless interface module, DYNOmite handheld data-acquisition computer, AC power supply, data wiring harness, and protective carrying case.
Custom Ultrasonic Transducers
Blatek ultrasonic transducers are designed to meet custom apecifications using our proprietary piezocomposite. We take pride in our ability to design and manufacture ultrasonic probes to the exact design our customers provide. Our staff is experienced in working with customers through the transition from prototype to product. We have produced phased array, linear array, and curved linear array transducers, all with broad bandwidth, high sensitivity, and excellent element to element uniformity.
Test and Measurement Pressure Transducer
The P895 is designed for a wide variety of pressure measurements where high resistance to vibration and superior stability through temperature change is required. The zero and full-scale output calibrations are set by the potentiometer adjustments accessible from the top cover.
AC/ DC mA Current Clamp-on Transducer
This miniature clamp meter features two Hall effect sensors. For use with any multimeter with 200mV or/and 2V ranges for direct readout input impedance of least 1M ohm. High conversion factor for low DC and AC mA measurement. With the small jaw size it can fit into tight space in circuit panel or wire bundle to take the reading.
Digital Power Transducer
LP Series
*High accuracy 0.07% rd + 0.03% ro*Excellent long term stability*Outstanding over capability and temperature performance*Wide selection of input / output ranges*Meets ANSI C37.90 (1989) and BEAMA No. 219 tests*High magnetic field immunity*Real power - able to measure distorted waveform
Run Down Adapters
Screw RDA
The screw run down adapters are designed only for EZ-TorQ analyzer. These devices provide consistent and reliable torque readings for use with power-driven torque control tools. The RDA reduces the impact and irregular peaks that cause poor repeatability. The run down adapter is mounted in-line between the tool drive and transducer.
Linearizing Panel Meter
All capabilities of the Laureate process meter, plus custom curve linearization. Setup is easy using an external PC and linearizing software furnished by Laurel. For example, display liquid volume in irregularly shaped tanks, use with non-linear transducers, or extend the working range of nominally linear transducers.