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Optical Dilatometry Platform
OPP 868
Result of over twenty years of R&D of optical instruments for the study of the thermo-mechanical behavior of materials, ODP 868 makes possible the analysis of samples beyond the limits of classical heating microscopy. Its versatility makes of ODP 868 the most innovative tool for production and R&D laboratories for the optimization of all the industrial processes that involve thermal cycles.
Optical Fiber Ranger
Shanghai Tarluz Telecom Tech Co., LTD
OFR300 Optical Fiber Ranger is the most portable test instrument in the industry. It adopts the OTDR technical principles and integrates the powerful analysis software, which enables the OFR300 fiber ranger detect fiber faults location more accurate and easy.
Optical Fiber Ranger
Optical Fiber Ranger TM190 is portable fiber fault locator, it is quickly to detect fault location and type of optical fiber using OTDR element and stronger soft ware analysis tool.
Optical Forming Analysis
The forming analysis system ARGUS supports the optimization of the sheet metal forming process taking into account the correct material selection and the optimization of tools. This a decisive factor for competitiveness, particularly in the automotive industry. ARGUS provides full-field results with high local resolution for small as well as for large components. Therefore, it is ideal for numerous sheet metal forming tasks like: detection of critical deformation areas, solving complex forming problems, optimization of forming processes, verification of tools as well as verification and optimization of numerical simulations.
Order Tracking Analysis
Order Tracking is a general term describing a collection of measurement functions used for analyzing the dynamic behavior of rotating or reciprocating machinery for which the rotational speed can change over time. Unlike the power spectrum and other frequency-domain analysis functions where the independent variable is frequency, Order Tracking functions present the data against multiples (Orders) of the variable shaft running speed.
Organic Elemental Analysis
Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH
Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur are the basic elements of living nature. Their quantitative determination in the most versatile combinations of substances, the elemental analysis, is the origin and essence of the Elementar product portfolio.
Our oscilloscopes offer a powerful combination of large and informative displays combined with advanced waveshape analysis capabilities - typically tailored to enhance the productivity of engineers in specific applications areas such as serial data test, disk drive test and automotive bus analysis.
8 out of 10 engineers around the world trust Tektronix to help them debug and test tomorrow's designs faster. With the broadest portfolio of digital oscilloscopes available, the richest set of product features, the most extensive analysis capability and our award-winning service and support, Tektronix has the right oscilloscope to meet your needs. Learn more about the different types of oscilloscopes available.
OTDR w/ Automatic Measurement Mode
Techwin(China) Industry Co., Ltd
Features:Automatic Measurement Mode: Only by selecting the measurement wavelength, the measurement parameters are automatically set, and the trace data is automatically saved and automatically analyzed. Multi-wavelength Measurement Mode: In the parameter setting, the wavelength can be automatically switched into the multi-wavelength measurement mode. Under this mode, the analysis can be achieved on the attenuation state of the same fiber section under different wavelengths.
Oxygen Analyser
Walsn occupies a leading position in the field of combustion efficiency monitoring and oxygen analysis technology. Our in-line zirconium oxide oxygen analyzers have long been established as industry standards.
Oxygen Analyzer
Rapidox 1100Z
Zirconia oxygen sensors are common solutions for providing fast and accurate gas analysis over the low ppm oxygen range. They are particularly suitable for monitoring inert atmospheres and aggressive industrial applications within manufacturing processes.
Oxygen Analyzer
Rapidox 2100
The Rapidox 2100 is a high-performance oxygen (O2) analyser fitted with a rugged long-life zirconia sensor on a remote cable, together with a type K thermocouple sensor; allowing direct in-process measurement of oxygen and temperature in the sample gas. The sensors provide fast and accurate analysis over the low ppm oxygen range in harsh environments up to 650°C.
Oxygen Analyzers
Alpha Omega Instruments provides a wide range of percent and trace oxygen analyzer solutions for industrial, commercial, government, and education uses. Our products provide accurate and reliable O2 analysis to ensure worker safety, as well as meet precise manufacturing requirements and other processes.
Packet Analysis Probe for PCI Express
When purchased with a logic analyzer, the application software you order is installed on the instrument hard drive. If you need to add application support after your initial logic analyzer purchase or are controlling a logic analyzer from a host PC, you must install the appropriate software before you can make measurements.
Paperless Recorders
ABB’s ScreenMaster paperless recorders provide a reliable,cost-effective and secure solution for paperless data recording and analysis
Partial Discharge Detector
The PXDP-II partial discharge meter is a portable device that performs detection and measurement of partial discharges in electrical devices or components. It records partial discharge measurements for analysis and diagnosis through the optional PC software. The PXDP-II can be used in various applications and complies with IEC 60270.
Particle Analysis for Liquids
With our partner Pamas we have developed the microscopic image analysis system PAMAS FastPatch 2 GO for automatic membrane filter analysis.
PC Analyzer / Debugger
RapidDriver Explorer
RapidDriver Explorer is an intelligent tool for PC hardware analysis and debugging. RapidDriver Explorer allows you to start working with your hardware device with just a few clicks of the mouse. Simply install your new hardware, create a new RapidDriver project, and then select your device from the list of PnP devices auto-detected by RapidDriver.
PCAP Analyzer
PCAP Inspector allows for quick and seamless segmented steps to prepare a focused and comprehensive analysis within Wireshark. During your visual and statistical analysis, select, and export the desired segments of your PCAP data, immediately importing your data into Wireshark.
PC Based Power Monitor
1P-LINK compact interface box is the choice for users who want to do all power meters control as well as the analysis from their computer. With its impressive features for statistics calculation and display options, the 11P-LINK is also an answer to scientific or OEM users who need a low-cost computer based power monitor
PCB repair / rework station
Much more than a production line test tool, XJInvestigator is a repair focused, integrated test and debug environment for fault analysis, helping you efficiently recover your failing boards.
PCB Simulation Solutions for High-Performance Designs
HyperLynx® offers a complete suite of analysis and verification software that meets the needs of PCB engineers at any point in the board design flow. Easy to use and integrate into your flow, HyperLynx equips PCB engineers to efficiently analyze, solve and verify critical requirements to avoid costly re-spins. Achieve greater innovation, faster time-to-market and decreased costs with HyperLynx.
PCB Thermal Analyzer Software
Powerful and highly affordable CoolitPCB enables PCB designers to do their own board level thermal analyses. Electrical engineers now can predict the thermal behavior of their designs and pinpoint optimum component placement on their boards. There is no need for CFD expertise; CoolitPCB's intelligent user interface steers the user through the solution process. But users shouldn't be fooled by this simplicity. Under the hood is the Coolit's robust, proven and advanced computational engine, that has been successfully used in thousands of design projects.
PC Edition Ynit
"RH-2000" is a digital microscope which can evolve and customize. 2D Measurement, 3D Measurement, and Tilting. "RH-2000" enables you to make a high performance observation and analysis.
PCIe 3.0 Protocol Analyzer
Summit T34
The Teledyne LeCroy Summit T34 PCI Express protocol analyzer is designed for PCIe storage, add-in card and embedded application developers. It supports x1 to x4 lane widths with the capability of expanding to x8 with two boxes connected together, and deep buffer memory that is expandable from 4GB to 64GB ideal for storage analysis, the Summit T34 provides unmatched capability and flexibility for developers and users of advanced PCI Express products. Teledyne LeCroy has been the leader in NVM Express and SATA Express protocol analysis since 2010. This storage analyzer incorporates all of these powerful legacy features and adds the latest in storage queuing performance analysis.
PCIe Oscilloscope Software Triggering and Decoding
The R&S®RTO2000,; R&S®RTO6 and R&S®RTP; oscilloscopes support triggering and decoding of PCI Express Gen 1.1 and 2.0 signals. In addition, the R&S®RTP supports Gen 3.0 signals. Users can set up decoding in seconds via the intuitive menu dialogs. For detailed analysis, results can be viewed as color-coded telegrams and/or in a table. Errors and other protocol-specific fields, such as TLP and OS are identified efficiently using the oscilloscopes' protocol trigger.
PCI Express Cameras with high speed and resolution
4K, compact, high speed camera for: Flat panel inspection (FPD), printed circuit board (PCB) examination, solar panel analysis, persistent stadium and border security, wide area surveillance, cinematography, sports and entertainment, 360 panorama, UAV and Autonomous, Unmanned vehicles, aerial or city mapping.
PCI Intelligent Interface Card
The IIB-1553-PCI is an intelligent interface card giving full MIL-STD-1553 test, simulation and bus analysis capability on the PCI bus, providing 1553A, 1553B, McAir and STANAG 3838 variants in a single card.