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Read-Write Analyzers
Guzik Read/Write Analyzers (RWA) work in conjunction with Spinstands to write data to the disk media and read back the signal for detailed analysis. We have two RWA-4000 series available for For Two Dimensional Magnetic Recording (TDMR) and non-TDMR technologies. The RWA 4000 series offer upto 8Gbit/sec maximum write data rate and 3.5 GHz analog bandwidth for all parametric measurements. Each RWA features a pattern generator with 1psec resolution of bit pre-compensation and supports PRML chip integration. Servo writing and processing is provided for Guzik Spinstand models. Select the pre-amplifier (UP14) as well as a variety of enhancements including programmable filters and PRML chip adapters.
Real-Time Broadcast Analysis
Mediaproxy provides a comprehensive suite of software-based analysis applications to help you attend to on-air issues quickly and resolve them efficiently. Employing the latest user interface technologies, complex analysis tasks are made easy and seamless, including your mobile devices.
Real-Time Broadcast Analyzer
Broadcast Analyzer provides a comprehensive feature set for real-time analysis and monitoring of Digital TV and Mobile DTV broadcasts on all technical layers.
Real-Time Trace Gas Analysis
The world's bestselling, highest resolution, most sensitive PTR-TOFMS series. True to our mission to provide our customers with groundbreaking cutting-edge technology.
Real-Time X-Ray Imaging and Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscope
Trialon has the equipment and experienced staff to operate this highly technical piece of laboratory equipment. Our state-of-the-art materials analysis lab located in Auburn Hills, MI is managed by a Ph.D with over 20 years of hands-on experience in root cause failure analysis of design, material and process for current and future products.
Recording and Analysis Software
DataVu-PC analysis software is specifically designed for record and playback applications and makes short work of searching through large datasets for any signal of interest. You can use triggers to start recording, minimize storage requirements using windowing, and automate your signal search with tools like frequency mask, pulse descriptor words and smart markets.
Techno Instrumentation (India) Private Limited
Pulse Echo, Impulse current and Decay methodprovided to get the distance to almost all typesof faults.Laptop based 15 inch display with user friendlyinterface for easy operation.Online support of experts to review fault graphs.Comparison feature of any 5 graphs for reviewand analysis to get more accurate results.Velocity of propogation(VOP) control makes iteasy to precisely pre-locate faults in cables withdifferent velocity.Automatic storage of more than 10,000 faultgraphs.
Historical Events View
This program is included into basic ZETLAB software set and enables representation and analysis of historical events registered by means of ZETLAB sotware for a long-term time span.
Signal Reproduction Software
Signal Reproduction is used for reproducing signals recorded by Signal Recording. When reproduction is on, the reproduced signals become available for analysis and measurement in all ZETLAB programs.
Trend Viewer
A trend is a diagram facilitating analysis of long records of measured sensor values (for hours, days, months, years). Based on the sampling frequency, an n number of counts per second are performed, and their yearly number equals to 31,556,926*n. If the user needs to evaluate short-term moments of the source signal, then there is no difficulty. It is much more difficult, when it is necessary to evaluate the parameters for the entire year or several years, and no monitor and no person would handle it. And this is the case when trend building could help.
Registrar Of Parameters
To develop a portable complex (hereinafter referred to as the Registrar) for registration, calculation and analysis of vibration and other parameters of mills while monitoring their technical condition. The registrar must ensure the collection of data coming from the accelerometers, calculate and analyze the values of the required technical parameters of the mills and generate reports on the results of the data.
Remoteable ISR Collection Software Suite
remoteable ISR collection software suite that can act alone or as a network of receivers to perform rapid signal analysis for ID, tip and cue, c-uas, and interoperability for geolocation. It can be integrated with different, multiple simultaneous receivers on stationary or mobile collection platforms, and provides real-time analysis of COMINT, FISINT, and ELINT signals.
Remote Condition Monitoring Software
The specially designed EDM-RCM software simultaneously connects multiple such Spider systems in addition to providing updated results of essential data for all Spider front-ends located throughout the world. The software provides a live view of data from any Spider system as needed and downloads recordings from any or all Spider front-ends for further analysis and inferences.
Reservoir Analysis
Reservoir Analysis Instruments determine the flow-related properties of the reservoir fluids and formation so that producers can optimize their production and recovery techniques.
RF And Microwave Signal Generation And Analysis
The need for microwave test and measurement technology is even more urgent than the need for microwave equipment itself. Therefore, Shengbo Technology is relying on its own research and development capabilities to strive to become one of the comprehensive microwave test and measurement equipment suppliers. We provide a wide range of RF microwave test products, including a good-quality full-band broadband up-down converter . You can provide 2GHz real-time bandwidth signal up-down conversion function in the frequency range of 0.1 ~ 40 + GHz. With our channel simulator , we Became the first company in the world to provide channel analog solutions in such a wide range of broadband signals. At the same time, we are also an innovativesupplier of noise sources and multi-channel microwave signal sources in the industry.
RF Diagnostic Chamber
The R&S®DST200 RF diagnostic chamber is the ideal environment for RF analysis during development. It supports a wide range of radiated test applications for wireless devices and fits on any R&D lab bench, where it can be used at all times during the product design and optimization phase. The R&S®DST200 effectively assists in achieving high first-time pass rates during final type approval, which saves time and money.
RF Measurement
SAMbuddy-RF provides comprehensive analysis features for real-time RF measurement of DVB broadcastsThe comprehensive SNMP based monitoring capabilities of SAMbuddy-RF allow to establish powerful RF monitoring solutions
RF spectrum analysers
Electronics laboratories instruments, technical schools and spectrum analysis in field for Wi-Fi, GSM, PLC and high frequency.
Room Acoustics Analysis on iOS
RoomScope turns your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch into a room acoustics measurement and analysis tool. With RoomScope, you can measure a room impulse response and then calculate reverberation time, early decay time, clarity, and definition, as defined in the ISO 3382 standard. RoomScope also allows you to adjust the Schroeder decay curve integration limits with the touch of your finger and plot the calculated room parameters versus whole or 1/3-octave band center frequency.
Rotating Machinery
Synchronize rotating machinery data with a corresponding RPM signal to understand the RPM-dependant vibrational behavior of your measurement object. The package includes Order Analysis for performance optimization of your rotating machinery. Create your structure's geometry with just a few clicks to animate the structure's vibration behaviour. This offers the very unique possibility of an Order Operating Deflection Shape (ODS) analysis.
Rotating Machinery Analysis
The Rotate software package is part of the m+p Analyzer Software for noise & vibration measurements and analysis. It provides a wide range of data acquisition and analysis tools for capturing and understanding noise and vibration induced in rotating and reciprocating machines by their motion. Fixed and variable speed machines are accommodated as are both structural vibration and condition monitoring diagnostics. Multiple tacho inputs can be processed for accurate speed tracking during analysis. Spectral mapping, order tracking, time history and orbit data analysis are all available.
Rotman Lens Designer
Rotman Lens Designer (RLD) is a software tool for the design, synthesis, and analysis of Rotman Lenses and their variants. It is based on Geometrical Optics combined with the classical Rotman Lens design equations. It is intended for rapid development and analysis of Rotman Lenses given several physical and electrical input parameters. RLD generates the proper lens contours, transmission line geometry, absorptive port (dummy port) geometry, provides an approximate analysis of performance, and generates geometry files for import into Remcom's XFdtd® for further analysis and fabrication.
RTL Lint Analyzer and Rule Checker
Ascent Lint
Ascent Lint is a state-of-the-art RTL linter and rule checker for full-chip SoC analysis. Designed from the bottom-up to deliver the highest performance, capacity and low-noise reporting, it is the best-in-class HDL linter available today with a comprehensive set of syntax and semantic checks.
Rugged MIL-STD-1553 Ethernet Data Logging & Acquisition Module
Avionics Interface Technologies
(2) Redundant MIL-STD-1553 bus interfaces (Transformer and Direct coupled) - (2) 10/100/1000-BASE-T Ethernet LAN Interfaces with POE - (2)PCM Output (up to 20Mbps) - (1) RS-232 Serial Interface - Streams select MIL-STD-1553 bus data & parameters over Ethernet - Supports Data Logging, Data Analysis, and Flight Test Data Recording applications - Timestamp synchronization to IEEE 1588 and IRIG-B - Full MIL-STD-1553 Bus Error Detection - MIL-STD-810G Compliant - Small, compact package 6in X 1.9in X 1.5in
Saluki CSA-M Series Signal Analyzer (Benchtop)
Saluki CSA-M series benchtop signal analyzer reaches the frequency from 100 kHz to up to 26.5 GHz with a maximum of 40 MHz analysis bandwidth. It can test signal power, frequency, phase, P-1, TOI, OBW, channel power, spurious, ACPR, CCDF, SEM, EVM, and other indicators.
Sample Conditioner
Bacharach’s active sample conditioner is used to enhance the performance of the PCA® 400 combustion and emissions analyzer in heavy industrial and commercial settings. The PCA® 400 provides accurate readings for CO, O2 and NO with a standard probe. Bacharach also offers optional Viton™ tubing with the sample conditioner to eliminate sample dropout, ensuring accurate results in applications where NO2 and SO2 measurements are necessary. The sample conditioner removes water vapor from the stack gas sample, preventing the formation of water droplets inside the analyzer’s probe hose. Water in the sample hose could absorb a portion of the gas sample and result in lower than actual readings of NO2 and SO2. The water extracted from the gas sample is pulled out of the thermoelectric (Peltier) cooler and into a water catch pot. The dry, conditioned flue-gas sample is then passed through to the PCA® 400 for analysis, ensuring a clean, dry, accurate air sample. This also prevents water passing into the instrument and possibly damaging the sensors or other components.
Sample Preparation
At FRITSCH you will find for each individual type of sample preparation, sample quantity and material the suitable instrument. Like our high-performance mills which work with various comminution methods. Or our optimal solutions for efficient sieve analysis and exact reproducible results. And of course laboratory instruments for intelligent sample division, feeding and cleaning.
SampleStation And AuraSolution: Automated Analysis Software For MALDI-8020
SampleStation and AuraSolution
The SampleStation and AuraSolution software link to the MALDI Solutions MALDI-8020 control and analysis software to analyze samples automatically based on a worklist.
Sampling Boards
MSXB 028
Simultaneous Sampling Boards are used in multichannel spectral analysis and other applications that require simultaneous acquisition of several channels. The MSXB 028 usually is used for applications that require interchannel phase measurements such as applications that perform transfer function computations. This board eliminates phase error introduced by sequential sampling.
Samrt Handy OTDR
TM290T Smart handy OTDR is portable fiber fault locator, it is quickly to detect fault location and type of optical fiber using OTDR element and stronger software analysis tool.