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Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH
The most advanced software ever created for the stable isotope community, the IonOS® has been designed uniquely for stable isotope analysis and aims to save analysts time and money while at the same time facilitating consistent data generation. It provides exceptional automation and sophistication for GC and EA data processing. ArDB analytics software extends the envelope of data analysis beyond simply data processing. Perhaps more so than any other analytical technique, stable isotope ratio mass spectrometry is about comparison. Comparisons of one stable isotope to another; comparisons of a sample to a standard, and comparison of unknown samples to known samples within a database. With ArDB, we provide powerful new stable isotope data analytics tools.
Interface Trap Density Analysis Option
Materials Development Corporation
MDC offers interface trap density analysis using both the Conductance-Frequency and Quasi-statictechniques. The Conductance-Frequency method is recommended for fine-tuning of processes where the highest resolution is needed. The Quasi-static technique is recommended where moderate to high levels of interface traps are monitored, such as in radiation damage studies. Requires quasi-static option or variable frequency option.
Software Composition Analysis
*Test Immediately in Your Development EnvironmentLaunch scans right from the command line for fast feedback in the pipeline and IDE. See and fix code errors earlier in the Software Development Life Cycle.*Reduce Fix Time From Hours to MinutesAuto-remediation capabilities prescribe intelligent fixes, generate auto-pull requests, and minimize disruption for higher accuracy and faster fix rates. *Automate Open-Source Policy and GovernanceEasily manage your open-source usage with continuous monitoring, extensive analytics, and flexible policies.
Software Development Kit
Open architecture software with interface source code and analysis tools for integrating GPS, inertial, and other aiding sensors on a VxWorks, Linux, or Windows computer.
Software for Configuration, Logging and Analysis
ZES ZIMMER Electronic Systems GmbH
Real-time display of configuration and measuring valuesTransfer of up to 3000 measuring values per secondTimestamps with a resolution of 1 millisecondVersatile analysis of sampling valuesExport of measuring values to other applications
Software For Data Analysis
Data source managementVisualization of measurement data at your fingertipsFull range of analysis functionsReport generation with direct PDF outputQuickly analyze large data sets with 64 bitMulti-layer macro creationProject managementLink data with dynamic maps or video
Software For Spectrofluorophotometer
LabSolutions RF
LabSolutions RF software was developed to be easy for anyone to understand and operate.From measurement to analysis, printing, and saving processes, windows are laid out in an easy-to-understand manner, which ensures that measurements can be performed easily. All measurement programs feature the same main toolbar, menu, measurement toolbar, tree view, and log window conguration, so that each program can be operated in the same manner. This means the same operations can be used to operate all the specialized fluorescence analysis programs.
Software for the ELITEpro and DATApro Instruments
ELOG is the software package that is used for interfacing with the ELITEpro and DATApro instruments. Everything from Setup, Real-time Data Display, Data Analysis, Harmonic / Waveform Capture Analysis, and Automatic Data Collection is built into this Microsoft Windows based software.
Software Tools for Efficient Code Development and Analysis
Verissimo SystemVerilog Testbench Linter
SystemVerilog is a rich object-oriented programming language that provides powerful constructs and a high level of programming flexibility. Such capabilities meet the needs of today's complex design and verification requirements, but at the same time introduce new challenges in code development. For example, the possibility of implementing the same functionality in multiple ways may impact the simulation performance or lead to unexpected behavior.
Software Tools for Efficient Code Development and Analysis
Specador Documentation Generator
Specador is a tool that automatically generates accurate HTML documentation from comments inserted in the source code. It works in batch mode (command line) and uses dedicated language parsers.
Soil Analysis
We offer a full spectrum of analytical technologies, and sample clean up and moisture extraction reagents, designed to provide reliable, accurate, and precise results that make compliance easier and help you reduce regulatory risks. Organic Elemental Analysis, Trace Elemental Analysis, X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Spectrometry, Automated Discrete Photometry, Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS), Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE).
Soil Laboratory Measurements
Conventional particle-size analysis operation takes a lot of time and energy. And because the procedure is manual, it’s prone to errors—which can easily lead to wasted time and effort.
Soil Moisture & Temperature Sensor
The PlantCare Mini-Logger is a maintenance-free sensor which records soil moisture and soil temperature. A USB stick is used to easily program the mini-logger and readout the data. The PlantCare DataViewer Software allows a quick and easy display and analysis of the measured data. Fields of application are scientific research, agriculture and garden and landscaping construction.
Solar Simulator Continuous Light
This type of solar simulator uses Xenon high pressure arc lamps as light source. These lamps have a colour temperature near 5800 K, so it is feasible to filter the light output to an excellent AM 1.5 spectrum. If a tuneability of the spectrum is required, these lamps can be combined with tungsten lamps to achieve multi-source solar simulators. These can be used to measure tandem/triple/multijunction solar cells. They also allow detailed analysis of all types of solar cells using a spectral metric (see : Publication List).
Solar Wafer Geometry and Surface Inspector
The Chroma 7201 was designed to measure wafer lengths, widths, diagonal, orthogonal and chamfer size and angle, it is also capable to detect surface stains. User friendly software and GUI enable versatile parameter setting and result, it also provides a defect display and storage function for further analysis or potential MES/CIM integration.
Solder Paste Analysis
The SPA 1000 also introduces new process control capability by accurately measuring the suitability of the solder paste prior to its implementation on the production line. It achieves this by determining the "Open-Time" for the paste. It also performs the Slump Test and both of these methods provide a "Go/No Go" answer in less than 30 minutes to ensure minimum delay for the production line.
Sound Analysis Software NoiseImage
Our sound analysis software NoiseImage is a general-purpose platform software providing all tools required for the whole measurement and analysis process. You can use the core package on its own or expand its functionality with any combination of add-on modules for different acoustic measurement types or analysis methods. The add-on modules connect seamlessly via one integrated software environment. You can combine as many expansion modules as you need.
Sound Analysis-Synthesis
The analysis of sounds includes methods enabling the permanent extraction or automatic structuring of diverse sorts of information given off by the signal, such as the fundamental frequency or the spectral evolution determining the pitch and timbre of a perceived sound. Information outside what is strictly musical is also taken into consideration, notably concerning industrial acoustics, sound design and multimedia as well as the automatic indexing of recorded sounds. The methods used are based on signal processing, statistical analysis, information theory, machine learning and recognition techniques, but also on knowledge of auditory perception.
Sound and Vibration Analysis
Compact Analysis
Compact Analysis is an ArtemiS SUITE module which is focused on the basic functions and the ideal tool for tasks that only require a few clicks.
Sound Level Meter
Hangzhou Aihua Instruments Co., Ltd.
* A handhold noise measuring instrument*. Multifunction and user- friendly sound level meter(sound level meter, integrating SLM, 1/1 OCT, 1/3 OCT analyzer, FFT analyzer, Noise dosimeter)* 240×320 color screen* Measurement range up to 133dB* Synchronously do integrating measure, statistical, real-time 1/1 OCT, 1/3 OCT, FFT analysis and noise dosimeter measure* Comply with IEC 61672 Class 2 and IEC61260 Class 2 and IEC 61252
Sound Level Meters
TES Electrical Electronic Corp.
Super high contrast backlight TFTCompliant with 1 class 2 standardReal-time 1/1- Octave and 1/3 Octave analysis. Measurement can be started by internal or external
Sound Level Meters & Noise Meter
Cirrus offers a range of Class 1 and Class 2 hand-held sound level meters and accessories to cover all noise measurement applications from simple noise tests to detailed noise analysis. Our range of Sound Level Meters and Noise Meters spans simple instruments that provide the measurement of Sound Level, Integrating-Averaging instruments that provide Leq and occupational noise functions as well as precision data logging sound level meters with 1:1 & 1:3 real time octave band filters and in-measurement audio recording.
Sound & Vibration Analyzer
Svan 958A
Acu-Vib Electronics Acoustic & Vibration
The SVAN 958A is an unique four-channel instrument offering 20kHz-band sound & vibration analysis. It is a perfect choice for allapplications that require simultaneous class 1 noise measurements & tri-axial vibration assessment. Each of four input channels
Source And Measure WiFi And Bluetooth Signals
The LitePoint IQview® simplifies WiFi and Bluetooth® device development with powerful tools to both source and measure WiFi and Bluetooth signals and analysis capabilities providing insight into device behavior. The IQview offers seamless compatibility with the IQflex® manufacturing solution enabling test software developed on the IQview to run on the IQflex platform widely deployed in manufacturing environments.
Source to Object Code Analyser
Verified Systems International GMBH
RTT-STO is a software analysis tool-suite that automatically performs static program analyses of C code and assembly required to receive certification credit for source-to-object code validation in the context of safety-critical avionics software.
SparkFun MicroMod Machine Learning Carrier Board
The MicroMod Machine Learning Carrier Board combines some of the features of our SparkFun Edge Board and SparkFun Artemis boards, but allows you the freedom to explore with any processor in the MicroMod lineup without the need for a central computer or web connection. Voice recognition, always-on voice commands, gesture, or image recognition are possible with TensorFlow applications. The cloud is impressively powerful but all-the-time connection requires power and connectivity that may not be available. Edge computing handles discrete tasks such as determining if someone said "yes" and responds accordingly. The audio analysis is done on the MicroMod combination rather than on the web. This dramatically reduces costs and complexity while limiting potential data privacy leaks.
Spectral Analysis
Quality Engineering Associates Inc.
QEA’s PSpec series of products is a new generation of hand-held, wireless, high-performance digital spectrometers that make spectral analysis easier and more convenient than ever before. With our PSpec devices the lab goes with you, enabling collection on the fly of objective, unambiguous data, whenever and wherever it’s needed. Built-in wireless connectivity via Bluetooth enables two-way communication with your smart, tablet or PC. PSpec devices include PC-based Excel application software for data logging, analysis and reporting. With PSpec you’ll enjoy a whole new world of state-of-the-art, mobile analysis tools at an affordable price. The PSpec series offers the perfect tool, whatever your application.
Spectral Domain Signal Analyzer
Baudline is a time-frequency browser designed for scientific visualization of the spectral domain. Signal analysis is performed by Fourier, correlation, and raster transforms that create colorful spectrograms with vibrant detail. Conduct test and measurement experiments with the built in function generator, or play back audio files with a multitude of effects and filters. The baudline signal analyzer combines fast digital signal processing, versatile high speed displays, and continuous capture tools for hunting down and studying elusive signal characteristics.
SpectraStar XT NIR Analyzer Series
Fast and High-Performance NIR Analyzers for Laboratory and At-Line Analysis. Typical constituents measured are moisture, protein, fat, sugar and fibers, as well as more difficult parameters such as ash and amino acids.
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH
The new SPECTROCUBE ED-XRF analyzer delivers easy, reliable, accurate, high-throughput analysis for a variety of applications, e.g. analysis of precious metals, compliance screening or analysis of fuels and lube oils.