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Dynamometer Control, Data-Acquisition, and Analysis Software
Only DYNO-MAX puts this advanced, full-function engine dynamometer lab console onto your Windows-equipped PC or laptop. It features on-screen analog and digital gauges, real-time graphical displays, and supports complete engine and cell-control options
Dynatrace Application Monitoring
Start Dynatracing your applications in minutes with easy deployment and zero-configuration.Auto-discover and map all applications and transaction-flows in your distributed environment.Leverage self-learning baselines with alerts, out-of-the-box dashboards and auto-correlated system monitoring.Find problems before your users notice them with smart, early production error detection.Configure, manage and update easily with a centralized configuration consoleeven for thousands systems.Enable easy access for everyone who needs it. Provide one system valuable to all stakeholders by de-coupling system access and performance analysis.
E84 Recorder
GCI's industry leading E84 Recorder is used by FABs and OEMs worldwide to locate and resolve E84 handshake issues due to signal drops and external interference. It non-intrusively captures the states of all E84 signals during live material handoffs and records them to the connected PC's hard drive. Short- and long-term recording modes are available using E84 Analysis, GCI's industry leading diagnostic software.
Easycheck Fiber Endface Inspector
The integrated style design makes the size compact and operation easy. You are no longer to worry about so many cables between monitor and microscope, greatly saving the time for operation and worktable space, thus creating more productivity. Easycheck have a series different model according to different application, it has photo capture function; for transceiver checking; X、Y adjustable; image auto analysis and judgement, etc. The user can choose the desired model per the requirement.
Set of optimized fundamental image processing and analysis functionsConvolution and morphologyGeometric transformationsHistogram computation and analysisNoise estimation and reductionHDR (High Dynamic Range) image fusion
Easy-to-operate Interface
ANALYSIS 3N provides an overall view of the whole monitoring points in the network.Each form on the interface symbolizes a DSR data logger. Numbers and names are shown at the topmost of each form, while real-time collected data in the middle, and communication, battery, working and storage status at the bottom. The background of an out-of-limit data turns to be red and keeps flashing.
Easy-to-operate Interface
ANALYSIS 3P (Professional Version) interface consists of main menu, toolbar, property bar, submenu, main display area, numerical table and status bar, which is easy-to-operate.
Easy-to-operate Interface
ANALYSIS 3 provides real-time data collection, makes corresponding graph and datalist updating. Over more, this software keeps PC hard drives as mass memory for storing real time collected data.
EDM Post Analyzer Software
The Post Analyzer application is used for the post processing of previously recorded time stream data. Post processing includes data conditioning, Fourier transform operations, and specialized analyses such as order tracking and octave analysis.
EIS Interface (Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy)
The BATT470m electrochemical impedance analysis interface (EIS) provides an easy to use battery/cell impedance test platform for the electrochemical industry. Utilizing the highly accurate PSM3750 frequency response analyzer from N4L, the BATT470 provides impedance measurement of batteries/cells up to 100V DC. With a frequency range of 100mHz to 1MHz, the BATT470m covers a wide range of applications. Our software package - PSMComm2, featuring “EIS” mode, displays the in-phase and quadrature impedance of the cell in Nyquist form as well as overall impedance (Z), in bode form.
Electrical DFM analysis and optimization
LDE Electrical Analyzer
The Cadence LDE Electrical Analyzer helps designers identify, analyze, and minimize the effect of parametric issues associated with manufacturing variability to improve design performance.
Electrical Grounding Analysis
SKM GroundMat is a program for substation ground grid design and analysis. It is designed to help optimize grid design or reinforce existing grids of any shape. It uses a general-purpose finite element algorithm for potential analysis and graphical facilities to validate ground system efficiency
Electrical measurements
Instruments for measurement and analysis in accordance with the regulations of single / triphasic low voltage networks and data networks via cable or fibre.
Electrical Property Measurement
Materials Analysis Technology Inc.
This technology is used to identify the electrical characteristics, such as resistance, capacitance and inductance, of semiconductor devices. Characteristics measured from fail and normal chips could provide important clues for further failure analysis.
Electrical SCADA Monitoring
Model-driven SCADA & Monitoring provides an intuitive real-time visualization and analyses platform via intelligent graphical user interface, one-line diagram, geospatial view, and digital dashboards.
Electric Shock Protection Analysis
60364-4-41 StandardBS 7671 StandardEN 50122 StandardTN-C, TN-S, TN-C-S, TT & IT Earthing TypesElectric shock requirementsLoop impedance and current calculationTouch voltage calculation and evaluationCalculation considers resistance to ground / earthGround Fault Current Interrupter (GFCI) or Residual Current Circuit Breaker (RCCB) or Residual Current Detector (RCD) protectionReports in Crystal Reports and MS Excel
Electrochemical Detector
The Model 800C series is designed for electrochemical detection. This instrument can be used for monitoring the current passing through a flow cell in liquid chromatography/electrochemistry and in-flow injection analysis, as well as other electroanalytical applications.
Electromagnetic Simulation Software
Wave3D CMD
Wave3D CMD 'command-line' controlled suite of tools is designed for large-scale parametric modeling of electromagnetic phenomena using High-Performance Computing (HPC) facilities and Cloud computers. The package utilizes the same computational engine based on MLFMA aided Moment Method solution of the Surface-Volume Integral Equation as the Wave3D CAD package. Method of Moment analysis with multilayered media Green's function enables efficient analysis of wide range of 3D planar applications such microstip antennas, microwave circuits, and interconnects.
Electron Probe Microanalyzer
Both hardware and software incorporate the latest technologies to create the next generation of EPMA. New functions that offer simple and easy-to-understand operation have been added to the superb basic EPMA performance that Shimadzu has fostered over many years – high sensitivity, high accuracy, and high resolution – to allow the EPMA's capabilities to be exploited to the fullest. While easy enough for even novices to use, it also supports sophisticated analysis by experienced users.
Elemental Analysis
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH
The oil industry uses elemental analysis not only to monitor the production of their fuels, oils and additives themselves, but also to study the effectiveness of their products by analyzing wear metal content and additive consumption in used oils.
Elemental Analyzers for IRMS
EA Inlets
Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH
The combination of elemental analysis (EA) with isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) has allowed the explosion of stable isotope analysis across a broad range of application areas. This diversity in application areas means that our customers often have different demands of their EA-IRMS solutions and so we offer a range of elemental analysers for coupling to IRMS products.
EMI Check & Resonance Analysis Software
EMI Stream
At the placement design stage, EMI Stream software examines optimal locations for parts by using actual .dsn files and verifies the effects of the proposed EMI solution. EMI Stream can analyze resonance which occurs between the power and ground planes by analyzing the resonance which occurs and changing the locations of capacitors.
EMI/EMC for Electrically-Large Platforms
XGtd is a general purpose ray-based electromagnetic analysis tool for assessing the effects of a vehicle or vessel on antenna radiation, predicting coupling between antennas, and predicting radar cross section (RCS). It is ideally suited for applications with higher frequencies or very large platforms where the requirements of a full physics method may exceed available computational resources.
EMI Test Receiver
With its outstanding RF characteristics, high dynamic range and measurement accuracy, the R&S®ESW is the best choice for fast and reliable certification measurements. It meets the most stringent requirements in line with CISPR, EN, MIL‑STD-461, DO‑160 and FCC. The R&S®ESW captures and weights disturbance spectra very fast with its FFT based time domain scan. The real-time spectrum analysis with spectrogram function permits detailed analysis of even the shortest disturbance signals. MultiView mode delivers a simultaneous display of results from multiple operating modes for best instrument usability.
EMSTAT Solution
eMSTAT(easy mass spectrometric statistical) Solution enables easy statistical analysis of MALDI-TOF MS/DPiMS measurement data by anyone.
Enable Non-Invasive Analysis
Sparklike Handheld™
Sparklike Handheld™ is practical and quick method to test IG gas concentration. Technology is based on plasma emission spectroscopy. A high voltage spark is launched in the IG unit's cavity causing a light emission which is observed and analyzed further.
ENA Vector Network Analyzer
Select the best configuration for your test needs from a wide variety of test set options: 100 kHz to 1.5 GHz/ 3 GHz, 2-port, 50 or 75 ohm, transmission/reflection or S-parameter test set Address a broad range of applications with the LF-RF option (Option 3L5/3L4/3L3): 5 Hz to 3 GHz, 2-port, 50 ohm, S-parameter test set, gain-phase test port, built-in DC bias source Combine network analysis and impedance analysis to customize your application in a single instrument (Option3L5/3L4/3L3 plus 005) Every spec verified, adjustments included Lock in support & peak performance from the start