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Data Loggers
record electrical or physcial events.
See Also: Loggers, Pressure Loggers, Current Loggers, Dataloggers, Humidity Loggers, Temperature Humidity Loggers, Temperature Loggers, Voltage Loggers, Wireless Data Loggers, Wireless Loggers
USB Wall Mount Temperature Datalogger
Shanghai Yi Hua V&A Instrument Co., Ltd. CO.,LTD
Temperature humidity data logger with USB, widely used in cold -chain transportation field HVAC refrigerator field.
Voltage Datalogger
Data logger is designed for record of voltage. Values are stored to a non volatile electronic memory. Data transfer to the personal computer for further analysis is performed via USB, RS232, GSM or Ethernet interface by means of a proper adapter.
Voltage Datalogger
Data logger is designed for record of voltage. Values are stored to a non volatile electronic memory. Data transfer to the personal computer for further analysis is performed via USB, RS232, GSM or Ethernet interface by means of a proper adapter.
Voltage Data Logger
Shanghai Yi Hua V&A Instrument Co., Ltd. CO.,LTD
Multi-function record meter is a new record meter designed for the actual demand of various industrial site, which integr.
Voltage Data Logger Single Channel
Shanghai Yi Hua V&A Instrument Co., Ltd. CO.,LTD
Multifunction data logger with K J PT type current .voltage : K.J . PT100. PT1000. mADC. AAC. VDC.VAC.
Voltage Data Logger Single Channel
Shanghai Yi Hua V&A Instrument Co., Ltd. CO.,LTD
Multifunction data logger with K J PT type current .voltage : K.J . PT100. PT1000. mADC. AAC. VDC.VAC.
Voltage Data Logger Two Channels with USB
Shanghai Yi Hua V&A Instrument Co., Ltd. CO.,LTD
Two tunnel data logger with voltage current temperature (thermocouple) K.J.PT type, with USB, up to 16000 data record point.
Voltage Input0 to 2.5/10/25V
Voltage input data logger that is housed in a robust, waterproof (IP68) rated case.The TGPR-0704 can be used to record the output from a number of industry standard sensors. Common applications include pressure and windspeed monitoring.
Voltage USB data logger
This data logger measures and stores up to 32,510 voltage readings over a 0-30V d.c. measurement range. The user can easily set up the logging rate and start time, and download the stored data by plugging the module straight into a PCs USB port and running the purpose designed software under Windows 2000, XP or Vista.
Water Resistant, Stand Alone, Humidity and Temperature Data Logger
The new RHTemp1000IS Intrinsically Safe humidity and temperature logger is a rugged, battery powered, stand alone device which can be used to automatically record humidity and temperature. This compact, portable, easy to use device is able to measure and record up to 16,350 humidity and temperature measurements per channel.
WBGT Index Measurement
HD32.2 is a thermal microclimate data logger to measure WBGT (Wet Bulb Globe thermometer temperature) Index in Hot Environments according to ISO 7726 and ISO 7243.
WBGT Index Measurement
HD32.2A is a thermal microclimate data logger to measure WBGT (Wet Bulb Globe thermometer temperature) Index in Hot Environments according to ISO 7726 and ISO 7243.
Web Data Logger
HD50… Series
Datalogger with integrated Web Server. Wi-Fi and Ethernet connection with proprietary TCP/IP or Modbus TCP/IP protocol.
Windspeed Anemometer
The wireless wind speed transmitter (Anemometer) T24-WSS is built on Mantracourt’s T24 2.4 GHz wireless technology and operates alongside any T24 device such as base stations, handheld displays, analogue output, relay modules, GPRS data loggers, computer interfaces and more. Data transmitted by the T24-WSS can be received by multiple T24 receivers and displays.
Wind Turbine Performance Lidar
Wind Iris
The Wind Iris is based on Leosphere's leading WINDCUBE pulsedLidar technology, and is the first remote sensor dedicated to turbine-mounted measurements. It measures the horizontal wind speed and direction from 40m to 400m upwind of the turbine. Real time and average data can then be transferred automatically or stored in a data logger.
Wireless Compact Loggers
Temperature and Humidity Data Logger for Managing Production Plants and Agricultural Sites
Wireless Data Loggers
Temperature and Humidity Data Logger for Managing Production Plants and Agricultural Sites
Wireless Meat Temperature Data Logger
Wireless Meat Temperature Data Logger with Two-Way Communication. Equipped with a Flexible Piercing Probe, available in two options: 4" rigid piercing probe or 2.5" rigid piercing probe (for smaller meat products)
Wireless Precision RTD Based Temperature Data Logger with LCD
The RFRTDTemp2000A is an RTD-based, wireless temperature data logger with display. This data logger is ideal for applications that require high accuracy temperature monitoring such as within laboratories, pharmaceutical and biotech industries. The RFRTDTemp2000A accepts 2, 3 or 4 wire 100Ω platinum RTD’s and features a device accuracy of +/-0.5°C.
Wireless Temperature And Humidity Data Logger
ThermaSense is a Wireless temperature and humidity sensor with external humidity and RTD based temperature sensors, the device provides a fast response time for both parameters, Functions include starting, stopping and downloading from the device wirelessly. Data can be provided in real time back to a central PC, or the device may be downloaded at periodic intervals. The digital display provides the current reading for both the humidity and temperature levels with a quick view of minimum, maximum and average statistics of the logged data. An audible buzzer and LED alarm indicator alarms when either parameter is above or below the threshold set. Email and text alarms can also be configured and sent from within the software.
Wireless Temperature Data Logger w/ Digital Display
The RFTemp2000A is a wireless data logger featuring a digital display. The device measures ambient temperatures, making it ideal for monitoring perishable goods, chemicals and more. Starting, stopping and downloading from the device are all performed wirelessly using the RFC1000 wireless transceiver, allowing the user to spend less time maintaining the data logger. Data can be provided in real time back to a central PC, or the device may be downloaded at periodic intervals.
Batteryless System Logger
The Batteryless System Logger is a unique device that was designed to log system data from any serial port, and store the data in the Logger’s non-volatile memory; this is done in the event of a system crash or power outage. The Logger is ideal for companies in the embedded appliance market.The System Logger connects to the embedded system via the serial RS-232 port. It continuously receives log info from the system, and stores this log info on an internal cycle buffer. This info can be retrieved via the serial interface at any time.
Measurement/Analysis Software O-Solution
•Compare/ analyze the data with wide sampling frequency from 10 μHz to 100 GHz•Flexibly layout to compare the data in different formats or sampling frequency•Support various file formats including other company's loggers•Perform multiple data analysis (up to 1,000) simultaneously•Further analysis on specified area with the marker function
Sound Level Meters
Complies with IEC 61672-1 class 2 standard, Measures Leq, MaxL, MinL, SPL, 64,000 Records Data Logger, PC interface
Probes With Lead Wires
Used when the probe is installed some distance from the logger, controller, or other data acquisition device. Available in a variety of lead wire types with stripped leads or connectors attached.
Data Loggers
Omega's data loggers offer dependable performance in all types of environments. Choose based on measurement type or form factor to meet your size and data logging requirements.
Specialty Data Loggers
Includes dataloggers that measure pH, CO, Moisture, Light, Water level, Wind Speed, and others.
Temperature And Humidity Data Loggers
These dataloggers are used to monitor and record temperature and/or humidity. Available in either single or multi channel inputs for thermocouple, RTD, thermistor, & infrared temperature sensors.
Pressure, Strain And Shock Data Loggers
Dataloggers for pressure, bridge input for strain or load measurement and also tri-axial shock dataloggers with built in accelerometers.