Curve Tracers
curve tracers are pieces of electronic test equipment similar to an oscilloscope. They can not only test transistors and other devices but evaluate the functional specifications as well.
See Also: Tracers, Cable Tracers, Ground Fault Tracers, I-V Tracers, B-H Curve
- Scientific Test, Inc.
Curve Tracer
CS-5000 Series
Maximum peak voltage: 5,000V (high-voltage mode for all models) in CS-5000 Series. Maximum peak current: 1,000A (CS-5300 high-current mode). The CS-5000 Series achieves 5,000V of max. peak voltage with the same physical size as the CS-3000 Series. Best suited for the measurement of a power devices that have 3.3kV and 4.5kV withstanding voltage.
Material Science Laboratory Instruments
our material science laboratory instruments basically consists of four instruments first, young modulus apparatus which is used for determining the young modulus elasticity of a wire by stretching it. Then second is curie temperature kit which is used for determining the Curie Temperature. With the determination of dielectric constant of PZT material with Temperature variation. After that comes dielectric constant kit which is used for measuring the dielectric constant of solids and lastly our universal B-H Curve Tracer which is used for tracing the B-H loop which is very difficult and needs a good machinery for doing so.
Photovoltaic Testers
A range of products to verify safety and efficiency of photovoltaic installations. This range includes 1500V I-V Curve Tracers, Insulation testers (IEC/EN62446), designed to provide more and more functional solutions for the activities to be performed.
Semiconductor Curve Tracer
CS-8000 Series
The CS-8000 series are equipped with a high-voltage source of up to 5 kV and a high-current source of 2 kA. It features Pulse output, Gate pattern, and very small current measurement capabilities, and it supports the design evaluation of wideband-gap semiconductors such as SiC and GaN.
Semiconductor Curve Tracer
CS-5000 Series
*Max. Peak Voltage : 5,000V(HV mode)*Max. Peak Current : 1,500A(HC mode)*Equipped all models with LEAKAGE mode (Cursor resolution 1pA)*USB port for display hardcopy, waveform data (CSV format) and measurement setup SAVE/RECALL*LAN interface for Remote Control
Semiconductor Curve Tracer
CS-3000 Series
*Max. Peak Voltage : 3,000V(HV mode)*Max. Peak Current : 1,000A(HC mode)*Equipped all models with LEAKAGE mode (Cursor resolution 1pA)*USB port for display hardcopy, waveform data (CSV format) and measurement setup SAVE/RECALL*LAN interface for Remote Control
Semiconductor Curve Tracer
CS-10000 Series
This optional unit minimizes parameter variation on devices causedby heat. Pulse rise time can be configured for 1, 3, or 5ms; pulse duration from 1ms to 20ms; and pulse interval from 100ms to 2 seconds. This option is installed at the factory. Any changes desired after purchase will require return the unit back to IWATSUfactory.
1000V/15A I-V Curve Tracer
I-V400w allows field detection of I-V Curve an of the main characteristic parameters both of a single module and of strings of modules for PV installations up to a maximum of 1000V and 15A. For measuring I-V Curve, I-V400w manages an internal database of the modules, which can be updated at any time by the user and comparison between the measured data with the rated values allows immediately evaluating whether the string or the module fulfills the efficiency parameters declared by the manufacturer.
1000V/15A I-V Curve Tracer
-V415w allows field detection of I-V Curve an of the main characteristic parameters both of a single module and of strings of modules for PV installations up to a maximum of 1000V and 15A. For measuring I-V Curve, I-V415w manages an internal database of the modules, which can be updated at any time by the user and comparison between the measured data with the rated values allows immediately evaluating whether the string or the module fulfills the efficiency parameters declared by the manufacturer.
1500V 15A I-V Curve Tracer
I-V525w allows field detection of I-V Curve an of the main characteristic parameters both of a single module and of strings of modules for PV installations up to a maximum of 1500V and 10A or 1000V and 15A. For measuring I-V Curve, I-V525w manages an internal database of the modules, which can be updated at any time by the user and comparison between the measured data with the rated values allows immediately evaluating whether the string or the module fulfills the efficiency parameters declared by the manufacturer.
1500V 15A I-V Curve Tracer
I-V500w allows field detection of I-V Curve an of the main characteristic parameters both of a single module and of strings of modules for PV installations up to a maximum of 1500V and 10A or 1000V and 15A. For measuring I-V Curve, I-V500w manages an internal database of the modules, which can be updated at any time by the user and comparison between the measured data with the rated values allows immediately evaluating whether the string or the module fulfills the efficiency parameters declared by the manufacturer.
BH Curve Tracer
6700BH Series
This BH curve tracer is adopted pole coil measuring method. The limit of size and shape for measuring work is very little and it can measure the difference of both face and reverse side of magnet.
Automated DC Parametric Curve Tracer
MegaTrace supports pin counts greater than 625 up to 2160 pins, with 1080 pins being popular. Comprised of a cart that contains the test chassis, PC monitor, drive bus box, and a test interface, MegaTrace is easy to move around and use with other instruments like emission microscopes, probe stations, and other remote testing requirements.
Automated DC Parametric Curve Tracer
MultiTrace curve tracer is a mid-sized benchtop model supporting pin counts from 216-625 pins and includes the PGA-625 fixture as a standard interface. MultiTrace supports a wide range of test applications: Failure analysis, Reliability testing, Counterfeit device analysis, Nondestructive electrical counterfeit test, Opens, shorts leakage testing (OSL), Post decap electrical inspection, Optical fault localization, ESD testing, Latch-up testing, Supply current measurements, and more!
1500V Multifunction I-V Curve Tracer
SOLAR I-Ve allows both testing a single-phase (three-phase with optional MPP300) photovoltaic system and verifying I-V curve. Thanks to remote unit SOLAR02, it is possible to test the system complying with the requirement of simultaneity as provided for by the reference standard. SOLAR02 is a datalogger which, synchronized with SOLAR I-Ve, acquires the data relevant to irradiation and temperature while tests carried out by SOLAR I-Ve are carried out.
Transistor Curve Tracers
Store characteristic curves and panel setting parameters. Programmable test conditions ,measured results PC stored. Three cursor measurement modes: point, line, window. Two cluster characteristic curves display simultaneouslyfor compare and pairing. Screen read outβ, gm, Vce, Ic, breakdown voltage, leakage current and other parameters . Repeat and single measurement. Self-checking function . 7 Inch high-resolution TFT color LCD. Standard interface: USB, RS232, LAN
1500V Multifunction I-V Curve Tracer
SOLAR-515w allows both testing a single-phase (three-phase with optional MPP300) photovoltaic system and verifying I-V curve. Thanks to remote unit SOLAR02, it is possible to test the system complying with the requirement of simultaneity as provided for by the reference standard. SOLAR02 is a datalogger which, synchronized with SOLAR-515w, acquires the data relevant to irradiation and temperature while tests carried out by SOLAR-515w are carried out.
Parameter & Device Analyzers, Curve Tracer
Precision Current-Voltage Analyzer Series ensures accurate and efficient current-voltage measurements that give a clear insight into IV characteristics across a wide range of applications. The powerful characterization software and integrated source and measurements units (SMUs) make it much quicker and simpler to obtain accurate IV characterization. The EasyEXPERT group+ software supports all the characterization tasks such as measurement setup and execution, data analysis, data management and more -
Parametric Curve Tracer Configurations
Keithley PCT
Developing and using MOSFETS, IGBTs, diodes and other high power devices requires comprehensive device-level characterization such as breakdown voltage, on-state current and capacitance measurements. Keithley's line of high power Parametric Curve Tracer configurations supports the full spectrum of device types and test parameters. Keithley's Parametric Curve Tracer configurations include everything necessary for the characterization engineer to develop a complete test system quickly.
IV Curve Tracer
In recent years, we have been developing a sophisticated IV curve tracer for PV modules including a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) function. The IV curve tracer is designed for operation with any market-available steady-state solar simulator. Through our web-based software design, the operator can supervise the test results from every computer in a company network. The software contains functions such as an irradiation sum counter that helps to check requirements stated in a stabilization more -
The CTL503 Curve Tracer is a low-cost transistor (BJT and FET) computer controller curve tracer. Unlike other simple curve tracing units the CTL503 is designed to measure devices to 100V and upto 3A. Four collector resistors (relay selected) allow the user to test the smallest of BJT’s and FET’s as well as extracting meaningful curves from larger TO3/TO247 packaged devices. Limits on both peak test voltage and peak test current can be easily set to prevent exceeding device parameters.Pulse more -
Precision Curve Tracer
The CurveMasterTM delivers new price/performance efficiency to curve tracing and Failure Analysis. Curve trace has been a standard feature in our full-power chip tester for years, so the CurveMasterTM is built with today’s components and technology. With all new high-accuracy DC Parametrics, you’ll enjoy the most powerful curve tracer you have ever used.
Parameter And Device Analyzers, Curve Tracers
Precision Current-Voltage Analyzer Series ensures accurate and efficient current-voltage measurements that give a clear insight into IV characteristics across a wide range of applications. The powerful characterization software and integrated source and measurements units (SMUs) make it much quicker and simpler to obtain accurate IV characterization. The EasyEXPERT group+ software supports all the characterization tasks such as measurement setup and execution, data analysis, data management and more -
Power Device Analyzer / Curve Tracer
The B1505A Power Device Analyzer / Curve Tracer is focused on the needs of power device manufacturers, while the B1506A Power Device Analyzer for Circuit Design is focused on the needs of power electronics circuit / product manufacturers. The B1507A Power Device Capacitance Analyzer helps both power device development engineers and power circuit designers maximize product value by revealing device capacitance characteristics.
Pre-configured Power Device Analyzer / Curve Tracer (B1505A with modules and fixture)
B1505AP provides eight different pre-configured packages that satisfy a wide variety of power device measurement requirements. The package can be selected according to voltage / current range and the requirement for capacitance measurement.
Power Device Analyzer / Curve Tracer
The Keysight B1505A Power Device Analyzer / Curve Tracer is the only single box solution available with the capability to characterize high power devices from the sub-picoamp level up to 10 kV and 1500 A. These capabilities allow evaluation of novel new device such as IGBT and materials such as GaN and SiC. The B1505A supports a variety of modules: high voltage SMU (HVSMU), high current SMU (HCSMU), ultra high current (UHC) module, ultra high voltage (UHV) module and high voltage medium current more -
Curve Tracer
Series 5000C
Our curve tracers are used worldwide for high volume production, quality control and final testing of descrete semiconductor devices. Provided with an Intel based single board computer(SBC) and Windows based software, the Scientific Test curve tracer is highly reliable, extemely fast, very easy to operate, and provides quick creation of digital curves for data storage and intuitive manipulation.
Curve Tracer
CS-10000 Series
Hi-voltage devicesDevelopment of new devices (SiC/GaN)Automotive Companies
Curve Tracer
CS-3000 Series
CS-3300 / CS-3200 / CS-3100 three model line-up. Maximum peak voltage: 3,000V (high-voltage mode for all models) in CS-3000 Series.Maximum peak current: 1,000A (CS-3300 high-current mode). The CS-3000 Series are CE-marked and UL listed.