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HF Antennas
High Frequency/ Short Wave Antennae.
See Also: Antennas, Broadband Antennas, Log Periodic Antennas, Directional Antennas, Biconical Antennas, Horn Antennas, Isotropic Antennas, Loop Antennas, Antenna Software, Antenna Analyzers, Dipole Antennas
Antenna Analyzer
The iP30z iPortable Antenna SWR Analyzer is designed for field use and is an excellent choice for working with the Buddipole line of antennas. This compact battery powered unit has an easy to read frequency display and measures SWR as well as Z (impedance) in the HF Band. The SWR readings quickly show you the actual VSWR measurement. This is the easiest way to adjust your antenna quickly in the field without any guesswork.
Antennas - ranging in size from small VHF/UHF through large rotatable HF arrays of over 70 feet long. Physically small antennas, including HF compact magnetic loops and end loaded HF versions.
Beacon Transmitters for Radio Amateurs
Is a radio beacon, whose purpose is the investigation of the propagation of radio signals. Most radio propagation beacons use amateur radio frequencies. They can be found on LF, MF, HF, VHF, UHF, and microwave frequencies. Microwave beacons are also used as signal sources to test and calibrate antennas and receivers
Array Solutions OCF
Series Dipoles
Thank you and congratulations on your purchase of the Array Solutions, OffCenter Fed HF Dipole Antenna System. This antenna was built with the same quality workmanship and attention to detail as our military, government and commercial wire antenna products. It is ideal for ARES/RACES, MARS/CAP, USCG Aux., Red Cross, Salvation Army and other disaster and relief organization use. It is built especially for high duty cycle, harsh environmental applications. The use of the finest quality components available and our “overbuilt” quality construction means your new antenna will last for years under the most difficult conditions, while requiring little or no maintenance.
Antenna Tuner HF+6m
DU 800 T
The DU 800 T optimizes the performance of your antenna and transmitter or SWL receiver by providing adjustable impedance matching. The DU 800 T also measures the Power and Standing Wave Ratio (SWR), which allows you to tune the indiceted SWR to the lowestpossible ratio for the selected transmit frequency.
Omnidirectional HF Antennas
Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc.
Broadband dipole products include the horizontally polarized 1765 antenna for short-to-medium range communications, the 3065 antenna that reduces ground-area requirements, and the 5065 series designed for locations where space is at a premium, including rooftops.
Fixed Directional HF Antennas
Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc.
These antennas are intended for fixed station applications and are based on the single mast, transportable 747CD Log-Periodic Antenna Series. The variable take-off angle array configuration results in a high-performance antenna well suited to applications where communications over varying distance is required.
Rotatable Directional HF Antennas
Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc.
Kratos’ horizontally polarized rotatable log-periodic antennas are constructed with wire radiators supported by a strong and unusually lightweight support structure.
The CAES Antennas portfolio encompasses virtually the entire radio frequency spectrum, from the HF Band, where wavelengths dwarf buildings, to the millimeter wave band, where thousandths of an inch make all the difference, and offers unparalleled product diversity with an extensive product line of advanced antennas and antenna arrays.
National RF's Type HFDF active directional antenna system consists of a high gain RF amplifier coupled to a tunable Faraday shielded loop antenna. Several loop antenna assemblies are available to provide coverage of frequencies in the HF and low VHF spectrum. Due to the nature of a Faraday shielded loop, the antenna exhibits a sharp null through the diametric center of the loop. This null is used to determine the direction of incoming radio signals or to locate electrical noise being radiated from some source. The internal high gain amplifier is used to compensate for the inherent inefficiency of the actual loop at the operating frequency. Overall, the system dynamic response is about +6 dB as compared to the dynamic response of a dipole. To aid in the direction finding process on strong signals, an internal 30 DB attenuator is provided. As the loop antenna presents a bi-directional response, tri-angulation may be required to eliminate the ambiguous signal direction. The line of site of the incoming signal is determined by listening for a signal null on the receiver or by watching the receiver’s S-meter.