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Showing results: 721 - 735 of 1035 items found.

  • Portable Recorder

    DataMAX DTX-3P - R.C. Electronics, Inc.

    DataMAX DTX-3P is a state-of-the-art Windows 2000 based analog instrumentation recorder designed to replace traditional tape based data recorders. Using the latest technology, DataMAX DTX-3P eliminates the time consuming methods of the past with a single precision instrument that will replace a tape recorder, data acquisition system, and monitoring scopes. From calibration to analysis a test can now be run in a fraction of the time, with far greater accuracy than was possible with traditional analog recorders.

  • Data Recording System

    DataMAX II - R.C. Electronics, Inc.

    DataMAX II is a state-of-the-art Windows 2000 based analog instrumentation recorder designed to replace traditional tape based data recorders. Using the latest technology, DataMAX II eliminates the time consuming methods of the past with a single precision instrument that will replace a tape recorder, data acquisition system, and monitoring scopes. From calibration to analysis, a test can now be run in a fraction of the time, with far greater accuracy than was possible with traditional analog recorders.

  • Rack Mount Recorders

    DTX-9R - R.C. Electronics, Inc.

    DataMAX DTX-9R is a state-of-the-art Windows 2000 based analog instrumentation recorder designed to replace traditional tape based data recorders. Using the latest technology, DataMAX DTX-9R eliminates the time consuming methods of the past with a single precision instrument that will replace a tape recorder, data acquisition system, and monitoring scopes. From calibration to analysis a test can now be run in a fraction of the time, with far greater accuracy than was possible with traditional analog recorders.

  • SpaceWire LabVIEW Driver VISA

    137 - STAR-Dundee

    STAR-Dundee's SpaceWire LabVIEW VISA driver has been implemented as a native LabVIEW driver, providing support for the STAR-Dundee PCI family of devices. Software written to control these devices may be deployed on any hardware platform that supports cPCI/PCI and NI-VISA, including both Windows based hosts and LabVIEW Real-Time targets, without requiring modifications to source code. The software is provided as LabVIEW source with password protected block diagrams, allowing users to compile for any target.

  • UV Penetration & Protection Test System

    TF131 - TESTEX Testing Equipment Systems Ltd.

    UV Penetration & Protection Test System. Fabric Samples are measured in a double beam spectrophotometer with an integrated sphere. The sample is scanned over the UVA and UVB regions of the spectrum and transmitted radiation is efficiently collected by the detector within the integrating sphere. The software calculates UV penetration factors and sun protection factors from the scan data. It runs on a PC under Microsoft Windows and controls the spectrophotometer, automates the measurement process and generates a printed report. PC and printer are not included.

  • Broadcast TV Multiviewer Monitoring System

    IMS120 - Mividi, Inc.

    The Mividi IMS120 is a broadcast transport stream monitoring system for viewing video and audio services, analyzing transport streams, logging errors, generating alarms, and recording stream. The IMS120 was developed to automate monitoring and error diagnosis at digital head-ends for broadcasters, MSOs, Telcos and online streaming video providers. It is a single Windows based system that can complete tasks previously done by several different pieces of equipment. It will pay for itself in manpower savings over a short period of time.

  • Analog Instrumentation Recorder

    DataMAX DTX-3P - RC Electronics, Inc.

    PRODUCTDataMAX DTX-3P is a state-of-the-art Windows 2000 based analog instrumentation recorder designed to replace traditional tape based data recorders. Using the latest technology, DataMAX DTX-3P eliminates the time consuming methods of the past with a single precision instrument that will replace a tape recorder, data acquisition system, and monitoring scopes. From calibration to analysis a test can now be run in a fraction of the time, with far greater accuracy than was possible with traditional analog recorders.

  • Force Distance Tester

    925 - TRICOR Systems Inc.

    The Model 925 is a low cost force-distance tester. It communicates with a Windows™-based PC to send data into an Excel format. The data can then be viewed and analyzed in tabular or graphical format. Once in the Excel format, the data can be transferred or used in any of the multiple Excel operations. This line of displacement-force test stations has a positional resolution of 0.0025 mm (0.0001 inches). Your test department will appreciate the high accuracy readings provided over the complete travel range.

  • Software - for controlling Cleverscope

    Cleverscope Ltd.

    Cleverscope Windows Application Software. Note we have added the Frequency Response Analyser (FRA) and Streaming capability to our Cleverscope application and so now it is available with all variants of our products, including units you have already bought. For power supply and power plane measurements you do need the isolated CS701 signal generator.We also now have the CS448 with four 1kV isolated channels with CMRR > 100 dB at 50 MHz.

  • Intelligent Interface Card

    IIB-1553-ISA - Western Avionics Ltd.

    The IIB-1553-ISA is an intelligent interface card providing full MIL-STD-1553 test, simulation and bus analysis capability for PC compatible computers, with 1553A, 1553B, McAir and STANAG 3838 variants in one card. The IIB-1553-ISA supports concurrent Bus Controller (BC) and up to 31 Remote Terminals (RT) with Bus Monitor (BM). An additional stand-alone Chronological Bus Monitor (CBM) facility is also provided, with powerful multilevel triggering capability. Full error injection capability is provided in BC and RT modes, with full error detection in BC, RT, BM and CBM modes. The unit provides a dual redundant 1553 interface. 2 Mbytes of dual ported RAM are provided. PC memory space utilised by the board is selectable.The board is supplied with C drivers in source code and Windows menu driven software as standard.

  • Intelligent Interface Card

    IIB-1553-PC104 - Western Avionics Ltd.

    The IIB-1553-PC104 is an intelligent interface card providing full MIL-STD-1553 test, simulation and bus analysis capability for PC compatible computers, with 1553A, 1553B, McAir and STANAG 3838 variants in one card. The IIB-1553-PC104 supports concurrent Bus Controller (BC) and up to 31 Remote Terminals (RT) with Bus Monitor (BM). An additional stand-alone Chronological Bus Monitor (CBM) facility is also provided, with powerful multi-level triggering capability. Full error injection capability is provided in BC and RT modes, with full error detection in BC, RT, BM and CBM modes. The unit provides a single, dual redundant 1553 interface. 2 Mbytes of dual ported RAM are provided. PC memory space utilised by the board is selectable. The board is supplied with C drivers in source code and Windows menu driven software as standard

  • Intelligent Interface Card

    IIB-1553-PCI-2C - Western Avionics Ltd.

    The IIB-1553-PCI-2C provides an intelligent interface card for two serial, dual redundant MIL-STD-1553 data buses and the PCI bus. The card supports 1553A, 1553B, McAir and STANAG 3838 variants on a single card. The IIB-1553-PCI-2C provides concurrent Bus Controller (BC) and up to 31 Remote Terminals (RT) with Bus Monitor (BM). An additional stand-alone Chronological Bus Monitor (CBM) facility is also provided, with comprehensive multi-level triggering capability. Full error injection capability is provided in BC and RT modes, with full error detection in BC, RT, BM and CBM modes. Two independent variable amplitude dual redundant 1553 interfaces are provided, each with2 Mbytes of dual ported RAM. The board is supplied with C drivers in source code and Windows menu driven software as standard.

  • Intelligent Interface Card

    IIB-1553-VXI-4C - Western Avionics Ltd.

    The IIB-1553-VXI-4C is an intelligent interface card which provides 4 independent channels for full MIL-STD-1553 test, simulation and bus analysis functions on the VXI bus. All 1553A, 1553B, McAir and STANAG 3838 variants are supported. Each independent channel may be operated as a concurrent Bus Controller (BC) and up to 31 Remote Terminals (RT) with a windowed Bus Monitor (BM), or as a stand-alone Chronological Bus Monitor (CBM) with comprehensive multi-level triggering capability. Full error injection capability is provided in BC and RT modes, with full error detection in BC, RT, BM and CBM modes. Each channel provides a variable amplitude dual redundant 1553 interface, with 2 Mbytes of dual ported RAM. The board is supplied with C drivers in source code and Windows menu driven software as standard.

  • Single Slot Intelligent Interface Card

    IIB-3910-CPCI - Western Avionics Ltd.

    The IIB-3910-CPCI is a single slot intelligent interface card providing complete STANAG 3838 and STANAG 3910 test, simulation and bus analysis capability for the CompactPCI Bus. The IIB-3910-CPCI supports concurrent Bus Controller (BC) and up to 31 Remote Terminals (RT) with Bus Monitor (BM). An additional stand-alone Chronological Bus Monitor (CBM) facility is also provided, with powerful multi-level triggering capability. Full error injection capability in both 3838 and 3910 modes is provided in BC and RTs modes, with full error detection in BC, RT, BM and CBM modes. Dual redundant 3838 interface, with user selectable dual redundant optical or single redundant electrical 3910 interface are featured. 2 Mbytes of dual ported RAM are provided. The board is supplied with C drivers in source code and Windows menu driven software as standard.

  • Surface DC Voltmeter

    SVM2 - Alpha Lab, Inc.

    The SVM2 has high sensitivity (resolution), and can detect even a 1 volt charge anywhere within its full range of +29,999 to -29,999 volts. Thus it is easy to measure whether a given process is increasing or decreasing the static electricity present, even if the increase or decrease is by a tiny fraction. The meter reads the actual static signal, but it also captures and stores the highest positive and highest negative signals that were experienced since the last time that the "Reset" button was pressed. These peak + and can be displayed at any later time. The peak function has a "window" time of 0.005 seconds (which is much faster than the display) so even very quick peaks are captured and stored. There is also a user-settable alarm. The alarm will sound if the signal (whether + or -) ever exceeds the value set by the user for at least 0.005 seconds. The alarm can be reset or muted at any time.

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