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fundamental objects of quanta.

See Also: Nanoparticle, Airborne Particle, Particle Accelerator, Particle Counters, Particle Detection, Wave

Showing results: 166 - 180 of 323 items found.

  • Materials Analysis

    Spectris plc

    Materials Analysis provides products that enable customers to determine structure, composition, quantity and quality of particles and materials, during their research and product development processes, when assessing materials before production, or during the manufacturing process. Our products help customers to improve accuracy and speed of materials analysis in the laboratory. We see a growing demand for the application of our solutions in quality and process control. Our key customers in this segment are leaders in the metals, minerals and mining, pharmaceutical and academic research industries. The operating companies in this segment are Malvern Instruments, PANalytical and Particle Measuring Systems. Malvern Instruments and PANalytical merged on 1 January 2017.

  • Adhesion testing

    TQC B.V.

    Adhesion is the tendency of dissimilar particles and/or surfaces to cling to one another. The adhesive strength of paint and coatings are of crucial importance to enable the material to meet the basic functions of protection and decoration. Cross-Cut or Cross Hatch Test, Scrape Adhesion, Pull-Off Test.

  • Residual Pollution Analysis System

    Cleanalyzer - Opto GmbH

    The Cleanalyzer is a high-end analytical system designed to examine particles on filters – a key procedure in performing reliable and reproducible evaluation of component cleanliness. High-resolution, optical zoom system (15µm and 5 µm version. High-resolution, fixed magnification optical system (35µm version).

  • Dust Monitors


    Kanomax USA offers highly accurate and convenient dust monitors for various applications, including our Digital Dust Monitor and Piezobalance Dust Monitor. These instruments provide solutions for things like construction dust monitoring, machining particle monitoring, and oil mist monitoring.

  • Smaet LDV III


    A Laser Doppler Velocimeter (LDV) measures fluid velocity by utilizing coherence of laser light. It detects the Doppler shift frequency of the scattering light of particles in the fluid and calculates the velocity of the particles (fluid). With a LDV system, non-intrusive measurements without disturbing the measuring object, liquid or gas flow, are achieved. No calibration is necessary and reverse flow measurements at a high resolution is also possible. The LDV system provides the absolute value of the flow velocity with accuracy.

  • Surface Contamination Monitors


    Small-sized devices for measuring the ambient dose equivalent rate and the ambient dose equivalent of X-ray and gamma radiation, as well as measuring the flux density of beta particles (AT6130).

  • Radiation Meters

    GAO Tek Inc.

    A radiation meters is a device designed for measuring varying types of radiation. These devices are portable and are used to inspect personnel, equipment, and facilities for radioactive contamination by measuring the emission of certain radiation particles. They are used to measure external or ambient ionizing radiation field to assess the direct exposure hazard.

  • Preparative High Performance Liquid Chromatography System

    ACCQPrep HP150 - Teledyne LABS

    Compared to Flash chromatography, High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) operates under a higher pressure and uses columns of a smaller particle size for higher efficiency and increased resolution for purer results.HPLC is divided into analytical and preparative forms. Prep HPLC uses larger particles, meaning less surface area for the stationary phase, a higher flow rate and, generally, less pressure than analytical HPLC. Flash and prep HPLC are both used to purify large sample quantities; in analytical HPLC, the goal is to achieve the highest resolution possible to observe each unique compound in the sample. Explore the ACCQPrep® HP150 from Teledyne LABS to discover why ISCO is known worldwide for Prep HPLC.

  • Aerosol Optical Tweezers

    Bristol Industrial & Research Associates Ltd

    Biral Manufacturers Aerosol Optical Tweezing instruments that offer the ability to study individual particles over indefinite periods. Developed in collaboration with the Bristol Aerosol Research Centre at the University of Bristol the instruments are used in research applications such as atmospheric chemistry, pharmaceutical drug development and basic aerosol research.

  • Multi-Laser Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA)

    ViewSizer 3000 - HORIBA, Ltd.

    Exosomes? Virus? Nanoparticle? Use multiple lasers for complete, detailed analysis of all the particles in your sample.Exosomes, viruses, and nanoparticles all have wide size distributions which defeat traditional Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) analyzers. The ViewSizer 3000 features simultaneous measurement with three lasers to collect the most accurate distribution and concentration information over a wide range of sizes within the same sample. Where the signal from a particle is too bright and saturates the detector from one laser, the software automatically uses data from a lower power laser to ensure the most accurate size and concentration information. On the other hand, when scattering from one laser is too weak for detection, the software uses data from a higher power laser to accurately track the particle.

  • Intrusion Protection (IPX) Testing

    Quest Engineering Solutions

    Quest Engineering Solutions has the capability to perform IPX Water (Intrusion Protection) testing per numerous IEC standards, including IEC 60529. This testing is designed as a means to verify that the products' internal components are adequately sealed and protected from the intrusion of foreign objects, liquids, and fine particles.

  • Sorters

    Spartan™ - Brooks Automation, Inc.

    The unified wafer management system gives the Spartan™ Sorter the minimum scale and complexity required to accomplish its core job – to move wafers as cleanly and as quickly as possible. The Spartan Sorter offers improved reliability and maximized efficiency, while delivering industry-leading cleanliness with the lowest particle levels.

  • Indoor Air Quality

    Test Products International, Inc.

    TPI's wide range of IAQ instruments provides the capability to measure air velocity, humidity, temperature, carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), percent outside air, and particles.

  • Electronics Manufacturing

    TSI Inc.

    Electronic products are part of the world we live in. The constant need for increased processing power in a smaller package has driven the size of line widths inside components into the nano-particle size range. This means smaller, nano-size particles can disrupt manufacturing processes and impact yields which impacts the bottom line.

  • Vibration Testing

    National Technical Systems

    From sub-atomic particles all the way up to skyscrapers, internal movements and motions resulting from the absorption of energy make all objects vibrate to some degree. This fact means that in a world filled with energy and movement, vibrations — or the oscillating responses of objects when moved from a position of rest — are the norm.

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