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Showing results: 76 - 90 of 1289 items found.

  • Calibrate Camera RAW Image Files

    SpyderCUBE™ - Datacolor AG

    Accelerate RAW processing by taking one reference shot under any light condition to set the white balance, exposure, black level and brightness right from the start for your entire series of photos.

  • Image Resolved Luminance Measuring Camera

    LMK 6 - TechnoTeam Bildverarbeitung GmbH

    The LMK 6 is TechnoTeam's luminance measurement camera and used in many ways as a standalone measuring device. It is designed to be compact and lightweight and can be used in almost any light measurement application. As it is one of TechnoTeam's core products it is also used in our other camera based measurement systems.

  • High Quality Image Mapping Software

    GeoPod - Jacobs

    Capturing the highest quality mapping imagery requires a partnership of high-tech tools and industry-leading talent. This is where GeoPodTM thrives, thanks to its potent combination of cutting-edge technology, seamless hardware integration and pioneering software, and the focused recruitment of leading experts and specialists. The result: a proven, integrated system that uniquely enables geographically distributed imagery mapping of the highest grade, accuracy and reliability.

  • InGaAs Camera with High Image Resolution

    Cheetah Series - Xenics

    The Cheetah 640 series is based on a cooled, in-house developed InGaAs detector with a 640 x 512 pixel resolution. The Cheetah 640 camera with single-stage TE-cooled detector offers high frame rates of either 400 Hz, 800 Hz or 1700 Hz while the version with three-stage TE-cooled detector offers a frame rate of up to 110 Hz. The camera comes with a CameraLink interface.

  • Create Topographic Profiles from SPM Images

    TopoStitch - Image Metrology A/S

    topoStitch™ offers the easiest and most accurate way to stitch topographic or greyscale images from Scanning Probe Microscopes (SPM’s), profilers, interferometers, confocal microscopes or any other instrument type. All images are placed automatically according to stage position coordinates when stored in the image files. Otherwise, the Grid Layout Wizard helps to lay out images in seconds. topoStitch™ even offers advanced snapping and semi transparent rendering, which makes it easy to place and adjust images manually.

  • PCI Express Image Acquisition Frame Grabber

    Xcelera-HS PX8 - Teledyne DALSA

    The Xcelera-HS PX8 has been built within Teledyne DALSA’s Trigger-to-Image Reliability technology framework. Trigger-to-Image Reliability leverages Teledyne DALSA’s hardware and software innovations to control, monitor and correct the image acquisition process from the time that an external trigger event occurs to the moment the data is sent to the host, providing traceability when errors do occur and permitting recovery from those errors.

  • Complex of Visualization and Image Recording for a Video Microscope

    ViTec Co. Ltd

    To develop a complex for visual inspection of electronic components (other micro-objects) in order to identify visual defects, record the resulting image and transfer information for processing.

  • Digital Image Correlation (DIC) Measurement System

    EduDIC - Dantec Dynamics A/S

    EduDIC is a complete Digital Image Correlation (DIC) measurement system, designed as a simple and convenient educational training tool for academic courses in experimental solid mechanics. This easy-to-use system allows academic instructors to effectively present the optical measurement technique of DIC for materials testing to the engineers and scientists of tomorrow.

  • FPGA Image Processing (IP) Development Kit

    ProcVision - Gidel

    Gidel’s Vision Pro Development Kit is an optimal solution for developing,validating, demonstrating and evaluating Image Processing (IP) andpipeline designs on FPGA.The suite is designed to provide a complete and convenient envelop enablingthe developer to focus strictly on the proprietary image processingdesign. The entire Vision Pro flow is within a single FPGA, independentof the final target application(s). The Vision Pro flow is composedof a pipeline that streams simulated data to the user image processingdesign under test (DUT) and then captures the design’s output streamfor displaying, storing, analysis and/or co-processing on host software.The entire process is performed on a single FPGA without the need foradditional peripheral connectivity or tools.Vision Pro suite is plug-and-play enabling the developer to begin at oncethe IP design development and validation. A simple design example providesthe developer immediate hands-on familiarization with the systemflow and supporting tools. The final design can be ported to any IntelFPGA device or other vendors’ devices (FPGA or ASIC) by replacing basiclibraries. To significantly reduce compilation time, initial design developmentmay be on a small FPGA device and later compiled for the targetdevice(s). The target implementation may use any FPGA board. For a fullImaging/Vision system solution, Gidel offers a number of off-the-shelfgrabbers and FPGA accelerators that are designed to utilize these imageprocessing blocks and Gidel Imaging Library (GIL).

  • EMCCD Image Sensors for Space and Ground-based Astronomy

    Teledyne e2v

    EM (Electron Multiplication) is a technology that uses on-chip gain in the charge domain to effectively eliminate read noise from an image sensor. This enables advanced ultra-low light applications that require extreme sensitivity at fast frame rates such as adaptive optics and lucky imaging™.The combination of Teledyne e2v’s back-thinning technology and anti-reflection coatings enables industry leading quantum efficiency that can be optimised for applications in the visible, UV or NIR wavelength ranges.

  • Static Image Analysis System Particle Size

    PSA300 - HORIBA, Ltd.

    The HORIBA PSA300 is a state of the art turn-key image analysis solution. Seamless integration of Clemex's powerful particle characterization software and an automated microscope with high-resolution camera creates an intuitive, easy-to-use imaging workstation. Addressing a need in the field of particle characterization, the PSA300 is a versatile particle size and particle shape analysis tool that can be used in a wide range of applications in the pharmaceutical industries and material science. It is a turn-key solution for labs that want to maintain an analytical microscopy environment with minimum intervention by the operator yet still yield maximum detail in the results.

  • 1600x1200 Pixel Sapphire CMOS Image Sensor

    Sapphire 2M - Teledyne e2v

    This 1,600 x 1,200 pixel Sapphire CMOS image sensor, designed on Teledyne e2v’s proprietary Eye-On-Si CMOS imaging technology, is ideal for diverse applications where superior performance is required. The innovative pixel design offers excellent performance in low-light conditions with both electronic rolling shutter and electronic global shutter, with a high-readout speed of 50/60 fps in full resolution. Novel industrial machine vision application features such as multi ROI, histogram outputs and 3D range gating are embedded on-chip.

  • 1.3 Million Pixel CMOS Image Sensor

    Sapphire 1.3M - Teledyne e2v

    This 1.3 million pixel Sapphire CMOS image sensor, designed on Teledyne e2v’s proprietary Eye-On-Si CMOS imaging technology, is ideal for diverse applications where superior performance is required. The innovative pixel design offers excellent performance in low-light conditions with both electronic rolling shutter and electronic global shutter, with a high-readout speed of 60 fps in full resolution. Novel industrial machine vision application features such as multi ROI and histogram output are embedded on-chip. Very low power consumption enables this device to be used in battery powered applications.

  • Translating process images into significant tool-defect reduction

    Trans-Imager - Microtronic, Inc.

    Real-time, tool-specific defectivity data. Now there is a way to monitor defectivity on individual processing tools – automatically – in real-time. Microtronic’s new Trans-Imager software module is able to take high-resolution images directly from your processing equipment and immediately detect and displaymacro wafer defects – transferring all of that information into our powerful and long-proven ProcessGuard software which provides a wealth of defect management and analysis. This new capability is called ProcessGuard Xtensis (PGX) because it extends the power of ProcessGuard software to fab tools that previously had no way to detect defects. This provides an important new stream of defect data.

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