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a propagating wave or moving particle's linear trajectory, interrupted by non-uniformity in the medium they move through.
Neutron Scattering and Beamline Systems
For optical, neutron and particle beam experiments, Cryogenic offers a range of split pair magnets. These allow strong magnetic fields to be produced in a small volume with maximum access to the working space. Split pair coils can be mounted to provide either a vertical field with horizontal access or a horizontal field offering horizontal or vertical access.
Laser Scattering Particle Size Distribution Analyzer
Partica mini LA-350
HORIBA's new LA-350 Laser Diffraction Particle Size Distribution Analyzer is the ideal combination of performance, price, and packaging. The LA-350 excels in applications as diverse as slurries, minerals, and paper chemistry. Based on the advanced optical design of previous LA-series analyzers, the LA-350 strikes a harmonious balance between high-functionality, easy operation, low maintenance, and cost-effectiveness.Bench space is used efficiently due to the LA-350’s compact size (297 mm x 420 mm). The clever design and precision, high quality manufacturing ensure convenient, reliable operation and accurate results, now with a wider size range (0.1-1,000 µm).
Benchtop Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) Instrument
Non-destructive measurement of particle size and size distribution.Rigaku NANOPIX mini is the world’s first benchtop small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) system that is engineered to deliver automatic nanoparticle size distribution analysis for both quality control (QC) and research and development (R&D) applications. Nanoparticle size, size distribution, and particle shape are the key pieces of information obtained from SAXS. Samples may range from solutions, suspensions or slurries to solid plastics, rubbers or polymers.
VIS/NIR Sensor
The AF26 is a high precision dual channel color sensor for inline operation; the secondary wavelength is designed to compensate the desired light absorbance measurement from any undesired light scattering influence, such as suspended solids, gas bubbles, immiscible fluids or window fouling. The AF26 sensor’s output can be correlated to almost any color scale including APHA and Hazen.
NDT Wedges
Rexolite or perspex wedges incorporate a pyramidal scattering surface with an impedance matched acoustic absorber to minimise internal reflections within the wedge.
Evaporative Light Scattering Detector
The ELSD-LTII utilizes a high-efficiency LED and enhanced digital signal treatment to minimize noise and deliver optimum sensitivity for trace analysis. An innovative cell design also reduces band broadening and allows sensitivity levels below 200 picograms. The high-performance optical detection system can also be used for combinatorial chemistry and high-throughput screening applications. The new Low Temperature Evaporative Light Scattering Detector (ELSD-LTII) is an easy-to-operate, universal detector that identifies analytes with uniform sensitivity regardless of their spectroscopic properties. It is not a spectroscopic detector. Instead, it removes the mobile phase through evaporation and then makes a light scattering measurement of the dried analyte particles.
Optical Sensors: Scattering Sensors
Scattering sensor data offers links to particulate bigeochemistry and ocean color. Sea-Bird Scientific offers a wide variety of scattering sensor configurations and measurement capabilities. Our sensors are available in single, dual, and three-measurement combinations.
Physical Contact Connectors
Amphenol Fiber Systems International
Physical Contact (PC) connections are characterized by the physical mating of two optical fibers. Precision ceramic ferrules are typically utilized for PC connections. A PC connection is accomplished by terminating the optical fiber into a precision ceramic ferrule. Epoxy is used to affix the fiber into the ferrule. The tip of the ceramic ferrule is polished in a precise manner to ensure that light enters and exits at a known trajectory with little scattering or optical loss. Polishing the terminated ceramic ferrule is a critical process in Physical Contact fiber optic connectors.
SERS (Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering) Substrate & SERS Reader – Mini Chemistry Analytic Pack
The porous carbon SERS substrate provides not only high signal enhancement due to its strong broadband charge-transfer resonance for large chemical enhancement (as opposed to electromagnetic enhancement in traditional metal-based SERS substrates), but also extraordinarily high reproducibility or substrate-to-substrate, spot-to-spot, sample-to-sample, and time-to-time consistency in SERS spectrum (which is not possible with traditional metal-based SERS) due to the absence of "electromagnetic hot spots" by making the entire surface of the substrate "chemically hot", high durability due to no oxidization, and high compatibility to biomolecules due to its fluorescence quenching capability.
Laser Particle Size Analyzer
Zhengzhou Nanbei Instrument Equipment Co. Ltd
sysizer20 is the latest product of OMEC in Year 2006 and is highly automated, all the process can be done automatically after setting up initial parameters. Multiple sample feeding systems are available to meet your requirements. Applications:Measure the particle size distribution of powder or latex Principle:Use the principle of laser light scattering to determine particle size distribution.
*Femtosecond multi-pulse transient absorption and reflection measurements *Femtosecond fluorescence upconversion *Time-resolved femtosecond stimulated Raman scattering (FSRS) *Hundred picoseconds-to-microsecond time-correlated single-photon counting (TCSPC)