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UV Fluorescence Analyzer
Model T101
Teledyne Advanced Pollution Instrumentation
The Model T101 H2S analyzer uses the proven UV fluorescence principle to measure hydrogen sulfide at levels commonly required for ambient air monitoring.The Model T101 is equipped with an internally mounted catalytic converter set at 315C to convert H2S to SO2. A switching mode alternately measures H2S and SO2 while showing both readings concurrently on the front display.
UV Fluorescence TRS Analyzer
Model T102
Teledyne Advanced Pollution Instrumentation
The Model T102 TRS analyzer uses the proven UV fluorescence principle to measure Total Reduced Sulfur at levels commonly required for ambient air monitoring.The Model T102 uses a high temperature external converter set at 850°C to allow conversion of H2S, methyl mercaptan, dimethyldisulfide, and methyl-disulfide to SO2 at this temperature with efficiency greater than 98%. A switching option alternately measures TRS and SO2 while showing both readings concurrently on the front display.
Trace-level, Photolytic, True NO2/NO/NOx Analyzer
Model T200UP
Teledyne Advanced Pollution Instrumentation
The Model T200UP provides trace level measurements of NO and NO2 using our Model T200U NOx analyzer combined with a patented high efficiency photolytic converter. Even low temperature molybdenum converters transform other nitrogen-containing compounds such as HNO3, PAN, etc. to a considerable extent. Simultaneous measurements of NO2 performed with molybdenum and photolytic converters have shown significantly different results in the presence of such compounds.
Trace-Level Photometric Ozone Calibrator
Model T703U
Teledyne Advanced Pollution Instrumentation
The Model T703U is a microprocessor controlled ozone calibrator for precision gas analyzers. Expanded ozone audit levels have created a need for precise ozone calibration well below the capabilities of standard calibrators. The Model T703U is designed to meet the requirements of ultra-low ozone production.In addition to a high range with similar performance to the Model T703, the Model T703U has the capability to generate ozone in a low range, or "fractional" mode, for producing ozone levels down to 3 ppb, with exceptional accuracy. Flow rate and lamp intensity are adjusted to deliver a specified ozone concentration by volume. The temperature and pressure compensated photometer, identical to that of the Model T400 ozone analyzer, provides feedback control of the UV lamp intensity, assuring stable ozone output. A nearly unlimited number of calibration sequences may be programmed into the non-volatile memory of the T703U, covering time periods up to a year.
Trace-Level Chemiluminescence NO/NO2/NOx Analyzer
Model T200U
Teledyne Advanced Pollution Instrumentation
The Model T200U Trace-level NO/NO2/NOx analyzer has been developed specifically to address the challenges of low level monitoring as required, for example, in the US NCore network. It uses the proven chemiluminescence principle and is designed to allow ultra-sensitive measurements with a lower detectable limit of 50 ppt while still meeting the requirements for use as a US EPA compliance analyzer.The Model T200U combines a gold plated reaction cell with an enhanced performance pump, special low noise photomultiplier tube, and unique signal conditioning to provide exceptional sensitivity. In addition, a pre-reactor separates the NO-O3 reaction from background chemiluminescence to allow accurate auto-zero of the analyzer.
Mid-Range Chemiluminescence NO/NO2/NOX Analyzer
Model T200M
Teledyne Advanced Pollution Instrumentation
The Model T200M combines the proven chemiluminescence principle with a number of innovative features to provide reliable and repeatable NO, NO2, and NOx measurements for extractive type CEM systems. The option of either a molybdenum converter or a high-efficiency stainless steel thermal NO2 converter allows the T200M to be used in a variety of extractive CEM systems, from gas turbines to coal-fired boilers.
CAPS Trace-Level NO2 Analyzer
Model T500U
Teledyne Advanced Pollution Instrumentation
The T500U CAPS NO2 Analyzer represents the next generation of criteria pollutant monitoring technology for the direct measurement of Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) in air. The instrument utilizes a patented Cavity Attenuated Phase Shift (CAPS) technique to provide an extremely sensitive, fast and accurate NO2 measurement in a cost effective and low maintenance instrument package.The T500U provides a direct NO2 measurement, eliminating the need for catalytic conversion or reagents which introduce measurement artifacts inherent in traditional heated metal converter based chemiluminescense instruments. The CAPS measurement approach also reduces maintenance items, and removes the need for hazardous materials and high temperature scrubbers within the instrument. The T500U has an expected maintenance interval of one year under typical ambient monitoring conditions.
Photolytic True NO2/NO/NOx Analyzer
Model T200P
Teledyne Advanced Pollution Instrumentation
The Model T200P provides measurements of NO and NO2 using our Model T200 NOx analyzer combined with a patented high efficiency photolytic converter. Even low temperature molybdenum converters transform other nitrogen-containing compounds such as HNO3, PAN, etc. to a considerable extent. Simultaneous measurements of NO2 performed with molybdenum and photolytic converters have shown significantly different results in the presence of such compounds.In the photolytic process the sample gas passes through a cell where it is exposed to light at a specific wavelength from an LED array. This causes the NO2 to be selectively converted to NO with negligible interference from other gases. Advances in the photolytic converter technology now yields NO2 conversion efficiency that is similar to molybdenum under typical ambient NO2 concentrations, but without the same interferences.
Portable Zero Air System
Model 751H
Teledyne Advanced Pollution Instrumentation
The Model 751H is a portable, fully self-contained source of high purity zero air for dilution calibrators. It is ideal for use with sensitive analyzers in ambient background and trace level applications. Packaged in a wheeled, high density plastic case, the Model 751H provides ultra-high purity output with a warm-up time of 30 minutes.
Chemiluminescence NOX-NO2-NO Analyzer
Model N200
Teledyne Advanced Pollution Instrumentation
The Model N200 uses the proven chemiluminescence detection principle, combined with a state-of-the-art modular architecture, and intuitive operating software to provide accurate and dependable measurements of low-level Nitric Oxide (NO), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and total Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) gases.
Chemiluminescence NO/NO2/NOX Analyzer
Model T200
Teledyne Advanced Pollution Instrumentation
The Model T200 NO/NO2/NOx analyzer uses the proven chemiluminescence detection principle, coupled with state-of-the-art electronics to allow accurate and dependable low level measurements for use as an ambient analyzer or dilution CEMS monitor.A unique AutoZero feature provides superb stability by continuously correcting for zero drift, while advanced Adaptive Filtering allows the analyzer to optimize performance under changing conditions. The Model T200 includes a permeation inlet dryer for ozone generation to provide excellent reliability with no periodic replacement required. A catalytic exhaust ozone scrubber is standard for maximum safety and pump life.
Trace Level Chemiluminescence NO-NOy Analyzer
Model T200U NOY
Teledyne Advanced Pollution Instrumentation
The Model T200U NOy analyzer has been developed and refined specifically to address the challenges of NOy monitoring as required, for example, in the US NCore network. It uses the proven chemiluminescence principle and is coupled with a remote NOy converter via umbilical to allow measurements with a lower detectable limit of 50 ppt.The Model T200U NOy analyzer combines a gold plated reaction cell with an enhanced performance pump, special low noise photomultiplier tube, and unique signal conditioning to provide exceptional sensitivity. In addition, a pre-reactor separates the NO-O3 reaction from background chemiluminescence to allow accurate auto-zero of the analyzer. The remote NOy converter is provided with a stainless steel, NEMA 4X (IP65) enclosure and custom sample umbilical to allow a mounting height of 10 meters. In addition, the converter features a unique purge circuit designed to remove residual calibration gas.
Chemiluminescence 03 Analyzer
Model T265
Teledyne Advanced Pollution Instrumentation
The Model T265 is the only commercially available US EPA Federal Reference Method for Ambient Ozone Monitoring according to the latest US EPA regulatory rules for O3. The instrument uses Chemilumescence with Nitric Oxide (NO) as a reagent, making is safe, stable, and effective for all applications. The NO-CL method for Ozone has several advantages over the conventional UV absorption technology, including the avoidance of positive and commonly found interferrents such as VOCs, fine particulates, Mercury, turpines, ClO2, and others. If these pollutants are present in the atmosphere, it can cause UV absorption analyzers to give an artificially high Ozone measurement. The innovative T265 combines speed of response, sensitivity and stability of our proven nitrogen oxide analyzer, with a simple user interface, to provide reliable ozone measurements under the harshest conditions.
Dissolved Ozone Analyzer
Model 470
Teledyne Advanced Pollution Instrumentation
The Model 470 is a state-of-the-art Dissolved Ozone Sensor designed for semiconductor Wet Bench tools and many other industrial processes. It provides continuous measurement of dissolved ozone in deionized water or sulfuric baths with concentrations up to 150 mg/L. The Model 470 is “clean-ready” for high purity semiconductor processes, and is designed to be simply spliced in-line in the recirculation loop of any wet bench tool with flow rates up to 150 SLPM.
Gas Filter Correlation CO Analyzer
Model N300
Teledyne Advanced Pollution Instrumentation
The Model N300 is a microprocessor-controlled analyzer based on the Beer-Lambert law that is used to determine the concentration of carbon monoxide (CO) in a sample gas.The N300 uses Gas Filter Correlation (GFC) to overcome the interfering effects of various other gases (such as water vapor) that also absorb Infrared (IR) light. The analyzer passes the IR light beam through a spinning wheel made up of two separate chambers: one containing a high concentration of CO known as the reference, and the other containing a neutral gas known as the measure. The concentration of CO in the sample chamber is computed by taking the ratio of the instantaneous measure and reference values and then compensating the ratio for sample temperature and pressure.
Chemiluminescence NH3 Analyzer
Model T201
Teledyne Advanced Pollution Instrumentation
The Model T201 combines a specially configured chemiluminescence analyzer with an external thermal converter (see "Features" tab for external converter photo) to give stable and repeatable NH3 measurements at very low levels. In addition, the T201 provides simultaneous values for NO, NO2, and NOx concentrations. The T201 is ideal for trace ammonia monitoring applications in ambient air as well as in clean rooms and make-up air units. Optional zero and span valves allow automatic, unattended calibration checks.
Trace-Level UV Fluorescence SO2 Analyzer
Model T100U
Teledyne Advanced Pollution Instrumentation
The Model T100U Trace-level SO2 analyzer has been developed specifically to address the challenges of low level monitoring as required, for example, in the US NCore network. It uses the proven UV fluorescence principle, and is designed to allow ultra-sensitive SO2 measurements while still meeting the requirements for use as a US EPA compliance analyzer.The analyzer uses both the light and dark phases of the pulsed UV light source to continuously detect and correct for electronic noise, giving exceptionally stable and sensitive performance. A separate UV detector allows the instrument to continuously correct for variations in lamp intensity. Exceptional stability is achieved with the use of an optical shutter to compensate for PMT drift, and a reference detector to correct for changes in UV lamp intensity. A hydrocarbon "kicker" and advanced optical design combine to prevent inaccuracies due to interferents.
Single/Multi-Channel Industrial Safety Ozone Monitor
Model 465L
Teledyne Advanced Pollution Instrumentation
The Model 465L UV Photometric Ozone Monitor is an extremely stable analyzer, ideal for critical low-level ppm safety and process applications. Its calibration is NIST traceable and the included pressure and temperature compensation ensure high accuracy under all conditions.
UV Fluorescence SO2 Analyzer
Model T100
Teledyne Advanced Pollution Instrumentation
The Model T100 uses the proven UV fluorescence principle, coupled with a state of the art user interface to provide easy, accurate, and dependable measurements of low level SO2.Exceptional stability is achieved with the use of an optical shutter to compensate for PMT drift and a reference detector to correct for changes in UV lamp intensity. A hydrocarbon 'kicker' and advanced optical design combine to prevent inaccuracies due to interferents.
Mid-Range Chemiluminescence NOX-NO2-NO Analyzer
Model N200M
Teledyne Advanced Pollution Instrumentation
The Model N200M uses the proven chemiluminescence detection principle, combined with a state-of-the-art modular architecture, and intuitive operating software to provide accurate and dependable measurements of Nitric Oxide (NO), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and total Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) gases for use in extractive type CEM systems.
Mid-Range Gas Filter Correlation CO Analyzer
Model T300M
Teledyne Advanced Pollution Instrumentation
The Model T300M CO analyzer measures low to mid ranges of carbon monoxide by comparing infrared energy absorbed by a sample to that absorbed by a reference gas according to the Beer-Lambert law. Using a Gas Filter Correlation Wheel, a high-energy IR light source is alternately passed through a CO filled chamber and a chamber with no CO present. The light path then travels through the sample cell, which has a folded path of 2.56 meters.
THC-CH4-NMHC Analyzer
Model N901
Teledyne Advanced Pollution Instrumentation
The Model N901 is a near-continuous hydrocarbon gas analyzer that measures the concentration of Methane (CH4) and Total Hydrocarbons (THC) in air. The concentration of the non-Methane (NMHC) component is calculated by the subtraction of CH4 from THC, with high sensitivity and accuracy. The hydrocarbons are measured using a Flame Ionization Detector (FID), in combination with gas chromatography (GC). The instruments range and performance are tuned specifically for use in ambient air quality monitoring assessments.
Maintenance & Service
Teledyne Advanced Pollution Instrumentation
Get peace of mind with preventative maintenance procedures that when performed regularly, will help to ensure your analyzer continues to operate accurately and reliably over its lifetime.Proactive maintenance at scheduled intervals is key to your equipment’s accuracy and longevity. Pre-planned, periodic maintenance provides cost control with complete trust that your equipment is achieving:Consistent, accurate resultsExtended instrument lifeEliminate premature replacement of equipment.The best performance possibleEquipment downtime is decreased and the number of major repairs are reduce
Mid-Range Gas Filter Correlation CO2 Analyzer
Model T360M
Teledyne Advanced Pollution Instrumentation
The Model T360M CO2 analyzer measures Carbon Dioxide by comparing infrared energy absorbed by a sample to that absorbed by a reference gas according to the Beer-Lambert law. Using a Gas Filter Correlation Wheel, a high-energy IR light source is alternately passed through a CO2 filled chamber and a chamber with no CO2 present. The light path then travels through the sample cell, which has a folded path of 1.28 meters.The energy loss through the sample cell is compared with the reference signal provided by the filter wheel to produce a signal proportional to concentration, with little effect from interfering gases within the sample. This design produces excellent zero and span stability and high signal to noise ratio, allowing excellent performance over a wide concentration range, making this instrument an ideal choice for CO2 reporting requirements associated with dilution CEMS.
Paramagnetic O2 Analyzer Optional CO2 Sensor
Model T802
Teledyne Advanced Pollution Instrumentation
The Model T802 O2 uses the proven paramagnetic measurement principle, coupled with state of the art microprocessor technology, to provide accurate and dependable measurements of Percent-Level O2.Paramagnetic technology is non-depleting, which means that there are no consumable parts, and ensures a consistent performance over time. The selectivity of the paramagnetic measurement for oxygen means that there is little or no interference from other common background gases. The T802 offers a stable and inherently linear measurement of oxygen, making it possible to calibrate the analyzer by checking only two points. There is no requirement for a reference gas during operation.
Gas Filter Correlation CO Analyzer
Model T300U
Teledyne Advanced Pollution Instrumentation
The Model T300U Trace-level CO analyzer has been developed specifically to address the challenges of low level monitoring as required, for example, in the US NCore network. Using IR absorption with a Gas Filter Correlation Wheel, the T300U is designed to allow ultra-sensitive CO measurements while still meeting the requirements for use as a US EPA compliance analyzer.The optical bench is enclosed in a temperature controlled oven, dramatically decreasing instrument noise and drift. The objective and field mirrors in the sample cell are gold plated to maximize signal to noise performance, while a temperature-controlled Nafion dryer on the inlet minimizes water interference caused by ambient humidity changes. Periodically, the T300U seamlessly corrects its baseline by routing the sample through a heated catalytic CO scrubber. This Auto Reference function corrects zero drift and reduces the effect of interferences.
Mid-Range Gas Filter Correlation CO2 Analyzer
Model N360M
Teledyne Advanced Pollution Instrumentation
The Model N360M measures carbon dioxide (CO2) by comparing infrared energy absorbed by a sample to that absorbed by a reference according to the Beer-Lambert law.The N360M uses Gas Filter Correlation (GFC) to overcome the interfering effects of various other gases (such as water vapor) that also absorb IR. The analyzer passes the IR beam through a spinning wheel made up of two separate chambers: one containing a high concentration of CO2 known as the reference, and the other containing a neutral gas known as the measure. The concentration of CO2 in the sample chamber is computed by taking the ratio of the instantaneous measure and reference values and then compensating the ratio for sample temperature and pressure. A nitrogen purge system is provided for the GFC wheel assembly to eliminate the effects of ambient CO2, if necessary.
UV Fluorescence SO2 Analyzer
Model N100
Teledyne Advanced Pollution Instrumentation
The Model N100 instrument uses the proven UV-fluorescence principle, combined with a state-of-the-art modular architecture, and intuitive operating software to provide accurate and dependable measurements of low-level Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) gas.
High Range UV Fluorescence SO2 Analyzer
Model T100H
Teledyne Advanced Pollution Instrumentation
The Model T100H SO2 analyzer uses the proven UV fluorescence principle with the high measurement ranges and interferent rejection needed for extractive source monitoring. The Model T100H provides a simple but precise solution for a broad range of CEM and stack testing applications.The instrument design provides minimal quenching by O2 or CO2 and less than a 0.1% response to water in the sample. Additionally, special optical filtering reduces the effects of NO interference.
Portable Spectrometer / Portable Spectrum Analyzer
Optoplex's portable spectrometer / portable near-infrared optical spectrum analyzer (OSA) / mini spectrometer is a valuable spectral module in the Process Analytical Technology (PAT) applications. Portable spectrometer acts as a stand-alone spectral engine, imaging and measuring, through a rapid and nondestructive process, a wide range of vapor, liquids and solids through transmission and diffuse reflection.