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Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
See Also: Laser Sources, Femtosecond
*Measure Focus Spot
The focus spot analyzer can measure your laser beam power distribution and focal spot size of wavelengths from 266 – 1100nm. The average power can be from <1 to 400 Watts and the focal spot can be as small as 25µm. The FSA can also be used to measure how the focal spot shifts with power during its critical start-up phase.
*OEM Power Sensors
The OEM “standard” sensors are actually families of existing OEM sensors with typical specifications shown. They can be tailored as needed to fit your specific requirements. In addition to the products described, Ophir has developed hundreds of other OEM solutions. These compact laser power sensors have built-in amplifiers and are easy to install. They contain all the electronics needed including algorithms to increase the sensor's speed of response. Connections to the sensors are simple, with the host providing DC power and the sensor providing a voltage or digital output. Outputs Available: DB15 smart sensor output; Calibrated analog output; RS232; USB; Ehthernet. Simply fill out the Sensor Customization form so we can provide just the right solution for your needs.
Non-Contact Beam Profiler
The patented BeamWatch non-contact profiling system accurately captures and analyzes industrial multi-kilowatt lasers wavelengths from 980nm - 1080nm by measuring Rayleigh Scattering. It features a complete passthrough beam measurement technique, no moving parts, and a lightweight compact design which makes it ideal for comprehensive analysis of industrial multi-kilowatt lasers
Fan Cooled Thermal Power/Energy Laser Measurement Sensor
The F50A-BB-18 is a general purpose fan cooled thermal power/energy laser measurement sensor with a 17.5mm aperture. It can measure power from 10mW to 50W and energy from 6mJ to 50J. It has the spectrally flat broadband coating and covers the spectral range from 0.19 to 20µm. The sensor comes with a standard 1.5 meter cable for connecting to a meter or PC interface.
*Laser Pyroelectric Energy Sensors
Pyroelectric sensors for measuring repetitively pulsed energy at up to 25 kHz. These sensors use a pyroelectric crystal that generates an electric charge proportional to the heat absorbed. The response time of the pyroelectric sensor depends on the time it takes for the heat to enter the crystal and heat it up. For metallic type pyro detectors, this time is tens of μs and thus the metallic type can run at a high repetition rate. For the BF and BB type, the response time is milliseconds with a correspondingly lower repetition rate. Ophir pyroelectric detectors have unique and proprietary circuitry that allow them to measure long pulses as well as short pulses and work at a high duty cycle, i.e. where the pulse width is as much as 30% of the total cycle time.
*High Power Laser Beam Dumps & Low Power Beam Traps
Laser beam dumps for high power laser processing, laser measurement and other applications, and low power beam traps
*Photodiode Energy Sensors
Ophir photodiode laser energy sensors are able to measure low energy pulses down to 10pJ at frequencies up to 20 kHz. Silicon photodiodes for the UV and visible spectrum and Germanium photodiodes for infrared.
Beam Profiling System
BeamCheck is an integrated laser measurement system designed to measure critical laser beam parameters for laser-based additive manufacturing systems BeamCheck includes a CCD camera for spatial measurements and a NIST-traceable power sensor that will provide a complete analysis of the laser power density profile.
Focal Spot Analyzer
Measure your laser beam power distribution and focal spot size of wavelengths from 300 – 1100nm. The average power can be from <1 to 400 Watts and up to 5 kW for FSA-HP, the focal spot can be as small as 34.5μm. The FSA can also be used to measure how the focal spot shifts with power during its critical start-up phase.
Laser Power / Energy Meter
StarBright 7Z01580
*Compatible with all standard Ophir thermal, BeamTrack, pyroelectric (PE-C series) and photodiode sensors*Brilliant color large size TFT 320x240 display*Choose between Digital with Bargraph, Analog Needle, Line Plot (for laser tuning), Pulse Chart, Pass/Fail, *Position, Stability, Real Time Statistics displays*Sophisticated power and energy logging, including logging every point at up to 5000Hz with Pyro sensors*Math functions for advanced processing such as Density, Scale Factor, Normalize against base line, etc.*Can mix functions together and display the results graphically. Function results can also be logged.*USB Disk on Key (Thumb Drive) for nearly unlimited data storage.*USB and RS232 interfaces with StarLab PC applications and User Commands document
Scanning Slit Beam Profiling
Measure your beam as never before with the NanoScan™ beam profiler. The advantage of scanning slit beam profiling is sub-micron precision for measuring beam position and size. Scan head configurations include Silicon, Germanium, and Pyroelectric versions for a wide range of wavelengths and laser power levels. The NanoScan software is available in two versions: Standard and Professional, and includes an extensive set of ISO quantitative measurements, an M2 Wizard, and the ability to measure laser power.
High Power Thermal Sensors & Power Pucks – 1W to 120kW
The 15K-W-BB-45 is a water cooled thermal power/energy laser measurement sensor for very high powers with a 45mm aperture. It can measure power from 100W to 15,000W. It has a deflecting cone and annular absorber that withstands high power densities to 10kW/cm². It covers the spectral range from 0.8 - 2 and 10.6µm. The sensor comes with a standard 5 meter cable for connecting to a meter or PC interface.
*Laser Power & Energy Meters
Ophir laser power meters work on the smart plug principle. This means that almost any Ophir power meter can work – plug and play – with almost any of the wide range of Ophir sensors. Ophir power meters are also the most precisely calibrated units on the market thus measuring with the highest accuracy. Noted for their versatility, ease of use, and user friendly interface, Ophir meters can be used stand-alone or interfaced with LabVIEW or the user's own software.
*Laser Photodiode Sensors
Photodiode sensors have a high degree of linearity over a large range of light power levels: from fractions of a nanowatt to about 2 mW. Above that light level, corresponding to a current of about 1 mA, the sensor saturates and reads erroneously low. Therefore, most Ophir PD sensors have a built-in and removable attenuator allows measurement of up to 3 W without saturation.
*Beam Profiling For 266nm To 3000µm
Unlike a power meter that measures average or instantaneous Watts or Joules of the overall laser beam, knowing how the power is distributed within the beam is equally as important. As an example, if you want to cut something the power should generally be focused in the center of the beam to concentrate the power density in a very small area but if you were trying to weld something with all the power in the center you would poke a hole in the weld; requiring the power to be equally distributed as in a top hat profile.
*Power/Position/Size Thermal Sensors
Thermal sensors that measure laser power and single shot energy like standard thermal sensors but in addition measure laser beam position and laser size. This position sensing detector measures laser beam position to 0.1mm accuracy and laser size measurement of a Gaussian beam to +/-5% accuracy. Measuring laser position is important for laser alignment where the laser position sensor can provide feedback to the laser position control.
*High-Power Beam Profiling
Beam analysis of high-powered industrial lasers have always proved to be difficult because of the power levels (affecting the power densities) that these lasers operate at. Yet, the measurement of these lasers are critical for their success because of thermal effects which are more of a factor at these higher powers. These high-power performance measurement products have proven to be solutions for laser users who operate and maintain these high-powered lasers
*Industrial Power Meter (IPM) - Industrial High Power System
Based on the tried-and-true 10K-W sensor, the new IPM modular industrial sensor for measuring the average power of high-power lasers up to 11kW is ideal for tough industrial use. Ruggedized by design, it has all the features needed for reliable, fail-safe operation in a tough operational environment. Its modular design provides the flexibility needed to address customers' specific needs.
Handheld Laser Power & Energy Meter
Vega 7Z01560
*Compatible with all standard Ophir Thermopile, BeamTrack, Pyroelectric and Photodiode sensors*Brilliant color large size TFT 320x240 display*Clear screen color for work with laser safety goggles*Illuminated keys for working in the dark*Both digital and analog needle display*USB and RS232 output to PC with Statistics package*Select between English and Japanese interfaces*Analog output*Soft keys and menu driven functions with on line help*Log every data point at up to 4000Hz with pyroelectric sensors*Non-volatile data storage up to 250,000 points*Laser tuning screen and power log*2 position kickstand*System Integrator Tools included: LabVIEW VIs, COM Object Interface
*High Power Measurement From Short Exposure
Ophir has a number of ways to measure high laser powers up to 12kW without heavy water cooled equipment. Most of today’s lasers can be set to emit for a short, precisely controlled period of time. If a short exposure to the laser of 0.3 – 10s is sufficient to measure the power then there are compact, uncooled sensors available for this purpose.
Portable Laser Power & Energy Meter
StarLite 7Z01565
*Brilliant large size TFT 320x240 display*Compact handheld design with rubberized bumpers and optimized kickstand*Choice of digital or analog needle display*Select between English, Japanese, Russian and Chinese interfaces*Analog output*Easy to use soft keys*Easy measurement configuration with context sensitive help*Backlighting and rechargeable battery*Single shot energy measurement with thermal sensors*Power averaging*Resizable Screen graphics*EMI rejection
Pulsar 4 Channel Interface
Pulsar-4 7Z01201
Ophir’s 4 channel Pulsar interface turns your PC or laptop into a full fledged Ophir multi-channel laser power/energy meter. Just install the software, plug the laser measurement sensor into the Pulsar and the USB cable from the Pulsar to the PC USB port. With the Pulsar-4, you can connect up to 4 laser measurement sensors to each module, monitor each pulse at up to 25 kHz and utilize external trigger.
*Laser Thermal Power Sensors
Thermal sensors have a series of bimetallic junctions called a thermopile. Radial or axial heat flow through the sensor creates a voltage proportional to the power absorbed as it flows through the thermopile. The reading is not dependent on the ambient temperature since only the temperature difference is measured and not the absolute temperature. The thermopile elements are so arranged that the reading is almost independent of beam size and position. Generally, Ophir specifies ±2% or better uniformity of reading over the surface.
2D Scanning Unit
intelliSCAN FT
The intelliSCAN FT is a 2D scanning unit for planar remote laser applications. Fix integrated in the welding machine or attached to a Gantry system, the scan unit ensures fast and precise positioning of the laser spot.
1.533 Μm Frequency-Locked Laser
Thorlabs' LLD1530 Frequency-Locked Laser is a narrow linewidth, DFB-laser-diode-based, turnkey system with a vacuum emission wavelength of 1532.8323 nm and a high SMSR of at least 35 dB. The laser frequency is actively stabilized to a National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)-traceable molecular transition of acetylene and has an absolute accuracy at start-up that is better than ±25 MHz. The emission frequency immediately after start-up is then maintained with a ±25 MHz stability, providing an overall frequency accuracy of ±50 MHz. The LLD1530 is an accurate frequency reference designed to provide low-noise laser emission with excellent frequency stability, accuracy, and precision immediately at start-up. This source is ideal for use in demanding FTIR instrumentation, instrument calibration, gas sensing, and coherent telecommunications applications.
1310/1550 nm Dual Laser Source Back Reflectiom/Power Meter
GM8019 + GM83001E
The UC INSTRUMENTS GM8019 + GM83001E 1310/1550 nm dual laser source back reflection meter and power meter is a compact, direct display instrument for the convinent measurement of backreflection, insertion loss and power connector, fiber optic components, and system. With a single output port, the meter is very easy to use and ideal for fiber cable jumper manufacturers.
3D Scan Systems
The intelliWELD is a 3D scanning unit for remote laser welding applications. While a robot leads the scan system along the processing line, the scan unit ensures the fast and precise positioning of the laser spot.The intelliWELD scan unit allows elimination of complex robot movements and fast repositioning, reducing the repositioning time between the welds to a few milliseconds.
520nm Green Direct Emission Laser Diode Modules
The Optoelectronics Company Ltd
Custom lasing wavelengths, from 405 nm to 852 nm, output power options and laser engraving are available to your specifications. Both standard and custom configurations provide OEMs, end-users and systems integrators with complete cost-effective laser solutions.
Automated Live Fish Measuring System
The system for measuring and identifying aquatic organisms is designed to measure the linear dimensions and volume of live fish on a conveyor. The conveyor speed can reach 2.5 m / s, that is, up to 5 fish can pass through the installation in one second.The measurement of the thickness and volume of fish is carried out using a specialized camera Sick Ranger D40, which works on the principle of laser triangulation.The camera operation is synchronized with the conveyor movement using the Sick DGS-60 encoder.The industrial color camera Basler Scout scA1300-32gc is used for measuring the linear dimensions of fish (length and width), as well as highlighting characteristic features of different types (color of scales and fins) and possible defects.
Broadband Mid-Infrared Femtosecond Laser Source
FemtoFiber dichro midIR
The new FemtoFiber dichro midIR represents an ideal laser source for mid-infrared spectroscopy and imaging. It provides a tunable broadband output in the wavelength range of 5 to 15 m (20 - 60 THz, 670 - 2000 cm-1). The unique 400 cm-1 broad emission spectra allow to excite a wide range of materials at the same time. The air-cooled system is based on TOPTICAs proprietary fiber laser technologies and includes a difference frequency generation (DFG) unit as well as all necessary electronics into the same box. All functions and features are computer controllable by Ethernet or USB interfaces.