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Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
See Also: Laser Sources, Femtosecond
SparkFun Distance Sensor Breakout
4 Meter, VL53L1X (Qwiic)
This SparkFun Distance Sensor Breakout utilizes the VL53L1X next generation ToF (Time of Flight) sensor module to give you the highly accurate measurements at long ranges for its size. The VL53L1X from STMicroelectronics uses a VCSEL (Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser) to emit an Infrared laser to time the reflection to the target. That means that you will be able to measure the distance to an object from 40mm to 4m away with millimeter resolution! To make it even easier to get your readings, all communication is enacted exclusively via I2C, utilizing our handy Qwiic system so no soldering is required to connect it to the rest of your system. However, we still have broken out 0.1”-spaced pins in case you prefer to use a breadboard.
Semi- or Fully-Automatic Laser Repair System
LCD 6400
The Korima Model 6400-L offers an exceptional laser cutting system that exceeds the requirements for flat panel display, large photomask, and color filter repair. Fully automatic and remote controlled, the 6400-L comes with single, dual, or triple wavelength to achieve optimum results in the removal of aluminum, chromium, ITO, and polymide on panels before or after assembly.
Small Form Factor (40×70×12mm) CATV EDFA Module (Full function)
Hangzhou Huatai Optic Tech. Co., Ltd.
Huatai EATV5100 series is a low noise, high performance, high cost-effective EDFA module, which is specially designed for CATV system. EATV5100-FM01 is a full function module, using 40×70×12mm mini package, with single channel and narrow bandwidth standard version. A standard 6-pin electric connector provides simple electrical connection. The module adopts a high performance uncooled pump laser, the output optical power up to 19dBm.
Quantum Laser Systems
By combining the Optical Frequency Comb and multiple ultrastable frequency stabilized lasers in a transportable, rack based system Menlo Systems offers a complete laser system for most demanding applications like optical clocks, quantum computing, and quantum physics experiments based on cold atoms, molecules and ions. The customer can configure the system in terms of laser wavelengths, laser power and frequency accuracy so that it is optimally matched to the application.
Multi-Axis Laser Interferometer
The award-winning XD Laser is a multidimensional laser measurement system that simultaneously measures all 21 degrees of freedom including linear, angular, straightness and roll errors for rapid machine tool error assessment. Measurements Include:- Rotational accuracy- Geometric error- Angular error- Flatness- Squareness- Parallelism
Laser Diode Drivers (LDD)
LDD technology has evolved from driving DVD/CD/Blue-ray optical drives to include laser projection in smartphones, automotive head-up displays (HUDs) and pico projectors. Renesas has developed new LDDs for RGB scanning laser projection systems and laser-based pico projectors. Automotive HUDs are benefiting from big innovations in MEMS projection systems and are now central to advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and safety. The latest laser scanned-MEMS projection systems can provide higher resolution images and at a lower cost.
Laser Distance Measurer
Ideal for measuring factory layout, facilities safety area, trench depth, roof area for solar, building maintenance, ceilings maintenance, road works, water level, sheet rock measurement.
Laser Distance Measurer
Ideal for measuring factory layout, facilities safety area, trench depth, roof area for solar, building maintenance, ceilings maintenance, road works, water level, sheet rock measurement.
Circular 12:1 IR Thermometer
UEi Test & Measurement Instruments
The INF165C offers the unique circular laser targeting showing users the exact spot being measured. This 12:1 Infrared Thermometer also offers the essential temperature range for reliable remote testing with selectable emissivity and a Maximum value capture. The INF165C is backed by a 1-Year limited warranty.
Laser Diode Characterization Systems
Artifex Engineering GmbH & Co. KG
The LIV100 and LIV120 employ digitally programmable analogue end stages for flexible and accurate current control. A wide range of current end stages are available with maximum currents of 250mA for low power and telecom lasers or up to 1200A for high power laser bars. Custom units are available with even more current!
LIV – High-power Laser Diode Testing
An important aspect of the development and manufacture of laser diodes is the so-called laser diode characterization, or laser IV curve. By applying increasing current to the laser diode so it that emits light, the optical output is measured together with the voltage drop across the diode element. The resulting LIV curve reveals important clues about the quality of manufacture and the performance of the laser diode, enabling a pass/fail decision to be met.
NIR Spectrometer
NIRQuest Series
The NIRQuest is a versatile NIR spectrometer for applications ranging from moisture detection and chemical analysis to high-resolution laser and optical fiber characterization. NIRQuest spectrometers cover the wavelength range from 900-2500 nm.
From material processing to scientific and medical base research, ultrafast laser systems are used in many areas of their high peak intensity and extremely short pulse width. One relevant area of application is time resolved spectroscopy. The pulse width is a critical factor for the adjustment of these laser systems and the characterization of experiments.
Spray Particle Size Analyzer
Malvern Panalytical's Spraytec laser diffraction system allows measurement of spray particle and spray droplet size distributions in real-time for more efficient product development of sprays and aerosols. It has been specifically designed to address the unique requirements for spray characterization and deliver robust, reproducible droplet size data.
Supercontinuum White Light Lasers
SuperK series
The SuperK series is an industry-leading range of turn-key supercontinuum white light lasers used by the most innovative companies within bio-imaging, semiconductor inspection, sorting, device characterization, and scientific instrumentation. The sources are robust and reliable, built for intensive use, and can replace multiple single-line lasers as well as broadband sources like ASE sources, SLEDs and lamps.
Pulsed and CW lasers, 375 – 1700 nm, 1 kHz measurement rate
871 Series
The 871 Laser Wavelength Meter from Bristol Instruments is the best way to measure the absolute wavelength of both pulsed and CW lasers and OPOs. By combining proven Fizeau etalon technology with automatic calibration, the reliable accuracy needed for the most meaningful experimental results is ensured. What’s more, a sustained measurement rate of 1 kHz enables the wavelength characterization of every single pulse for most lasers. And, the resulting time resolution of 1 ms provides the most detailed analysis of tunable lasers.
Laser Source
Techwin(China) Industry Co., Ltd
can provide 1 to 4 output wavelengths to meet specific requirements, including the 650nm red source and the 1310/1550nm wavelengths for single mode fiber or the 850/1300nm wavelengths for multimode fiber, as well as other wavelengths according to customer needs. Together with the TW3208 optical power meter, it is a perfect solution for the fiber optic network characterization.
Edge and Backside Inspection
• Best in class throughput• High surface sentivity• Full haze characterization• High lifetime / low CoO solid state laser• Advanced Automatic Defect Classification
Positioner LD
The DVTEST LD Positioner is a two-axis elevation over azimuth positioner, for precise angular positioning with full spherical coverage. The LD Positioner is designed for the precise characterization of lightweight devices. The positioner is constructed from a low-permittivity polymer, for minimal reflections and multipath. For increased accuracy, the motor is outfitted with an absolute encoder, and laser guided calibration. A USB controller is included, with the positioner operated via Python or Matlab software libraries.
Molecular Spectroscopy
Agilent’s best-in-class portfolio of molecular spectroscopy instruments have grown in breadth as well as capabilities. With leading innovations like the Cary 3500 UV-Vis and laser direct infrared (LDIR) chemical imaging, through to the 4300 handheld FTIR and our proprietary spatially offset and transmission Raman technologies, our spectroscopy systems are more qualified than ever to equip you with the right solution for your specific challenge.
Laser Shaft Allignment Tools
PRÜFTECHNIK Condition Monitoring GmbH
A laser alignment system is the most efficient way to align rotating machinery shafts. Using an adaptive alignment system instead of conventional alignment tools saves you time and money, increases machine availability, prolongs service life and maintenance intervals, and lowers power consumption. Alignment tools from PRUFTECHNIK adapt to virtually any asset, situation, or user skill level.
Geometrical Measurement Software
PRÜFTECHNIK Condition Monitoring GmbH
Activate your machinery more quickly, and help it run longer. PRÜFTECHNIK geometric laser alignment tools and software enable you to easily check and adjust your machine geometries for: straightness, flatness, level, inclination, plumbness, parallelism, and right angle check. Our tools are powerful, precise, and easy to use on a vast range of machinery—they can measure for the most demanding alignment jobs, including a bore of almost any diameter, and/or any surface type or inclination. Find the right geometric measurement tool for your machines.
Laser Pulley Allignment System & Belt Pulley Alignment Tools
PRÜFTECHNIK Condition Monitoring GmbH
Correcting belt pulley alignment significantly extends machinery service life and lowers power consumption by decreasing wear and improving efficiency. While you can identify misalignment visually or with a straight edge, using a pulley alignment laser tool makes finding angular, vertical, and horizontal misalignment much faster and easier. Our laser belt alignment tools and pulley alignment tools are easy to use and can pay for themselves within only a couple of months.
Optoelectronics and Photonics
SemiProbe has developed probe stations for a wide variety of optoelectronic and photonic device applications, including light emitting diodes (LEDs), vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSEL) and photo diodes. Testing and handling small, fragile, thin wafers with thousands of die on them poses unique challenges that require innovative solutions.
Tunable Laser Source
AP405xA series tunable laser sources are high performance external cavity Littman tunable lasers combining wide tuning range, high output power and high signal-to-noise ratio. Different wavelength ranges are available between 1000 nm and 1650 nm. Tunable laser sources OEM and stand-alone benchtop instrument versions are available. The TLS benchtop instrument is proposed with a friendly-user software, a touch sensitive screen, GPIB, ethernet , RS-232 and USB controls.
Laser Diode Drivers
Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation
Provides a laser diode with a stable, low-noise current source.
Pulse & Delay Generators
Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation
Provides high frequency pulses, delays and bursts. It is an ideal testing and timing control instrument for electronics, lasers or camera setup.
TCSPC Lifetime Kit
The DeltaTime time correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) lifetime plug-in offers acquisition speed, flexibility, and affordability unavailable in any other multifunctioanl fluorescence solution on the market. DeltaTime seamlessly integrates monochromators, polarizers, and other accessories with the widest array of sources (LEDs, laser diodes, supercontinuum lasers) and detectors (including NIR), providing lifetime coverage from 25ps to 1sec over wavelengths spanning the UV to NIR.
TCSPC Analyzer
The PICOXEA from AUREA Technology is the first "all in one, very-compact, and easy-to-use" Time Correlated Single Photon Counting TCSPC ANALYSER, which contains pulsed laser, gated-mode Single Photon Counting and its associated TDC correlation electronics and software for standard fluorescence decay recording.
CMM Contact Measurement (Probing)
A method of collecting single points relative to each other in small or large volumes. This information can then be used for evaluation, inspection, layout or basic geometric reverse engineering. For capturing localized or small volume information, digitizing or articulating arms are ideal. For larger volumetric projects, optical solutions like laser trackers and photogrammetry CMMs perform best.