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Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
See Also: Laser Sources, Femtosecond
CO, HF, and DF Laser Spectrum Analyzer
Spectrum Analyzers designed for CO, HF, and DF lasers. With wavelength ranges of 2.45 3.25, 4.9 - 6.5, 4.8 5.9, and 3.5 4.2.
Laser Particle Size Analyzer
Zhengzhou Nanbei Instrument Equipment Co. Ltd
sysizer20 is the latest product of OMEC in Year 2006 and is highly automated, all the process can be done automatically after setting up initial parameters. Multiple sample feeding systems are available to meet your requirements. Applications:Measure the particle size distribution of powder or latex Principle:Use the principle of laser light scattering to determine particle size distribution.
Surveying Test Equipment
Our range of surveying test equipment offers a useful range if instruments, including Laser Distance, Boroscopes, Moisture and Gas Filled Lamp testers.
Laser Spectrum Analyzer
771 Series
The 771 Series Laser Spectrum Analyzer from Bristol Instruments combines proven Michelson interferometer technology with fast Fourier transform analysis resulting in a unique instrument that operates as both a high-resolution spectrum analyzer and a high-accuracy wavelength meter. With spectral resolution up to 2 GHz, wavelength accuracy as high as ± 0.2 parts per million, and an optical rejection ratio of more than 40 dB, the model 771 provides the most detailed information about a laser’s spectral properties.
Optical Noise Analyzer
Optical Noise Analyzer is the industry first solution for evaluation of optical frequency noise of lasers as power spectrum density.
CO2 Laser Spectrum Analyzer
The spectrum analysis screen has a response time of 1/4 seconds and permits the instrument to resolve all the CO2 rotational lines. The Model 16-A is light, portable and can easily be introduced into laboratory setups.
LaserSpeed Pro
Nordson Measurement & Control Solutions
Measure the Length and Speed of Any Moving Product with the Highest Laser Precision
Pipe Crawlers
Advanced Inspection Technologies Inc.
AIT offers a full range of robotic cctv crawlers for the inspection any pipe or hazardous space as large as 2000mm (6.5 Ft.). Our smallest industrial Rovver can navigate spaces and pipelines as small as 100mm (4 in.). Pan tilt and zoom cameras, a wide selection of wheels for a variety of applications, laser measurement, sonde locator and more feastures. Your inspection is displayed on a modern touch screen display that is ergonomic and portable. Many pipe inspection camera robots offer ATEX Zone 1 (Division 1) EX Rating.
PC System Electronics
Keysight PC electronics provide state of the art laser interferometer performance in the convenient PC backplane format. Axis, servo-axis and compensation boards are available.
Laser Head
The Keysight 5517D is used primarily in VME and PC based laser interferometer systems where the velocity of motion is faster, such as semiconductor lithography and flat panel applications. Please contact Keysight for custom requirements.
Pipe Lasers
Zeta125 Series
Consistent precision and accuracy are ensured by the compact, robust and fully featured GeoMax pipe lasers. With functional and versatile configuration, a full range of features and a tough design, the Zeta series of pipe lasers fit all your needs.
Laser Rotators
Zone Series
The powerful GeoMax Zone rotating laser portfolio offers the right construction tools for all trades and applications.
Pipe Lasers
Consistent precision and accuracy are ensured by the compact, robust and fully featured GeoMax pipe lasers.
Laser Rotators
Suitable for a wide range of applications, GeoMax rotating lasers are true multi-purpose tools.
* Michelson Interferometer with a stabilized single-frequency He-Ne Laser as scale *Measurement range: up to 80 m *Resolution: 5 pm *Wide acceptance angle (up to ± 22.5°) for ball/hollow cube reflector
Micromachining Laser Systems
Versatility in terms of materials Taper controlled drilling Only top – quality components Intelligent laser machining software Beam focus adjustment Beam power (pulse energy) control Many options for system customization Table top system Small footprint Cost effective workstation User-friendly, flexible, upgradeable system control
Laser Systems
Laser systems (laser range finders, laser designators, laser receivers, laser trackers, laser pointers) are one of crucial technologies for defense/security sector. Laser systems have also found mass applications outside defense sector. Testing laser systems is needed for both manufacturers, maintenance workshops and final users for a set of different and important reasons. Hi-tech test equipment can help significantly in manufacturing, maintenance, training, purchase optimization, and optimal use of night vision devices.
Boresight Systems
Boresight is a process to align optical axis of single system or a series of optical or electro-optical systems with a certain reference optical axis or mechanical axis. Proper boresight is particularly critical in case of multi-sensor electro-optical surveillance systems built from a series of systems like thermal imager, VIS/NIR camera, SWIR camera, laser range finder, laser pointer.
Multi-Sensor Systems
Multi- sensor surveillance systems represent a fast growing group of electro-optical systems of critical importance in both defense and civilian applications. At the same time they are the most expensive groups of electro-optical systems. Most advanced but rarely met multi-sensor surveillance systems are built from a long series of sensors like thermal imager (or two thermal imagers, color VIS camera, low light VIS-NIR camera, SWIR camera, laser range finder, laser designator, laser pointer, illuminator located on a stabilized platform and such systems. Simpler systems built from two-three sensors located on smaller stabilized or non-stabilized platforms are more common.
Laser Distance Meters/Laser Ranger & Angle Finders
A very useful tool for various types of applications in construction and industries and a very convenient to that gives accurate measurement of distance, area and volume especially in large areas such as rooms, apartments, buildings, real estates, factories, warehouses, gardens, roads, infrastructures, and many other applications requiring accurate results for distance , area and volume measurement.
Non-contact/ Contact Thermometers
Is a reliable device used for measuring temperature of the object's surface, which is applicable for various hot, hazardous or hard-to-reach objects without contact safely and quickly. Just aim the Laser Point, press the button, and read the temperature in less than a second. It makes aiming even more precise.
Digital Infrared Thermometers
The Professional Digital Infrared Thermometer is a reliable device used for measuring temperature of the object's surface, which is applicable for various hot, hazardous or hard-to-reach objects without contact safely and quickly. Just aim the Laser Point, press the button, and read the temperature in less than a second. It makes aiming even more precise
Spectral Single-Mode Diode Laser
The diode lasers are compact, single-mode light sources with a spectral width in the sub-MHz range (cw). A modulation input is optional. The wavelength for standard products is in the range 1530nm-1565nm (other wavelength can be tested).
Laser Diode Modules
Fiber-coupled laser diodes are finding more and more industrial applications, for example in printing technology, comparable graphic areas, material processing or sensor technology.
Laser Diode Driver
Fibotec offers special laser diode drivers, especially versions that accommodate laser diodes via integrated terminal bases. Two standard products for different applications accommodate laser diodes in butterfly packages with up to 2 A forward current. The "Pump Laser Pinout" is standard. The configuration for "Signal Laser" is available on request.
Direct Reading (Lenker Style) Grade Rods
GR Series
Laser or optical. These grade rods are the number one seller in the USA, and there's a reason — Tremendous Quality. Tough, lightweight, and versatile, our direct reading (lenker style) rods bear the true test of quality in the field, and hold up exceptionally well. Choose from our large selection of lengths and increments in tenths, metric, and inches.
Laser Scanners
RTC360ScannersDelivering outstanding range, speed and highest quality 3D data, Leica Geosystems laser scanners are the perfect partner for any tasks in 3D laser scanning.
Laser Pulse Compression Gratings
HORIBA Scientific, as Jobin Yvon has pioneered the design and development of pulse compression gratings using holographic techniques. By carefully designing the grating groove parameters, gold-coated pulse compression gratings can achieve typically diffraction average efficiencies as high as 94% at 800 nm (TiSa), 910 nm (OPCPA), 1030 nm (Ytterbium), 1 053 nm (Nd glass) or 1.55 µm. In addition, the holographic manufacturing technique can produce very large gratings that demonstrate an excellent uniformity and quality of the diffracted wavefront.
Lab Equipment
Sper Scientific offers a range of the highest quality equipment for numerous laboratory applications. Our lineup includes: calibration kits, silicone pipet fillers, ultrasonic cleaners, pocket microscopes, laser pointers and more.
Laser Markers
Panasonic Industrial Devices Sales Company of America
With over 20 years of experience building Laser Marking Systems and 2D Code Readers, Panasonic has built a strong following that identify the brand with innovation, reliability, and quality. Throughout the years Panasonic has developed numerous high-quality products for a variety of applications only to be matched by their first-class customer service and expert technical support.