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Analog Input Output
Analog I/O are Devices that have the capability of sending and receiving analog signals.
cDAQ Modules
More than 50 input / output modules for various measuring tasks - analog and digital input / output, tensometry, vibroacoustic diagnostics, temperature measurements, control of external devices and telecommunications.
Charge Integrator Amplifiers
Analog Devices’ charge integrator amplifiers convert the charge acquired by X-ray or photodiode detectors to a voltage. The channels are composed of CMOS transistors, using typical high input impedance CMOS gates. The integrators generate charge dependent voltages using a range of selectable capacitance values that accommodate a broad range of input charge values. The integrators are followed by single-ended input to differential output voltage amplifiers where offset and low frequency noise voltages are subtracted from the input voltages.
CompactRIO Input-Output Modules
More than 50 input / output modules for various measuring tasks - analog and digital input / output, tensometry, vibroacoustic diagnostics, temperature measurements, control of external devices and telecommunications.
*Inputs for analog, digital, diagnostic and pulse signals*Digital, PWM or current-controlled outputs*Programmable to IEC 61131-3 with CODESYS*High-performance CAN interface for various communication tasks*E1 type approval (German Federal Motor Transport Authority)
Data Acquisition
Data Acquisition module incorporating 16 Analog-to-Digital (ADC) inputs, 8 Digital-to-Analog (DAC) outputs, and 48 bi-directional Digital I/O in a single module.
Ultra fast data acquisition module (7680 Hz / channel) with 20 synchronous analog channels (1 / D converter per channel) and 20 inputs / TTL outputs.
Econo Motion Controllers
The DMC-41x3 motion controller is one of Galil's latest generation, stand-alone motion controller. Compared with the DMC-21x3 controller, the DMC-41x3 offers the following enhancements: 100BASE-T Ethernet, aux RS232 port, USB port, uncommitted analog inputs, up to 15 MHz encoder frequencies, more program memory, and faster sample frequencies. The DMC-41x3 also accommodates the same stepper and servo motor drives used in the DMC-40x0 series and allows two 4-axis 750 W drives to be installed in the 8-axis controller package. The DMC-41x3 is available as a box-level or card-level motion controller. The unit operates stand-alone or interfaces to a PC with Ethernet 10/100BASE-T, or USB. It includes optically isolated I/O in addition to analog inputs and outputs. The DMC-41x3 controller and drive unit accepts power from a single 20-80 VDC source.
EtherCAT Master Multi-Axis Motion Controllers
The DMC-52xx0 EtherCAT Master is Galil Motion Control's first 32 axis motion controller. It is a pure EtherCAT controller capable of controlling up to 32 drives and 2 IO modules on one EtherCAT Network in a small, space efficient package. The DMC-52xx0 makes configuration and programming easy with just a handful of EtherCAT configuration commands and Galil’s intuitive, two-letter programming language. The DMC-52xx0 is offered in 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 axis formats. Coordinated moves can be done within banks of 8 allowing for minimal changes to Galil’s programming language. Galil supports a variety of EtherCAT drives to accommodate most applications. The DMC-52xx0 operates in Cyclic Synchronous Position mode (CSP). In this mode the servo control loop is closed on the EtherCAT drive while the Galil sends motion profile data at a 1 kHz rate. The DMC-52xx0 features 8 uncommitted opto-isolated inputs and 8 uncommitted opto-isolated high power outputs. It also includes 8 uncommitted analog inputs and 8 uncommitted analog outputs. One 100 Mbps Ethernet port and one USB (serial) port are provided for communication with a host PC or external devices.
Electronic integrator of high sensitivity and very low drift. Equipped with USB interface, maximum/minimum store and comparator. 4 Measuring ranges. Constants of measuring from 10 E-7 to 10 E-4 Vs/digit. Attenuator from 10-100%. Digital 3 ½ digit LED-display and analog output 0-200 mV. Possibility to connect a foot switch for the reset function. Input: Ri = 10 kOhm.
FMC Dual ADC 12-bit 2.6 GSPS, Single DAC 16-bit 12 GSPS
The FMC250 is an FPGA Mezzanine Card (FMC+) per VITA 57.4 specification. The board has dual ADC and single DAC. The FMC250 utilizes dual AD9625 ADCs providing 12-bit conversion rates of up to 2.6 GSPS and a single DAC (AD9162 or AD9164) providing 16-bit conversion rates of up to 12 GSPS. The analog input, digital output, clock and trigger interfaces of the FMC250 are routed via SSMC connectors. The internal clock frequency is programmable and the clock is capable of locking to an external reference.
Frequency to Current Converter
The Frequency to Current converter DAT4540R is a signal conditioning din rail mount converter which converts a pulse input to an analog output equal to the set range which is selectable from 0.1 Hz up to 20 KHz. The DAT4540R also provides 2 relay outputs and a transistor output. The input can be from a Tacho, TTL, PNP transistor or from any Namur standard. The DAT4540R provides a Voltage or Current output that is isolated from the power supply and input.
Fully Differential Amplifiers
Differential amplifiers allow the process of single-ended input to complementary differential outputs or differential inputs to differential outputs. These amplifiers feature two separate feedback loops to control the differential and common-mode output voltages. Analog Devices fully differential amplifiers are configured with a VOCM pin, which can be easily adjusted for setting output common-mode voltage. This provides a convenient solution when interfacing with analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). ADI also offers a series of differential receiver products that convert differential input signals to single ended output.
GSM Controller
Infinite Industrial Informatics Lt
SCOM-100 is a powerful GSM controller for alerting and remote control using SMS. The rail mount unit incorporates a Quad Band GSM/GPRS modem, 2 analog inputs, 4 digital inputs with retentive pulse counting capability, 4 power relay outputs and a serial RS-232 port.
High-Speed Analog Output
High-speed analog output photocouplers (optocouplers) are optically coupled isolators containing a GaAlAs LED on the input side and a PIN photodiode and high-speed amplifier transistor on the output side in a single chip.
Instrumentation Amplifiers
Analog Devices instrumentation amplifiers (in-amps) are precision gain blocks that have a differential input and an output that may be differential or single-ended with respect to a reference terminal. These devices amplify the difference between two input signal voltages while rejecting any signals that are common to both inputs. The in-amps are widely used in many industrial, measurement, data acquisition, and medical applications where dc precision and gain accuracy must be maintained within a noisy environment, and where large common-mode signals (usually at the ac power line frequency) are present.
Interfaces & I / Os
USBTucan is a USB-connected I / O box with digital inputs / outputs, analog inputs and a galvanically isolated CAN interface.
JFET Input Amplifiers
Analog Devices JFET input op amps or FastFET high speed (>50 MHz) input op amps provide high input impedance and ultralow input bias currents for high speed applications. The majority of our FET input op amps feature wide supply ranges from +5 V to 12 V or higher and feature rail-to-rail outputs enabling wide dynamic range.
Modbus Analog Output Modules
DAT3020 Series
The DAT3020 series from Datexel is a range of Modbus analog output cards. These cards or modules have both voltage and current outputs either 0-10V or 4-20mA and are isolated from the input, output and power supply. They are available with either 2, 4 or 8 channels. The DAT3011 is a Modbus slave with 2 analog inputs (Thermocouple, RTD's mA, Resistance, Potentiometers, mV and voltage) and 2 analog outputs(4-20mA). It also has 3 digital inputs and outputs. Combining these analog output cards with the analog input cards, and the digital IO cards with the DAT9000 controllers make Datexel the smart choice where Data Acquisition is needed.
Modbus Controllers
Datexel has a range of Modbus RTU Masters, Slaves, Controllers, Data Loggers and Modbus remote displays. The DAT9000 is a Modbus RTU Master with RS485, RS232 and Ethernet Interfaces. The DAT9000IO is similar to the DAT9000 but it has digital input and outputs. The DAT9000DL has an additional Data Logging facility and the DAT9000DLIO has both Data Logging and digital IO. The DAT9011 is a Modbus Master with 2 analog inputs which can chose from Thermocouple's, RTD's, Potentiometers, mA and mV's. It also has 2 outputs which can be mA or voltage. The DAT9011 can also accept digital inputs and provide 2 SPDT relay outputs. The DAT9011DL also has a Data Logging facility which can store up to 8gb of readings on a thumb drive.
Modbus Digital Input Output Modules
DAT3100 Series
The Datexel DAT3100 series is a range of Modbus digital input output modules. These cards or modules have the ability to accept digital voltage inputs and provide an output by the way of relays, NPN or PNP transistors. The DAT3100 devices can communicate with RS485 or RS232 on a Modbus or ASCII protocol making the DAT3100 series a very economical solution to large and small scale Data Acquisition. Combining these digital input output devices with the DAT9000 controllers and the DAT3000 analog input output modules make Datexel the smart choice where Data Acquisition is needed.
Modbus I/O extender
CoolEx is a Modbus I/O extender with analog, digital and PWM inputs and outputs. CoolEx can be used in conjunction with Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) or any other Modbus master that requires some extra I/O or special I/O functionality. CoolEx is controlled by master by means of standard Modbus requests defined in "Modbus Application Protocol Specification".
Modbus RTU Analog Input Modules
The Datexel range of Modbus RTU analog input cards for both RS485 and RS232 with Modbus or ASCII protocol can be combined with the DAT9000 series of Modbus Masters. A choice of input cards or modules are available and have various optional inputs such as Voltage, Current, Thermocouples, RTD, and Resistance. Also a choice of 2, 4, 8 channel options are available. The DAT3011 is a Modbus RTU Slave with 1 selectable universal input (Thermocouples, RTD, mV, RTD's or Resistance), 2 x 4-20mA or 0-10V input and 2 x4-20mA outputs. The DAT3011 also has 3 digital inputs and 3 relay outputs. Each module is isolated from each other and is set up using the DAT3000 software Development package which is free of charge from the Datexel download web page. Datexel also has universal input modules. An 8 channel analog input card is available making the DAT3000 series a very economical solution to large and small scale Data Acquisition. Combining these analog input cards with the analog output cards, the digital input/output cards and the communication devices make Datexel the smart choice where Data Acquisition is required.
Multi-format Video Generator
LT 4600A
The LT 4600A multi-format video generator is a compact, 1U half-rack size SDI video signal generator that supports the triple-rate SDI (3G-SDI/HD-SDI/SD-SDI) format. In addition to test pattern output including color bars and SDI check fields, the LT 4600A is equipped with numerous features such as ID characters, QVGA logo marks, safety area markers, audio embedding, genlock function for external reference input signals, and three analog black signal outputs.
Multifunctional I/O Module
DP-OBC-1122 is a standard 3U cPCI Multi-Functional IO module. This board operates on 32bit, 33MHz PCI bus. The key function of the module is to provide analog IO interface, in addition to the various communication interfaces such as ARINC429, RS422 and Rs232.It has an ADC, operating with ±10V analog input catering for 8 single ended / 4 differential ended channels and a DAC which provides 4 channels of analog signals with a maximum output voltage of ±10V .The module also features standard communication channels and general purpose IOs.
PC/104 SBC with Vortex86DX3 1GHz CPU and Data Acquisition
The HELIX family of PC/104 SBCs combines mid-range CPU performance, standard PC I/O, and on-board data acquisition circuitry in a compact size and at a competitive price. Available PC I/O includes 3 or 6 USB 2.0 (model dependent), 4 serial ports (2 RS-232/422/485 and 2 RS-232), 1 10/100Mbps Ethernet, 1 Gigabit Ethernet, and a SATA port. The optional data acquisition circuit includes 16 16-bit analog inputs, 4 16-bit analog outputs and 27 digital I/O lines configurable as counter/timers and pulse width modulators.
PCI Bus Analog Output Board, 8 Isolated Outputs, 14 Bit, Custom Version
*"-2P" indicates custom version*8 analog output channels, 14-bit*Optical isolation 500 V*4 digital Input*4 digital output*24 V, optically isolated*Watchdog
PCI-Express, 16 SE/8 DIFF Analog Inputs, 8 Analog Outputs,16-bit, 8 Digital I/O, 24 V
The PCI-Express analog input/output board APCIe-3121 has 16 SE/differential inputs, 8 analog outputs, 16-bit, and 8 digital I/O, 24 V. The board is especially suited for applications in industrial process control, measurement technology and monitoring, for example for multichannel data acquisition, for the control of chemical processes, for the acquisition of sensor data, current measurement etc. in the harsh industrial environment.
PCI Express Card
The PCIe-ADIO16-16F is a 16-bit resolution A/D & D/A card with two simultaneous 1MHz A/D converters, having a total of either 16 single ended, 8 differential, or 8 single ended and 4 differential inputs. Each channel can be independently software configured to accept any of 7 input ranges. Four analog outputs with 5, 10, ±5, ±10, and ±2.5V ranges are provided.
PCI Express Mini Card With 16 S.E./8 Diff'l Analog Inputs And 4 Analog Outputs
The mPCIe-AIO16-16F is an ideal solution for adding high-speed analog I/O capabilities to any computer with an mPCIe slot.
United Electronic Industries, Inc.
For PCI bus16 analog outputs, 16-bit resolution8 digital input lines, 8 digital output linesThree clock/interrupt lines, three 24-bit counters/timersChannel list (64 locations)Independent waveform on each channelSimultaneous channel update; update on external event2k samples onboard buffer size (upgradable to 64k samples)