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Analog Input Output
Analog I/O are Devices that have the capability of sending and receiving analog signals.
Scienlab Measurement And Control Module
The Measurement & Control Module SL1068B is a rack-mount measurement module which provides voltage outputs for analog signaling – useful e.g. for the emulation of temperature sensors or the controlling of regulation vents with voltage input with 8 channels. The module can be used either as a stand-alone device or as extension for a Scienlab Battery Test System.
Power Supply, 40 V, 85 A, 3400 W
Keysight basic DC power supplies offer essential features for a tight budget. The Keysight N8736A is a 40V, 85A, 3300W single output power supply in a small 2U package. It offers flexible AC input options, analog / resistance control of output voltage and current as well as parallel and series connection of multiple supplies to achieve more output current or voltage respectively.
Lab Power Supplies
The analog interface is equipped with two programmable trigger inputs and three signal outputs, which can be linked to various device functions for indication, or for controlling external devices and an auxiliary power output. Beyond this, monitor outputs and control inputs for voltage and current setpoints are available as well. Sensing leads allow for auto-sensing operation at the power consumer. Strict menu-driven operation supports highly diverse programming functions. The device is transformed into a freely programmable test signal generator by means of an expanded sequence memory and extra functions.
Cryogenic Temperature Monitors
Monitor temperatures from 1.4K to over 800K. Choose from one or eight standard inputs. USB, IEEE-488, and RS-232C interfaces, relays, and analog outputs are available.
16-CH 12/16-Bit 100 kS/s Low-Cost Multi-Function DAQ Cards
PCI-9111 Series
ADLINK PCI-9111 series are 16-CH, 100 kS/s low cost multi-function DAQ card. The PCI-9111 series feature flexible configurations on analog inputs. A RC filter is implemented on each A/D input channel for user to attenuate or filter input signal. The PCI-9111 series provide analog inputs with 5 programmable input ranges for bipolar inputs. The PCI-9111 series also support automatic analog input scanning. PCI-9111DG provides 12-bit A/D resolution while PCI-9111HR provides 16-bit A/D resolution. The PCI-9111 series also feature 1-CH 12-bit analog output, 16-CH TTL digital inputs and 16-CH TTL digital outputs. ADLINK PCI-9111 series deliver cost-effective and reliable data acquisition capabilities, and is ideal for a broad variety of applications.
32-CH 16-Bit Up to 250 kS/s Multi-Function DAQ Cards
PCI-9114 Series
ADLINK PCI-9114 series are 32-CH, 16-bit, high resolution multi-function DAQ Cards. The PCI-9114 device features flexible configurations on analog input. The devices are divided into 2 kinds: normal gain version and high gain version. Both versions provide 4 programmable input ranges for bipolar and unipolar inputs. The A/D on the PCI-9114DG device features a sampling rate of 100 kS/s with resolution at 16 bits, while PCI-9114A-DG/HG device features a sampling rate of up to 250kS/s with resolution at 16 bits. The device supports automatic analog input scanning, and offers a differential mode for 8-CH analog inputs and maximum noise elimination, as well as single-ended modes for 16- CH analog inputs. The PCI-9114 also features 1-CH 16-bit general purpose timer/counter, 16-CH TTL isolated digital inputs and 16-CH TTL isolated digital outputs. ADLINK PCI-9114 delivers cost-effective and reliable data acquisition capabilities and is ideal for a broad variety of applications.
4/8-CH 12-Bit 1 MS/s Analog Output Multi-Function DAQ Cards
DAQ-2500 Series
ADLINIK DAQ-2501 and DAQ-2502 are high-speed and high-performance analog output multifunction DAQ cards. The devices are able to update up to 8-CH, 12-bit analog outputs simultaneously at sustaining 1 MS/s. The reference sources and the output polarities are programmable on per channel basis, combining with the multiplying DAC architecture, ADLINK DAQ-2500 series DAQ cards can generate complex modulated analog signals. The hardware-based arbitrary waveform generation frees the CPU intervention even when all analog outputs are updating at full speed, and the lengths of waveforms are only limited by the system memory. The DAQ-2500 series integrate up to 8-CH, 400 kS/s, 14-bit single-ended analog inputs with programmable polarity, 24-CH programmable digital I/O lines, and 2-CH 16-bit general-purpose timer/counters.
24-Bit High-Resolution Dynamic Signal Acquisition and Generation Module
The PCI-9527L is a high-performance, 2-CH analog input and 2-CH analog output dynamic signal acquisition board. This board is specifically designed for audio testing, acoustic measurement, and vibration analysis applications.The ADLINK PCI-9527L features two 24-bit simultaneous sampling analog input channels. The 24-bit sigma-delta ADC provides a sampling rate up to 216 KS/s at high resolutions, making it ideal for higher bandwidth dynamic signal measurements. The sampling rate can be adjusted by setting the onboard DDS clock source to an appropriate frequency. All channels are sampled simultaneously and accept an input range from ±40 V to ±0.316 V. The PCI-9527L analog input supports software selectable AC or DC coupling and 4 mA bias current for integrated electronic piezoelectric (IEPE) sensors.
Multifunction I/O
ADLINIK PXI-2204, PXI-2205, and PXI-2206 are high-density, high-performance multifunction PXI modules. These devices can sample up to 64 AI channels with various gain settings and scan sequences---making them ideal for high-density analog signals with various input ranges and sampling speeds. These devices also offer a differential mode for 32 AI channels to achieve maximum noise elimination. The PXI-2200 series also features analog and digital triggering, 2-CH 12-bit analog outputs with waveform generation capabilities, 24-CH programmable digital I/O lines, and 2-CH 16-bit general-purpose timers/counters.PXI-220464-CH 12-Bit 3 MS/s Multi-Function PXI Module
Multi-Function DAQ
Full spectrum of DAQ cards provides analog input and output, digital input and output, and counter/timer circuitry.
Dynamic Signal Acquisition & Analysis
The PCI-9527L is a high-performance, 2-CH analog input and 2-CH analog output dynamic signal acquisition board. This board is specifically designed for audio testing, acoustic measurement, and vibration analysis applications.
4-CH 14/16-Bit Up to 2 MS/s Simultaneous-Sampling Multi-Function DAQ PCI Express Cards
DAQe-2000 Series
ADLINK DAQe-2000 series products are simultaneous-sampling multi-function PCI Express DAQ cards to meet a wide range of application requirements. The devices can simultaneously sample 4 AI channels with differential input configuration in order to achieve maximum noise elimination. They also provide 2-CH 12-bit analog outputs with waveform generation capability, which can be performed together with analog input functions. If more analog input or output channels are required, multiple cards can be synchronized through the SSI (system synchronization interface) bus. This makes the DAQe-2000 series ideal for the stimulus/response test.
Low-Cost 16-Bit Multi-Function DAQ Card with 2-CH Encoder Input
The ADLINK PCI-9221 is a 16-bit high-resolution and low-cost multi-function DAQ card, with 16-CH singleended or 8-CH differential input capable of up to 250 kS/s sampling rate. In addition, the PCI-9221 comes with a 2-CH 16-bit static analog output and programmable function I/O. The software-programmable function I/O supports a variety of applications, including TTL digital I/O, general-purpose timer/counter, encoder input, and PWM output. The flexible function I/O makes the PCI-9221 the best single-board solution for combined data acquisition and simple motion control functionalities. Ideal for manufacturing, laboratory research, and factory automation, the PCI-9221 comes with all the functions you need at an affordable price.
Multifunction I/O
ADLINIK PXI-2501 and PXI-2502 are high-speed, high-performance analog output multifunction PXI modules. These devices are able to update up to 8-CH, 12-bit analog outputs imultaneously sustaining 1 MS/s. The reference sources and output polarities are programmable individually per channel. Combine this with the multiplying PXI architecture, ADLINK PXI-2500 series PXI modules can generate complex modulated analog signals. The hardware-based arbitrary waveform generation frees CPU intervention even when all analog outputs are updating at full speed, and the lengths of waveforms are only limited by the system memory. The PXI-2500 series integrate up to 8-CH, 400 kS/s, 14-bit single-ended analog inputs with programmable polarity, 24-CH programmable digital I/O lines, and 2-CH 16-bit general-purpose timer/counters.
Multi-Axis Motion Controllers
The DMC-40x0 motion controller is Galil's highest performance, stand-alone motion controller. It belongs to Galil's latest generation motion controller family, which accepts encoder inputs up to 22 MHz, provides servo update rates as high as 32 kHz, and processes commands as fast as 40 microseconds-10 times the speed of prior generation controllers. The DMC-40x0 is a full-featured motion controller packaged with optional multi-axis drives in a compact, metal enclosure. The unit operates stand-alone or interfaces to a PC with Ethernet 10/100Base-T or RS232. The controller includes optically isolated I/O, high-power outputs capable of driving brakes or relays, and analog inputs for interfacing to analog sensors. The DMC-40x0 controller and drive unit accepts power from a single 20-80 VDC source.
Analog Output Expansion Board
MSXB 032
The MSXB 032 Analog Output Expansion Board converts digital inputs from a Data Acquisition Processor into four separate analog outputs. Up to 16 Analog Output Expansion Boards can be connected to a Data Acquisition Processor for a maximum expansion of 64 analog output channels. The MSXB 032 is compatible with Microstar Laboratories Industrial Enclosures.
BNC-2090A, 16-Channel, 1-Pin Female BNC, 68-Pin Female SCSI, PXI Multifunction I/O Module Terminal Block
16-Channel, 1-Pin Female BNC, 68-Pin Female SCSI, PXI Multifunction I/O Module Terminal Block - The BNC-2090A is a desktop or rack-mount analog breakout terminal block that you can connect to compatible PXI Multifunction I/O Modules. The terminal block features 16 analog input (AI) BNC connectors for eight differential or 16 single-ended channels. The BNC-2090A also features two analog output (AO) BNC connectors, two user-defined BNC connectors, one analog programmable function input (APFI) BNC connector, one PFI BNC connector, and two 68-pin I/O connectors for DAQ device connection. Additionally, the BNC-2090A features spring terminal block for digital I/O and PFI connections.
NI-9361, 32-Bit, 8-Channel C Series Counter Input Module
32-Bit, 8-Channel C Series Counter Input Module - The NI‑9361 is a differential or single-ended input module. With this module, you can expand beyond the four counters in CompactDAQ to reach up to 64 counters per 8‑slot chassis. You can configure each channel to read a single pulse train or combine them to read up to four incremental encoders. You can also directly connect sensors with open-collector or push-pull outputs by using an internal switchable 1 kΩ pull‑up resistor. The NI‑9361 counters can perform encoder position and velocity measurements. You can synchronize the counters with other analog, digital, and counter measurements in your chassis.
PXI-6239, 8 AI (16-Bit, 250 kS/s), 2 AO, 6 DI, 4 Sinking DO, Bank-Isolated, PXI Multifunction I/O Module
8 AI (16-Bit, 250 kS/s), 2 AO, 6 DI, 4 Sinking DO, Bank-Isolated, PXI Multifunction I/O Module—The PXI‑6239 is a bank-isolated DAQ device designed for current I/O. It offers analog I/O, digital input, sinking digital output, two 32‑bit counters, and digital triggering. The digital input and outputs are compatible with 24 V signals. It combines the safety and performance benefits of isolation with high-performance timing, amplification, and calibration technologies to offer accurate measurements and precise control. The PXI‑6239 is ideal for test, measurement, control, and design applications in environments with high voltages and electrical noise. You can use the PXI‑6239 to read from encoders, flow meters, and proximity sensors as well as control valves, pumps, and relays.
PXI-6230, 8 AI (16-Bit, 250 kS/s), 4 AO, 6 DI, 4 DO, Bank-Isolated, PXI Hybrid, Multifunction I/O
8 AI (16-Bit, 250 kS/s), 4 AO, 6 DI, 4 DO, Bank-Isolated, PXI Multifunction I/O Module—The PXI‑6230 is a bank-isolated DAQ device designed for voltage I/O. It offers analog I/O, digital input, digital output, two 32‑bit counters, and digital triggering. The digital input and outputs are compatible with 5 V TTL/CMOS signals. It combines the safety and performance benefits of isolation with high-performance timing, amplification, and calibration technologies to offer accurate measurements and precise control. The PXI‑6230 is ideal for test, measurement, control, and design applications in environments with high voltages and electrical noise. You can use the PXI‑6230 to read from encoders, flow meters, and proximity sensors as well as control valves, pumps, and relays.
PXI-6236, 4 AI (16-Bit, 250 kS/s), 4 AO, 6 DI, 4 DO, Bank-Isolated, PXI Multifunction I/O Module
4 AI (16-Bit, 250 kS/s), 4 AO, 6 DI, 4 DO, Bank-Isolated, PXI Multifunction I/O Module—The PXI‑6236 is a bank-isolated DAQ device designed for current I/O. It offers analog I/O, digital input, digital output, two 32‑bit counters, and digital triggering. The digital input and outputs are compatible with 5 V TTL/CMOS signals. It combines the safety and performance benefits of isolation with high-performance timing, amplification, and calibration technologies to offer accurate measurements and precise control. The PXI‑6236 is ideal for test, measurement, control, and design applications in environments with high voltages and electrical noise. You can use the PXI‑6236 to read from encoders, flow meters, and proximity sensors as well as control valves, pumps, and relays.
PXI-6120, 4 AI (16-Bit, 800 kS/s/ch), 8 DIO, PXI Multifunction I/O Module
4 AI (16-Bit, 800 kS/s/ch), 8 DIO, PXI Multifunction I/O Module - The PXI‑6120 is a simultaneous-sampling, multifunction data acquisition device. It offers analog input, digital I/O, two 24‑bit counters, and digital triggering. It is ideal for a variety of applications, such as stimulus/response applications for whih synchronization among analog input, analog output, and digital I/O is required; 42 V automotive applications; radar; sonar; and ultrasound. The included NI‑DAQmx driver and configuration utility simplify configuration and measurements.
PXI-6238, 8 AI (16-Bit, 250 kS/s), 2 AO, 6 DI, 4 Sourcing DO, Bank-Isolated, PXI Hybrid, Multifunction I/O
8 AI (16-Bit, 250 kS/s), 2 AO, 6 DI, 4 Sourcing DO, Bank-Isolated, PXI Multifunction I/O Module—The PXI‑6238 is a bank-isolated DAQ device designed for current I/O. It offers analog I/O, digital input, sourcing digital output, two 32‑bit counters, and digital triggering. The digital input and outputs are compatible with 24 V signals. It combines the safety and performance benefits of isolation with high-performance timing, amplification, and calibration technologies to offer accurate measurements and precise control. The PXI‑6238 is ideal for test, measurement, control, and design applications in environments with high voltages and electrical noise. You can use the PXI‑6238 to read from encoders, flow meters, and proximity sensors as well as control valves, pumps, and relays.
PXI-6232, 16 AI (16-Bit, 250 kS/s), 2 AO, 6 DI, 4 Sourcing DO, Bank-Isolated, PXI Multifunction I/O Module
16 AI (16-Bit, 250 kS/s), 2 AO, 6 DI, 4 Sourcing DO, Bank-Isolated, PXI Multifunction I/O Module—The PXI‑6232 is a bank-isolated DAQ device designed for voltage I/O. It offers analog I/O, digital input, sourcing digital output, two 32‑bit counters, and digital triggering. The digital input and outputs are compatible with 24 V signals. It combines the safety and performance benefits of isolation with high-performance timing, amplification, and calibration technologies to offer accurate measurements and precise control. The PXI‑6232 is ideal for test, measurement, control, and design applications in environments with high voltages and electrical noise. You can use the PXI‑6232 to read from encoders, flow meters, and proximity sensors as well as control valves, pumps, and relays.
PXI-6233, 16 AI (16-Bit, 250 kS/s), 2 AO, 6 DI, 4 Sinking DO, Bank-Isolated, PXI Multifunction I/O Module
16 AI (16-Bit, 250 kS/s), 2 AO, 6 DI, 4 Sinking DO, Bank-Isolated, PXI Multifunction I/O Module—The PXI‑6233 is a bank-isolated DAQ device designed for voltage I/O. It offers analog I/O, digital input, sinking digital output, two 32‑bit counters, and digital triggering. The digital input and outputs are compatible with 24 V signals. It combines the safety and performance benefits of isolation with high-performance timing, amplification, and calibration technologies to offer accurate measurements and precise control. The PXI‑6233 is ideal for test, measurement, control, and design applications in environments with high voltages and electrical noise. You can use the PXI‑6233 to read from encoders, flow meters, and proximity sensors as well as control valves, pumps, and relays.
PMAC Input/Output (IO) Modules
PMAC Input/ output (I/O) modules offer a wide range of analog or digital IO including AC, DC, TTL and analog.
16-Channel VME RTD/Resistance Input Module
The V410 is a 6U VME module that provides sixteen independent analog inputs that may be used to read RTDs, thermistors, and other similar resistive sensors. It can also read cryogenic diodes. Users may set input range and adjust other settings at VMEbus speed, and depending on the range selected the microprocessor will do the necessary calculations and output voltage, resistance, or temperature. Temperature conversion is available for 100Ω and 1000Ω, series 385 and 392, platinum RTDs.
16/32 -CH 16-Bit 250/500 KS/s Multi-Function DAQ Cards with Encoder Input
The ADLINK PCI-9222/PCI-9223 is a 16-bit, 16/32-CH, 250/500 KS/s high performance DAQ card with 8 different input ranges. It also features 2-CH 16-bit analog outputs capable of a 1 MS/s update rate, 2-CH encoder inputs, and programmable function I/O. The software-programmable function I/O supports a variety of applications, including TTL digital I/O, high-speed DIO, general-purpose timer/counter, pulse generation, and PWM output. Analog input, analog output, and function I/O at full speed simultaneously, and multiple cards can be synchronized through the SSI (System Synchronization Interface) bus if users need more channels than a single board can provide. Ideal for mixed-signal tests, laboratory research, and factory automation, PCI-9222/PCI-9223 is the best single-board solution on the market providing the best integration capability of multiple tasks with high performance and an affordable price.
Multifunction I/O
ADLINIK PXI-2204, PXI-2205, and PXI-2206 are high-density, high-performance multifunction PXI modules. These devices can sample up to 64 AI channels with various gain settings and scan sequences---making them ideal for high-density analog signals with various input ranges and sampling speeds. These devices also offer a differential mode for 32 AI channels to achieve maximum noise elimination. The PXI-2200 series also features analog and digital triggering, 2-CH 12-bit analog outputs with waveform generation capabilities, 24-CH programmable digital I/O lines, and 2-CH 16-bit general-purpose timers/counters.
64-CH, 12/16-Bit, Up to 3 MS/s Multi-Function PXI Modules
PXI-2200 Series
ADLINIK PXI-2204, PXI-2205, and PXI-2206 are high-density, high-performance multifunction PXI modules. These devices can sample up to 64 AI channels with various gain settings and scan sequences---making them ideal for high-density analog signals with various input ranges and sampling speeds. These devices also offer a differential mode for 32 AI channels to achieve maximum noise elimination. The PXI-2200 series also features analog and digital triggering, 2-CH 12-bit analog outputs with waveform generation capabilities, 24-CH programmable digital I/O lines, and 2-CH 16-bit general-purpose timers/counters.