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Frequency Synthesiser
The RA062-F2 is a multiple LO module used to generate three pairs of LO signals, each pair being phase matched in order to provide the capability to drive two phase and amplitude matched, high sensitivity narrowband receivers such as might be required for an EW receiver system with DF functionality.The Stepped Frequency Synthesiser is based upon Direct Frequency Synthesis, DFS, whereby the 1GHz input reference signal is multiplied, filtered and mixed to generate a given number of isolated and filtered single tone CW signals from the 1GHz comb. A finely tuned signal is then generated using a multi-way switch to select between the 1GHz spaced CW tones and mixed with fine resolution signals generated using a custom DDS/VCO PLL network. In this way finely tuned signals can be generated between 7.5GHz and 23GHz.
0.5-18GHz Switch Multiplexer
Teledyne Defence & Space’s (TDS) patented designs have produced many different types of filters incorporating switches. These are all generally wideband for Electronic Warfare applications and enable the control of the frequency spectrum into any given system. These units, also known as Switch Multiplexers, are configured with a single or multiple inputs to single or multiple filtered outputs.As an example, the SA002 features 8 channels switchable over the frequency range 2-18 GHz while the SA004 offers 17 channels over the 0.5-18GHz bandwidth. Each provides the user with a fast, flexible, filter network capable of providing different band-pass or band-stop responses on a pulse-by-pulse basis in dense signal environments.
2-18GHz Switch Multiplexer
Teledyne Defence & Space’s (TDS) patented designs have produced many different types of filters incorporating switches. These are all generally wideband for Electronic Warfare applications and enable the control of the frequency spectrum into any given system. These units, also known as Switch Multiplexers, are configured with a single or multiple inputs to single or multiple filtered outputs.As an example, the SA002 features 8 channels switchable over the frequency range 2-18 GHz while the SA004 offers 17 channels over the 0.5-18GHz bandwidth. Each provides the user with a fast, flexible, filter network capable of providing different band-pass or band-stop responses on a pulse-by-pulse basis in dense signal environments.
Radar Electronic Support Receiver
The RR024 is designed for Radar Electronic Support (RES) and Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) applications where high performance and small size are of prime importance, with filtering, amplification, detection and pulse parameter measurement being combined into one multi-function unit. Four amplitude measurement channels allow direction finding by amplitude comparison between adjacent antennas. An IFM, fed from one of the amplitude channels via an SPDT switch, performs 14 bits of frequency measurement on the selected input. Frequency resolution is nominally 1 MHz over a 2 to 18 GHz band.
Block Downconverter
Teledyne Defence & Space (TDS) down converters are designed to convert digitised, band limited RF signal down to a lower frequency signal. These modules are used to reduce input signal which allows lower speed processors to better process fast incoming signals. A wideband mmW block downconverter suitable for extending the operational bandwidth of other devices into this range. With LO signals at 32GHz and 44GHz, two operational bands are available. Other frequency plans with and without pre-selection can be offered on request.
0.5-18GHz High Performance Receiver
Teledyne Defence & Space Multi-Channel High Performance Receivers provide important advantages for ESM / ELINT applications, incorporating patented features offering wide band synthesised capability from 500MHz to 18GHz, with frequency extensions available up to 40GHz.The Teledyne Defence & Space product line of high sensitivity receivers offers 1-6 phase- and amplitude-matched channels with multiple IF outputs.
Ascom IP-DECT combines Voice over IP with Digitally Enhanced Cordless Telephony (DECT) technology. Ascom IP-DECT a reliable wireless communication solution that offers enterprise-grade telephony, professional messaging, personal alarm, and positioning over secure dedicated frequency bands. It is developed based on open standards, such as SIP, which maximizes interoperability with leading vendors.
14-bit Oscilloscope/Digitizer for PXI
Avionics Interface Technologies
On-board calculation of over 40 waveform parameters related to voltage, time, and frequency (FFT), Multiple acquisition modes including averaging, high-resolution, peak detect, and envelope
0.5-2.4GHz Instantaneous Frequency Measurement Unit
Teledyne Defence & Space’s Instantaneous Frequency Measurement (IFM) module, also known as a Digital Frequency Discriminator (DFD), offers high speed frequency measurement across the full operating bandwidth.The IFM measures the frequency of RF signal present at its input and presents a result at its output as digital data. The RF input signal is conditioned by an RF amplifier that provides sufficient drive for the frequency resolving circuits. The raw video from the resolvers is digitised and processed into the required output format. There is additional timing and control circuitry which initiates the measurement process and provides handshake data to the host system processor.
2-18GHz Instantaneous Frequency Measurement Unit
Teledyne Defence & Space’s Instantaneous Frequency Measurement (IFM) module, also known as a Digital Frequency Discriminator (DFD), offers high speed frequency measurement across the full operating bandwidth.The IFM measures the frequency of RF signal present at its input and presents a result at its output as digital data. The RF input signal is conditioned by an RF amplifier that provides sufficient drive for the frequency resolving circuits. The raw video from the resolvers is digitised and processed into the required output format. There is additional timing and control circuitry which initiates the measurement process and provides handshake data to the host system processor.
2-18GHz Instantaneous Frequency Measurement Unit
Teledyne Defence & Space’s Instantaneous Frequency Measurement (IFM) module, also known as a Digital Frequency Discriminator (DFD), offers high speed frequency measurement across the full operating bandwidth.The IFM measures the frequency of RF signal present at its input and presents a result at its output as digital data. The RF input signal is conditioned by an RF amplifier that provides sufficient drive for the frequency resolving circuits. The raw video from the resolvers is digitised and processed into the required output format. There is additional timing and control circuitry which initiates the measurement process and provides handshake data to the host system processor.
2-18GHz Instantaneous Frequency Measurement Unit
Teledyne Defence & Space’s Instantaneous Frequency Measurement (IFM) module, also known as a Digital Frequency Discriminator (DFD), offers high speed frequency measurement across the full operating bandwidth.The IFM measures the frequency of RF signal present at its input and presents a result at its output as digital data. The RF input signal is conditioned by an RF amplifier that provides sufficient drive for the frequency resolving circuits. The raw video from the resolvers is digitised and processed into the required output format. There is additional timing and control circuitry which initiates the measurement process and provides handshake data to the host system processor.
Activity Detection Unit
Many advanced EW receivers, particularly those associated with ECM jamming systems, do not require the high resolution frequency information associated with a DFD or IFM based receiver. This is typically the case where a single pulse present within a broad frequency band is required to be detected and instantaneously down-converted to an IF band.TDS manufactures a range of Frequency Activity Detectors (FADs) also known as Activity Detection Units (ADU) which perform frequency measurement of an RF pulse and output data in as little as 15ns. The basis of these products is TDS’s ability to produce high performance broadband channelisers and integrated detectors. These devices are ideal for receivers which must operate in very high pulse density environments.
Active Components
MUD frequency doublers featuring Millitech technology are balanced resistive-mode multipliers covering full waveguide bands. Power flatness for a given input power level for these units is typically ± 2.0 dB across the band.
PXI Attenuator
Keysight offers step attenuator modules that operate across a broad frequency range of DC to50 GHz.
2-18GHz Switch Multiplexer
Teledyne Defence & Space’s (TDS) patented designs have produced many different types of filters incorporating switches. These are all generally wideband for Electronic Warfare applications and enable the control of the frequency spectrum into any given system. These units, also known as Switch Multiplexers, are configured with a single or multiple inputs to single or multiple filtered outputs.As an example, the SA002 features 8 channels switchable over the frequency range 2-18 GHz while the SA004 offers 17 channels over the 0.5-18GHz bandwidth. Each provides the user with a fast, flexible, filter network capable of providing different band-pass or band-stop responses on a pulse-by-pulse basis in dense signal environments.
Limiter Diodes
The SemiGen SLP7100 series of Limiter Diodes are processed with a high-resistivity epi that have thin intrinsic layers. These devices are typically in the 2 to 20 micron range of epi thickness and can be gold doped to achieve specific performance goals. These diodes are used in passive or active limiter designs in the 100 MHz to 30 GHz frequency ranges. They are ideal for use in high-power applications and can be supplied in chip form or in your choice of packages below.
RF-MW-MMW Components
Our high-performance board-level components incorporates advanced resistive and signal distribution technologies for a broad range of frequency spectrum applications. Our extensive portfolio of RF devices is used to attenuate, level, or terminate signals available in a variety of packages and footprints for demanding high reliability environments.
High Frequency (RF) Testing
C.C.P. Contact Probes Co., LTD.
CCP designs high frequency testing probes, coaxial probe sockets and pressurized conductive rubber sockets.
High Power Frequency Converter
BL+ Series
Behlman's BL-PLUS Series High Power AC Source/ Frequency Converter provide the performance of a linear with all the benefits of a switching amplifier. Instead of relying on large, noisy motor generators for AC power, today's testing facilities are switching to quiet, compact Behlman AC Power frequency converters.
Handheld Digital Tachometer
The TurboTester® is an innovative and cost-effective handheld digital tachometer for testing and quality control of dental handpieces and ultrasonic scalers. The TurboTester® is a non-contact instrument which measures rotational speed (rotations / revolutions per minute) of high and low-speed handpieces and the vibration frequency of ultrasonic scalers.
Frequency Converter Upwards
UPCONVERTER 10 GHz осуществляет программно управляемый перенос вверх спектра шириной 150 МГц, поступающего на вход сигнала, в любую точку спектрального диапазона от 10 МГц до 10 ГГц. Перенос спектра осуществляется по супергетеродинному принципу с тремя ступенями переноса. Благодаря этому во всем рабочем диапазоне спектра достигаются высокие уровни подавления несущей частоты и зеркального канала. Также UPCONVERTER 10 GHz обладает уникальной возможностью, не имеющей аналогов среди приборов подобного типа – задавать значение промежуточной частоты (входного сигнала) для переноса в диапазоне от 50 до 400 МГц. Помимо этого, прибор позволяет передавать входной сигнал частотой от 0,1 до 400 МГц напрямую на выход, без переноса. Благодаря этому, совместно с UPCONVERTER 10 GHz в качестве генератора промежуточной частоты может быть использован широкий спектр генераторов зарубежного и отечественного производства. Холдинг «Информтест» предлагает потребителям генераторы собственной разработки MGKS and MGVCh , as well as the first Russian MT transceiver module , which are fully compatible with the input characteristics of UPCONVERTER 10 GHz. Together with generators produced by the holding "Informtest" UPCONVERTER 10 GHz under the control of a common software shell makes up a synthetic instrument - a ready-made solution for testing microwave devices and radio reception channels.
Immunity DC
PGA 1240
The power generator PGA 1240 is suitable for EMC testing in accordance with standard IEC / EN 61000-4-16 in the frequency range from DC to 300 kHz.
High Frequency Insulation Tester
HFIT 8.0
The MEDTEQ HFIT 8.0 is intended for high frequency insulation testing against IEC 60601-2-2. This version includes in-built metering and automatic functions to make testing easy not only for design and laboratory testing, but also suitable for regular production testing.
Frequency Response Analyzers
7400 Series
The Venable Model 7400 Series is the top of the line in Venable performance, supplying 4 channels for increased testing, measurement and analysis functionality. Originally designed for measuring 3-phase impedance and source and load simultaneously, the Model 7400 is a robust solution for organizations requiring high availability for high volume and/or simultaneous testing.
Frequency Conversion Rotating Magnetic Fla
MITECH MT-2XCF rechargeable frequency conversion rotating magnetic flaw detector is based on principle that the leakage magnetic field can absorb the magnetic powder. Make use of magnetic yoke magnetized the workpiece of ferromagnetic material. If there has defects it will produce leakage magnetic field that will adsorb magnetic powder. We could detect the flaw by observing the density of adsorption magnetic powder. It adopts large capacity lithium battery. By the inverter and the phase shifted signal processor to provide power for the detector, it solves the shortcomings of traditional magnetic particle detector relying on the 220V power supply. It has low power consumption and can continuous work for more than 6 hours. And the battery can be charged when the detector is on and off. Especially suitable for the field testing. It can choose the current frequency according to the flaw depth with unique frequency conversion communication design, that improve the detection sensitivity. It’s widely used in aircraft manufacturing, boiler and pressure vessels and other fields. It is a necessary professional precision instrument of quality control, in-service safety monitoring and life assessment.
High Gain RF Horn Antennas for RF & EMC Testing
AR RF/Microwave Instrumentation
Our RF horn antennas exhibit increasing gain, with frequency up to 18 dBi at 1000 MHz, helping to compensate for losses that occur elsewhere in an RF test system. Use these antennas in shielded rooms or free space.
Take RF testing to the next level with the new MFJ-225! All the basic analyzerfunctions you`ve come to depend on plus a host of advanced features like builtinLCD graphics, two-port VNA measurement, PC-Interface using IG-miniVNAfreeware, precise DDS frequency control, self-calibrating . . . easy-to-use!
FEV-15 Frequency Extension System, 50 to 75 GHz
CobaltFx 50 to 75 GHz
CobaltFx cost-effective millimeter wave frequency extension system allows you to build a scalable and affordable 5G testing solution.
Motor & Pump Testing Panel
Power Parameter MeasurementVoltage (V), Current (I), Power (P), Power Factor (PF), Apparent Power (VA), Reactive Power (VAR), Frequency (F) etc. Physical Parameter MeasurementTorque (Kgm), Output Power (Po), Efficiency of Motor, RPM, CRPM, % Slip etc.