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Nuclear transition radiating a wavelength <1 pm and frequency (Hz) between 10 to the 20th and 10 to the 24th power.
Compact Gamma Ray Detector
The EV-CPG compact gamma ray detector is perfect for a wide range of nuclear spectroscopy needs. This compact gamma detector is ideal for applications requiring high efficiency, high resolution, and room temperature operation. The compact size and rugged design allow for use in harsh or restrictive environments. Available in standard sizes of 10x10x10mm3 and 10x10x7.5mm3. Other sizes available in limited quantities.
CZT-based Radiation Detector
A CZT-based gamma radiation and x-ray detector perfect for immediate use (using Kromek KSpect or MSpect gamma spectroscopy software) or as the gamma radiation and x-ray detector component in your own radiation detector. Being CZT-based the SPEAR (Single Point Extended Area Radiation) can operate at room temperature while still offering high sensitivity. The SPEAR detector is a complete probe, comprising a 5x5x5mm3 CZT detector crystal and low noise hybrid preamplifier in a housing measuring only 13mm diameter x 84mm in length. The probe is supplied complete with a 2 metre long connecting input/output cable, allowing the unit to be used immediately.
D3S Drone Radiation Detector
The D3S Drone radiation detector is designed for gamma and neutron activity mapping. Using a lightweight drone designed to be easily carried and quickly deployed to provide CBRNE Homeland Security or civil nuclear workers. The D3S Drone is with a way to map radiation hotspots and patrol a large area quickly. The operator receives the real-time data transmission (counts per second) to a six-inch screen separate to the drone flight control screen.
Data Panel
Display of measurement results of ambient dose equivalent rate(DER) of gamma radiation obtained from the BDBG-09 detecting unit of gamma radiation;Real time display;Air temperature display;Audio and light alarm when threshold levels of gamma radiation DER exceeded.
Data Panel
Display of measurement results of ambient dose equivalent rate(DER) of gamma radiation obtained from the BDBG-09 detecting unit of gamma radiation.
Digital Multimeters
The Gamma series consists of digital multimeters. They are capable of measuring electrical parameters like current, voltage, frequency, temperature, resistance, diode test and continuity test of the circuit respectively.
MKS-05 Terra
Measurement of gamma and X-ray radiation ambient dose equivalent rate.Measurement of gamma and X-ray radiation ambient dose equivalent.Measurement of surface beta-particles flux density.Measurement of dose equivalent accumulation time.Real time measurement (clock).
Gamma Air Monitor
Quant Air
QuantAir is a solution for measuring radioactive contamination in the air, it provides high-performance detection capabilities with accurate in-field quantification.
Gamma Radiation Warning Device
Detection of the increased levels of gamma radiation and their estimation by means of the four-level threshold alarm system.
Gamma Ray Radiation Spectrometer
RadAngel is an ideal entry level, portable gamma-ray spectrometer that can be utilised for educational purposes in teaching concepts of radiation as well as for training in the use of radiation sensors.
Gamma Spectrometer
Quaesta now offers two gamma spectrometer products which have many of the features in our neutron detection products such as data logging, computer interface and software. These devices include standard crystal scintillators such as Nal and Csl.
Geiger Counter
ONYX features a modern, streamlined look and the use of advanced technologies, making it a one-of-a-kind Geiger Counter. It weighs only 7 oz. (200g.) and measures a mere 5.1 X 2.6 X 0.9 in. (72 X 37 X 13 mm.) making it easy to transport. Despite its compact size ONYX is capable of detecting alpha, beta and gamma radiation with the same sensitivity as the IMI Inspector Alert™, and like the IMI Inspector Alert™ V2, ONYX is optimized for surface contamination measurements through use of its 2 in. pancake Geiger Mueller tube.
General Purpose Geiger Counter
Radalert® 100X
The Radalert® 100X is a general purpose geiger counter that measures alpha, beta, gamma, and X-radiation. Features of the Radalert® 100X, include a three-second update and a Utility Menu that allows you to change the default settings for several operating parameters. Its digital liquid crystal display (LCD) shows the current radiation level in your choice of SI units (microsieverts per hour) from .000 to 1,100 and counts per minute (CPM) from 0 to 350,000 or counts per second (CPS) from 0 to 3,500. For users of conventional units mR/hr (milliroentgens per hour) from .000 to 110 and CPM are optional in the Utility Menu. This instrument also offers an accumulated total and timer function, up to 9,999,000 counts and 40 hours.
General Purpose Radiation Survey Meter/Geiger Counter
Rad 100™
The RAD 100™ is a general purpose radiation survey meter/geiger counter that detects and measures alpha, beta, gamma, and X-radiation. It is intended for personal safety and educational purposes. Like the popular Radalert® 100X, the RAD 100™ features a 3-second update on its digital liquid crystal display (LCD). The LCD shows the current radiation level in your choice of microSieverts per hour (SI units) or mR/hr for gamma radiation measurements. For mixed sources (alpha, beta, gamma) the CPM mode is recommended. This instrument also offers an accumulated total and timer function, up to 9,999,000 counts and 40 hours. A red LED blinks and a beeper chirps with each count (the chirp can be muted). This is a professional instrument that is also easy to learn to use and to operate, and carries the industry leading Medcom warranty (2 years overall limited to 1 year on the GM sensor). Many instruments designed by the Medcom team are still working perfectly after 30 years of use, so this instrument should provide a lifetime of useful information.
HPGe Detectors & Spectrometers
Baltic Scientific Instruments, Ltd
Baltic Scientific Instruments produces gamma- and X-ray spectrometers based on HPGe coaxial or planar detectors with liquid nitrogen and electric machine cooling. The spectrometers are used for radionuclide analysis and for monitoring of activity in the nuclear industry and related environment monitoring. HPGe detectors have additional applications in scientific research and technology development as well as in various spheres of industry including security and border control.
HPGe Detectors & Spectrometers
Baltic Scientific Instruments, Ltd
Baltic Scientific Instruments produces Gamma- and X-ray spectrometers based on HPGe coaxial or planar detectors with liquid nitrogen and electric machine cooling. The spectrometers are used for the radionuclide analysis and calculation of the activity in nuclear industry and environment monitoring, as well as in various spheres of industry, science and technology.
ID Wearable RIID Gamma Neutron Detector
The D3S ID wearable RIID gamma neutron detector identifies radioisotopes and detects neutrons in seconds but unlike a conventional RIID, it is small and light enough to be wearable and concealable. All a suspect will see is someone looking at their mobile phone or listening to an earbud.
Intelligent Detecting Unit of Gamma Radiation
BDBG-09 is used both within data panels and automated systems of radiation monitoring to measure ambient dose equivalent rate of gamma radiation.
Intelligent Detection Units
Measurement of the ambient dose rate equivalent of continuous and average dose rate of pulsed X-ray and gamma radiation in an extremely wide range in harsh operating conditions.
Light Measurement Sensors
Gamma Scientific offers a catalog of professional light intensity measurement devices for photometric and radiometric applications. These devices are typically utilized by laboratories, OEM’s, value-added resellers and other groups seeking to accurately measure light intensity and brightness. Browse our light intensity measurement device catalogs to find the right photometry or radiometry solution today.
Multichannel Analyser
The K102 is a miniature USB-based multichannel analyser for gamma spectroscopy applications. It is perfect for colleges, universities and research work, and includes gamma spectroscopy software.
Multi-Gs / Gamma Radiation Detector
AreaRAE Gamma
The AreaRAE Gamma is the first wireless, combined multi-gas and gamma radiation detector that is compact and easily transportable. The AreaRAE Gamma can communicate with and transmit sensor and GPS readings on a real-time basis to a base controller located up to 2 miles away. Applications include HazMat and emergency response teams, Homeland Defense, and public venue protection.
Personal Alarm
Rugged Die Cast Aluminum Belt Worn Personal Alarm, Dual Range for Beta, Gamma and X-Ray
Personal Gamma Radiation Dosimeter
Measurement of individual equivalent dose rate (EDR) of gamma radiation.Measurement of individual equivalent dose (ED) of gamma radiation.Clock, alarm clock.
Personal Gamma Radiation Dosimeter
The radiation monitoring badge EcotestCARD allows storing dose accumulation history with real time reference in the non-volatile memory, and communicating it to the computer. If the programmed threshold levels of gamma dose or its rate are exceeded, light and audio alarms are actuated.
Portable Spectrometers
*Quick search and detection of gamma radiation sources with radionuclide identification*Measurement of gamma radiation ambient dose equivalent rate
Programmable Gamma
Renesas offers a diverse portfolio of programmable gamma buffers and TFT-LCD reference voltage generator ICs for general purpose and automotive-grade applications.
Radiation Survey Device
The DRG-T radiation survey device is designed for use in special-purpose vehicles for continuous control and measurement of exposure dose rate (EDR) of gamma and X-ray radiation, as well as for providing audio and visual alarm of its dangerous levels and for issuing commands to start the actuators of protection equipment.
Rugged CZT-based Isotope Detector
A powerful and rugged handheld gamma detector for high-resolution radioactive isotope identification. The RayMon10 is one of the most powerful and rugged handheld radiation monitors in the world. It can be used to detect, measure and accurately identify gamma-ray emitting radionuclides, providing high-resolution isotope identification using the latest CZT solid-state detector technology. It is an all in one solution to your gamma radionuclide identification needs