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Protocols defining multimedia communication over any packet network.
H.323 Analyzer
Beacon Tool Project
H.323 Beacon is a tool that can be used to measure, monitor and qualify the performance of an H.323 Videoconference session. It can help an end-user/network engineer/conference-operator, as a debugging tool by providing H.323-protocol specific evidence and other information necessary to troubleshoot H.323 application performance problems in the network and at the host (end-to-end).
Conformance Testing Software
Clarinet-TTCN VOIP Interworking ETS
Protocol: ITU-T H.225 (11/2000) H.323 (11/2000) and ITU-T Recommendation Q.784.2 (1997)IUT: H323-ISUP gatewayATS: Based on H246 standard of ITU-T written by ACACIA .
SS7 Gateway
An SS7 media gateway is a networking device positioned within a carrier core network to provide protocol translations between traditional telephony signaling and modern voice-over-IP signaling (H.323 or SIP (session initiation protocol).