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Protocols defining multimedia communication over any packet network.
Conformance Testing Software
Protocol: the ITU-T H323 and H225 define VOIP call signaling protocol for "Packet based multimedia communication systems".IUT: H323/H225 Terminal, gatekeeper and gatewayATS: Based on first ETSI Drafts TS 101 804-2 and 101 804-3 rewritten by ACACIA
GL Products Online & Interactive Demos
*NetSurveyorWeb™ is a centralized VoIP network monitoring system. A number of GL's PacketScan™ probes and/or,PacketProbes™ are deployed in remote locations across the network to passively monitor VoIP traffic. Whenever a monitored call completes, the scan/probe calculates a variety of quality metrics (MOS, loss, delay, jitter, etc) and sends the metrics to the central Oracle database for storage.**The PacketScan™ is a feature-robust Windows® based software tool that captures and monitors live IP traffic. In the VoIP world, it can monitor and measure SIP, H323, Megaco, MGCP, T.38 and video calls. In addition to quality metricsPacketScan™ also captures signaling information and sends that to the NetSurveyorWeb™ database as well.**GL's PacketProbe™ is an advanced CPE(Customer Premises Equipment) based VoIP monitoring reporting and diagnostic appliance, stemming from GL's suite of market leading voice analysis tools.
Conformance Testing Software
Clarinet-TTCN VOIP Interworking ETS
Protocol: ITU-T H.225 (11/2000) H.323 (11/2000) and ITU-T Recommendation Q.784.2 (1997)IUT: H323-ISUP gatewayATS: Based on H246 standard of ITU-T written by ACACIA .
SS7 Gateway
An SS7 media gateway is a networking device positioned within a carrier core network to provide protocol translations between traditional telephony signaling and modern voice-over-IP signaling (H.323 or SIP (session initiation protocol).
H.323 Analyzer
Beacon Tool Project
H.323 Beacon is a tool that can be used to measure, monitor and qualify the performance of an H.323 Videoconference session. It can help an end-user/network engineer/conference-operator, as a debugging tool by providing H.323-protocol specific evidence and other information necessary to troubleshoot H.323 application performance problems in the network and at the host (end-to-end).