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check and evaluate to a quality control value.
See Also: Inspection Systems, Inspection Services
- Virginia Panel Corporation
Tool, Inspection Depth Gauge, Mini Coax, Receiver
Used to verify the depth setting of the center conductor of receiver mini coax contacts.
Cavium CN63xx Packet Processor AMC
The AMC730 is a a 10-Gigabit Ethernet (10GbE) AdvancedMCTM(AMC) module which includes an on-board line rate multi-core packet processor based on Cavium CN63XX CPU. VadaTech offers this product in a mid size (full size optional) form factor with the AMC.1, AMC.2 and AMC.4 specifications. The AMC730 is based around the Cavium OCTEON CN63xx processor which has been specifically designed to intelligently process Ethernet packets at line rate.The processor can be loaded via the PCIe/SRIO interface or via an optional flash memory. The number of processor cores, speed grade, and amount of DDR3 memory is customizable based on customer needs. The module has 2GB of HFA for pattern matching for deep packet inspection, etc. The SDK for the processor as well as additional software stacks are available from Cavium or third party.
Cavium CN66xx Packet Processor AMC
The AMC732 is a 10-Gigabit Ethernet (10GbE) AdvancedMC™ (AMC) module which includes an on-board multi-core packet processor based on Cavium CN66XX CPU. VadaTech offers this product in a mid size (full size optional) form factor with the AMC.1, AMC.2 and AMC.4 specification. The AMC732 is based around the Cavium OCTEON CN66xx processor which has been specifically designed to intelligently process Ethernet packets at line rate. The processor can be loaded via the PCIe/SRIO interface or via an optional flash memory. The number of processor cores, speed grade, and amount of DDR3 memory is customizable based on customer needs.The module has an RTC on board and 2GB of HFA for pattern matching for deep packet inspection, etc. The SDK for the processor as well as additional software stacks are available from Cavium or third party. The AMC732 has Serial Over LAN (SOL) with a true hardware Random Number Generator.
Check Weighing
You run containers all day (and sometimes all night) at light speed. Of course there are minor mistakes or issues from time to time. If you know there is an issue or even if you aren’t sure, let FlexXray do a weight inspection for you. We’ll identify any abnormalities and help you address them quickly and efficiently.
Cleaning Kit
Proper performance of a fiber optic connection is strongly dependent on the cleanliness of the mated ferrules. DIAMOND connectors are thoroughly inspected and cleaned prior to shipment and do not require cleaning before being placed into service. After repeated mattings, however, or when degraded performance is observed, it may become necessary to clean the individual ferrules and mating sleeve. DIAMONDs cleaning set DiaClean contains all necessary tools for proper cleaning and inspection of the connector’s front-faces to help ensure optimal connector performances.
Cleanliness Inspection System / Microscope
The OLYMPUS CIX90 technical cleanliness inspection system is a dedicated, turnkey solution for manufacturers who maintain high quality standards for the cleanliness of manufactured components. The OLYMPUS CIX90 system makes it easy to quickly acquire, process, and document technical cleanliness inspection data to comply with international standards. The system is intuitively designed to guide users through each step of the process so that even novice inspectors can acquire important cleanliness data quickly and easily.
Cold Chain USB In-Transit Logger
Designed with the export industry in mind, this logger tracks the temperature of products from the packing shed all the way to their final destination, with the capability of being downloaded to check temperature conditions at each stopping point along a shipping route. Temperature data is especially important to know when products are held at the dock waiting to be loaded onto vessels, and upon arrival at ports of entry when they are held for custom inspections. The logger continues recording after each download, and can be placed back in with the products, to track temperature history all the way to the final delivery destination, such as distribution centers or warehouses.
WinCan Web is the online platform for keeping your inspection data secure, accessible and current. It makes it simpler than ever to assign work, share results and make decisions based on the broadest and most current information.
Compact and Low-Weight X-ray System
XT V 130
Compact XT V 130 QA-system for affordable X-ray visualization and automated inspection
Complex of Visualization and Image Recording for a Video Microscope
To develop a complex for visual inspection of electronic components (other micro-objects) in order to identify visual defects, record the resulting image and transfer information for processing.
Concrete Inspection System
StructureScan Pro
Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc.
StructureScan Pro is a versatile concrete inspection system offering a wide variety of antenna options for concrete and other applications. Based on the SIR 4000 controller, the StructureScan Pro provides the GPR professional with solutions to any scanning situation.
Conformal Coating Inspection System
TROI 8800 CI
The PEMTRON CI Series addresses the limitations of the area of theinspection due to the diversity of wavelengths of the existing UV,and performs a clearly separated area of coating onvarious wavelengths.
Constant Potential Generator Power Supply Mains
Supplemental to its outstanding penetration capacity (up to 47 mm for steel in just 10 minutes), the CP225D includes a built-in multiple X-Ray output carrousel that features a Beryllium window for the inspection of lighter alloys such as aluminum and carbon fiber. The CP225D is one of the most versatile generators on the market and will adapt to an extremely wide variety of applications. In fields as diverse as the construction or petrochemical industries, its power and small focal spot, light weight, compactness and high penetration capacity will be much appreciated.
Constant Potential Generator Power Supply Mains 10 to 160 kV
The CP160D is the lightest and most compact generator of the CPSERIES. Featuring a built-in Beryllium window, it is the perfect generator for the inspection of light alloys such as aluminum, magnesium or fiber based materials like glass and carbon, as well as the greater thickness of steel. In fact, with its penetration capacity that is capable of reaching up to 37 mm of steel, the CP160D is able to execute many different types of NDT tasks without the need to ever have to add extra accessories.
Constant Potential Generator Power Supply Mains 10 to 200 kV
Being just 20 mm longer than the CP160D, the CP200D represents the best compromise between high penetration (up to 42 mm for steel) and the capacity of the generator to fit with various NDT applications, such as inspections of more technical materials in the aeronautical or space industries. The CP200D is one of the most versatile generators on the market and thanks to its built-in multiple X-Ray output carrousel it will adapt to a very wide variety of NDT applications, without compromising in any manner its light weight (12 kg) and ease of use.
Contract Services for X-ray and CT Inspection
If you are manufacturer of components or assemblies incorporating plastics, metals, ceramics, electronic components or any combination of these, Nikon Metrology has in-house Inspection centers to perform X-ray and CT contract inspection services for new or existing clients.
Our modular controls range from simple power supplies to more complex inspection systems. These controls are easy to setup, simple to install and easy to maintain.
Coordinate Measuring Machines
Novacam's 3D Non-Contact Coordinate Measuring Machines are designed with versatility and superior performance in mind: Precision (better than 1um) Speed (1-30 thousand measurements per second) Simultaneous dimensional and surface inspection Smallest probes measuring 0.9mm in diameter Automation by teaching with joystick Portability
Corona Effect Camera
CoroCAM 8
This model of the crown effect camera family is the most advanced on the market. It combines a high specification visible camera, an infrared camera and an ultraviolet camera. The great advantage is the possibility of performing thermal and ultraviolet inspection simultaneously with the consequent benefit in terms of savings (in time and effort).
CT Inspection System
The YXLON FF35 CT computed tomography system is designed to achieve extremely precise inspection results for a wide range of applications. Available in a single or dual tube configuration, it is perfect for very small to medium size parts inspection in the automotive, electronics, aviation, and material science industries.
Computed tomography (CT) has recently gained increasing importance as a non-destructive inspection method for industry. CT enables a quick visualization of a three-dimensional volume model of the external and internal structure of an object, which can also be interpreted by non-experts. So far, however, the acquisition costs and the relatively complicated operation often prevented a widespread introduction of computed tomography systems.
Customized Electrical Test Optical Inspection
Landrex Technologies Co., Ltd.
Customized Electrical Test Optical Inspection
Custom Probes
At Eddyfi, we strive to meet the most rigorous requirements. Our expertise, engineers, and manufacturing capabilities enable us to take almost any set of custom inspection requirements — dimensions, diameters, geometries, number of coil rows, topologies — and turn them into practical and high-performance solutions for you.
Cylinder Inner Wall Inspection
The CylinderInspector is an optical, non-destructive inspection and measurement tool for cylinder surfaces.
Data Acquisition Analysis SystemWave Stocker
This is the really useful equipment which our Solution Teamdeveloped using their experience obtained at their customer' s site.Simultaneous measurement by with sampling of max.16 channels is possible, enabling easy waveform analysis. This can be used for versatile tasks as the measurement at the site, inspection and R & D.
Data Acquisition and Analysis Software
Eddyfi® Magnifi® is a constantly evolving, integrated electromagnetic inspection data acquisition and analysis software. It boasts an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) suited to modern devices, powerful reporting functions and data management, as well as simple inspection configurations.
Deep Learning Bundle
Set of Deep Learning inspection libraries optimized for machine vision applicationsPerforms image classification, supervised or unsupervised segmentation and object localizationIncludes EasyClassify, EasySegment and EasyLocateSimple APIIncludes the free Deep Learning Studio application for dataset creation, training and evaluationSupports data augmentation and masksCompatible with CPU and GPU processing
Defect Inspection
With over 20 years of experience in defect inspection, microelectronics manufacturers around the world partner with us to improve yield by performing high-speed, automated inspection and then transforming the defect data into actionable process control with powerful analytical software.
Defect Inspection Module
The Class 1 certified E40 and B40 modules (available separately or combined in one module) can automatically detect defects on the entire edge, from zone 1 to 5, and the entire backside. The ability to inspect the entire backside allows for faster root-cause analysis of zone 5 defects since such defects can migrate from the wafer interior.
Defect Inspection System
The F30 System boasts a five-objective turret that enables the resolution-throughput flexibility required by today’s multi-process inspection applications. Equipped with an advanced productivity suite (waferless recipe creation, simultaneous FOUP, recipe server and tool matching), the F30 System redefines inspection cost of ownership expectations.
Detachable X-Ray Detector
RadEye HR
The Remote RadEye HR x-ray detector is a slim, lightweight, rugged solution for high-resolution radiation imaging. The detector is suitable for industrial inspection applications where images are taken in tight or difficult-to-reach spaces.