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read precision values.
See Also: Instrument Cables, Modular Instruments, Instrumentation Amplifiers
Multi-channel SP Water Detector
This instrument is available to monitor the changes of underground electrical resistivity by measuring the intensity of electrical field, then analysing the position and depths of underground water.
Multimeter for Railroad Servicing
The Simpson TS-113 Volt-Ohm-Milliammeter Railroad Test Set is a rugged, reliable instrument that has been designed for use by trained and qualified technicians associated with the Railroad Signaling and Communications Field. In construction and general principle, it follows closely the proven Simpson pattern based on experience of many years of successful multimeter manufacture.
Octane Number and Cetane Meters
Labodam Octane Number and Cetane Number Testers are portable devices for rapid petroleum products quality monitoring in fields and lab environment conditions. Glass detector has a built in element sensitive to fuel sample temperature detection. The instrument electronic computing module processes detector signals, performs all necessary calculations, and constantly tests the main function modules. It is ideal used in the determination of octane, cetane numbers, our point depressants and break down time in the oil and petroleum industries.
Density Tester
LabodamLD-LDMT-A10density tester is simple and compact. The control box adopts humanized design and the control switch adopts light-touch mode. The instrument is designed and made as per ASTM D1298 “Test Methods for Density of Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Products (Densimeter Methods).
Paper Testing Instruments
Whiteness and chromaciticity tester, whiteness meter, tensile stiffness tester, automatic horizontal tensile tester, automatic horizontal tensile tester, vertical tensile tester, pulp beating (refining) freeness tester, water absorbtion tester, Cobb tester, COBB sample cutter, coefficient of friction tester, electronic bending stiffness tester, paper and cardboard thickness meter, paper and cardboard thickness meter, ink rubber tester, standard strip cutter, softness tester, carton compression tester, paper air permeability tester, internal ply bond tester, puncture strength tester, paper tearing tester, electronic tearing tester, mullen burst tester, crush tester, Bekk smoothness tester, folding endurance tester
Semi-Automatic Kjeldahl Analyzer
LKA-A20 is a semi-automatic Kjeldahl analyzer having intelligent design. It is equipped with 4.3" LCD screen, automatic fault detection system and intelligent audible and visual alarm system. With features such as automatic alkali liquid quantification and filling, automatic boric solution quantification and filling, intelligent cooling water control system and emergency stop operation, it is a safe and reliable instrument.
Portable Dissolved Oxygen Meters
Labodam portable dissolved oxygen meters are equipped with polarographic sensors to measure dissolved oxygen content. The manual salinity & barometric pressure compensation helps in accurate measurement of dissolved oxygen. Due to the portable nature of these instruments they can be used for various applications such as at water purification plants and waste water management plants for testing & quality analysis.
Soil Testing Instruments
Soil water hardness meter, soil moisture meter, soil nutrient tester, soil salinity tester, soil water potential tester
Plastic Testing Instruments
Aging oven, Charpy/Izod impact tester, falling weight impact tester, heat sealer, lasting adhesive tester, melt flow indexer, notch cutter, oxygen index tester, primary adhesive tester, vicat softening temperature & HDT machine, vacuum leak tester
TDS Testers
Labodam TD testers are equipped with platinum sensors, providing fast and reliable measuring results. Easy to use and featuring a waterproof design, these instruments are protected against harsh conditions and can be used to measure total dissolved solid content present in drinking water, waste water, swimming pool, and aquarium water.
NDT Testing Instruments
Portable vibration calibrator, digital Brinell hardness tester, digital low load Vickers hardness tester, Rockwell hardness meter
Portable Multi-Parameter Water Quality Meter
Labodam portable multi-parameter water quality meters are adapted with different modes for measuring quality of water on different parameters such as pH, ORP, conductivity, TDS, and salinity. Due to their portable design, these instruments are suitable for outdoor measurements i.e. on-site water testing, remote-are water testing & for research purpose.
Salt Spray Test Chambers
Labodam salt spray test chambers are reliable instruments for testing the corrosion resistivity of products with painted, organic, or inorganic film surface.
Automatic Bomb Calorimeters
Automatically detects the refrigerating capacity and balance the circulation system w.r.t. last time caloric value. Equipped with advance small oxygen filling instrument with low malfunction rate.
Data Acquisition
From entry-level to high-end, data acquisition to digital input/output, ADLINK provides a diversity of modular instruments with market-leading price/performance ratio, for bigger and better measurement and automation systems. Now high-speed digitizer, switching, simultaneous data acquisition, high-density multi-function data acquisition, analog output, digital multimeter, and arbitrary waveform generator categories are all available.
Software for Bit Error Ratio Testers
Customize your bit error ratio tester (BERT) with additional functions and features from an easy-to-use GUI to ensure you get the most out of your test instrument.
Advanced Aerosol Neutralizer
Aerosol neutralization is an important component of aerosol science and engineering. Neutralizing aerosol particles can reduce electrostatic losses of particles within tubing or to other surfaces. Neutralization is also critical to gathering reliable particle size data when using a sizing instrument based on electrical mobility.
Multifunction Calibrator
is a multifunction calibrator-tester, to be used primarily as a standard for calibration laboratories. It can be used for calibration of any measuring instrument which measures voltage, current, resistance, capacitance and frequency.
Instrument Measurement Software
Get quick insights and reduce the test time of your devices with instrument measurement software or test instrument software specifically designed for spectrum analyzers, oscilloscopes, network analyzers, and many more test instruments.
Particle Counters And Detectors
Our family of particle counters and particle detectors contain instruments optimized for a variety of applications. In environmental research and monitoring, customers face high concentrations in city centers, near freeways or harbors, or very low concentrations in remote locations which are used as reference sampling points.
Phase Angle Meter
The TESCO Phase Angle Meter (Catalog No. 646) is a self contained portable device which requires no auxiliary equipment for its operation and furnishes a quick and direct method of checking relay and instrument connections.
StarLine Spectrometers
The AvaSpec StarLine series of instruments is comprised of high-performance spectrometers that exceed the demands of most general spectroscopy applications. This instrument line offers a wide array of solutions for various uses while providing excellent price-to-performance ratios.
Nuclear Radiation Detector
Henan Bosean Electronic CO.,Ltd.
A small and medium-high range radiation dose alarm instrument, with the main function of monitoring X-ray, γ-ray and β-ray. We provide nuclear radiation detector OEM/ODM service.
SensLine Spectrometers
The SensLine series of products is Avantes’ response to customers who require higher performance demanding spectroscopy applications such as fluorescence, luminescence, and Raman. The SensLine product range includes several high-sensitivity, low-noise spectrometers. Several of these instruments feature back-thinned detector technology, some of which feature our high-performance, thermoelectrically cooled detectors. The other models feature standard CCDs, upgraded to high-performing instruments as a result of Avantes’ unique detector cooling technology. The back-thinned CCD detectors featured in the SensLine series are high-quantum efficiency detectors with excellent response in the ultraviolet, visible, and near-infrared range from 200 to 1160 nm.
NIRLine Spectrometers
Instruments in our AvaSpec NIRLine are high-performance, near-infrared spectrometers that are optimized for the demands of measuring long wavelengths. This line provides leading-edge performance for dispersive NIR instruments with a toroidal focusing mirror and dynamic dark correction for enhanced stability.
Avantes is excited to release the next generation of AvaSpec-Mini spectrometers with CMOS detectors and advanced electronics and communications. Like the original AvaSpec-Mini, the CL series is only the size of a deck of cards, with excellent temperature and wavelength stability. This instrument is easy to take anywhere you like and is very well suited for handheld applications.
Since spectroscopy is used for numerous applications, we have defined our products in different lines, as seen below. We offer instruments with a small form factor to integrate into other devices in the CompactLine: high-sensitivity instruments for more demanding applications in the SensLine and spectrometers especially configured for the near-infrared range in our NIRLine. The StarLine spectrometers are our most versatile instruments for general spectroscopy applications.
A low-power and portable instrument for areas with low to moderate noise.