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high-speed JTAG debugger
Bus Blaster v4
Bus Blaster is an experimental, high-speed JTAG debugger for ARM processors, FPGAs, CPLDs, flash, and more. Thanks to a reprogrammable buffer, a simple USB update makes Bus Blaster v2 compatible with many different JTAG debugger types in the most popular open source software.
PCB Test Connectors
Tag-Connect is a simple and secure way of connecting debuggers, programmers and test equipment to your PCBs. Tag-Connect uses a specially designed and patented connector for making the connection to your PCB (Patent Pending for the -NL versions). Tag-Connect eliminates the need for a programming or JTAG connector on your PCB.
JTAG Debugger Software
JSCAN lets you view and control JTAG pins in real-time without having to touch your board! With a simple click of your mouse, you can set pins HIGH or LOW and observe the results right on your PC.J-SCAN works independently of any logic inside the JTAG device, you do not need any special firmware, code or logic installed. View and control pins in real-time, program FLASH memories, create test macros, for system test, easy to use graphical interface and affordable.
JTAG Probe
MAJIC (Multi-Architecture JTAG Interface Controllers) JTAG Probes are small, stand-alone, processor-based systems that provide an intelligent connection between host-based development tools (the debugger) and an embedded processor via its standardized JTAG debug logic IP macrocell.
ESP32 Dev Board
The new ESP-WROVER-KIT supports the most distinguishing features of the ESP32. Whether you need external pSRAM for IoT applications, or an LCD+camera interface. The ESP32 supports JTAG debugging, while the ESP-WROVER-KIT integrates a USB debugger, as well. This makes debugging and tracing complex applications very easy, without the need for any additional hardware.
JTAG Boundary-Scan Toolkit Software & Hardware Bundle
JTAG Starter Kit
The Corelis JTAG Starter Kit includes the ScanExpress Debugger software application with a USB 2.0 JTAG controller. Engineers and technicians alike can use the system for a variety of tasks. The JTAG Starter Kit has an arsenal of features to control and observe system signals of a boundary scan compatible UUT.
JTAG Emulators
XDS100v2 Series
The XDS100-class JTAG Emulator is an ultra-low-cost entry level JTAG debugger for TI devices. Blackhawk offers two models, each with two JTAG target connections. One model includes TI JTAG connections for 14-pin TI and 20-pin cTI JTAG headers. The other model provides ARM 10-pin and 20-pin JTAG connections. Both models are identical in software and device support except for the the target connections, so pick the one that matches your target board connection.