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Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
See Also: Laser Sources, Femtosecond
Bruker’s Innovative Mass Spectrometry Solutions
Discover new ways to apply mass spectrometry to today’s most pressing analytical challenges. Innovations such as Trapped Ion Mobility (TIMS), smartbeam and scanning lasers for MALDI-MS Imaging that deliver true pixel fidelity, and eXtreme Resolution FTMS (XR) technology capable to reveal Isotopic Fine Structure (IFS) signatures are pushing scientific exploration to new heights. Our mass spectrometry solutions enable scientists to make breakthrough discoveries and gain deeper insights.Our industry leading software solutions such as SCiLs Lab for MS Imaging, FDA cleared microorganism reference library for the MALDI Biotyper, Biopharma Compass 2.0, and Toxtyper are examples our solutions doing the work for you. Bruker's product lines include the following technologies: FTMS, rapifleX MALDI-TOF/TOF, MALDI Biotyper Systems, timsTOF UHR-QTOF, Toxtyper, Triple Quadrupole, HDX Solution, TargetScreener HR
Analytical Probe Station with Laser Cutting System
LCS- 4000 Series
The LCS-4000 Probe Station with Integrated Laser Cutting System gives the user maximum flexibility in semiconductor diagnostic cutting, failure analysis, trimming, marking and topside layer removal. All of these functions can be performed on a microscopic level, all on this one system which provides a high level of performance that is remarkably easy to use.
4-in-1 AOI Solution
Ultra Dimension™ Series
ltra Dimension™ Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Series for PCB production. Designed to meet the rigorous demands of advanced PCB manufacturing processes, the innovative Ultra Dimension is the first AOI solution to integrate four leading solutions - pattern inspection, laser via inspection, Remote Multi-Image Verification and 2D metrology - into a single system. This solution enables manufacturers to increase quality and yield as well as dramatically reduce their overall total cost of ownership (TCO), signifying a revolution in the AOI room workflow.
Beltronics International Units
RX65i Red
The Beltronics RX65i is the most up-to-date International detector for the discriminating driver. The RX65i features segmented Ka band for the ultimate in narrow-band detection, selectable band preferences (ON/OFF), expanded K band sweep, K Pulse detection, and Hyper K detection for low-power K band pulsed sources. AutoScan and RDR (Radar Detector Rejection) make the RX65i the quietest performance detector, immune from annoying false alerts. Includes Laser detection, Safety Warning System, Red LED display, Nylon travel case, and Beltronics exclusive SmartPlug heavy-duty coiled cord.
Femtosecond Terawatt Ti:sapphire Laser System
MPA-XL is a cost-effective terawatt Ti: sapphire amplifier system. It gives up to 200 mJ energy of the stretched pulse and further compression with 65% efficiency. A standard air compressor can be placed into a custom designed vacuum chamber.
Laser Applications
Quantum Composers offers a diverse family of lasers, laser systems, and modules, including DPSS, Nd: YAG, and pulsed lasers. Our MiniJewel and MicroJewel lasers are now available in 2 different energy options to allow customers to tailor the laser to their specific applications.
Dynamic Laser Interferometer
Purpose built for reliable interferometry in vibration-prone environments; versatile and flexible enough to address a wide range of application needs from high-end telescope testing to live phase feedback for active alignment of optical systems.
Beltronics International Units
RX65i Blue
The Beltronics RX65i is the most up-to-date International detector for the discriminating driver. The RX65i features segmented Ka band for the ultimate in narrow-band detection, selectable band preferences (ON/OFF), expanded K band sweep, K Pulse detection, and Hyper K detection for low-power K band pulsed sources. AutoScan and RDR (Radar Detector Rejection) make the RX65i the quietest performance detector, immune from annoying false alerts. Includes Laser detection, Safety Warning System, Red LED display, Nylon travel case, and Beltronics exclusive SmartPlug heavy-duty coiled cord.
BT Imagine New wafer Thickness System
Measurement Technique Laser Triangulation1-3 Laser Sensor SpotsLaser Spot Size Optimized for Accuracy and Precision.
Beltronics International Units
The Beltronics STiR Plus INTL is the ultimate custom-fitted Stealth detector featuring unmatched performance along with GPS powered database of Speed and Safety camera locations in either the EU or Australia & New Zealand. The STiR Plus INTL features segmented Ka band for the ultimate in narrow-band detection, selectable band preferences (ON/OFF), expanded K band sweep. AutoScan and RDR (Radar Detector Rejection) make the STiR Plus INTL the quietest performance detector, immune from annoying false alerts. Includes Laser detection, Safety Warning System, Red LED display. Either English or Spanish warnings are selectable. Web ready with Defender database and three year subscription. The STiR Plus INTL has Laser Shifting capabilities with the addition of the optional Laser Shifting pack.
Multi-Channel Controllers
7000 Series
The new 7000 Series MultiSource Multi-Channel Controller is designed for applications requiring a large number channels in a cost-effective and compact solution. With both laser driver and temperature controller options, the MultiSource is an excellent building block for system applications such as device burn-in and characterization.
Confocal FLIM System
*FLIM Upgrade for Existing Conventional Microscope*Two Fully Parallel TCSPC FLIM Channels*Compact bh Simple-Tau or Power-Tau System*Scanning by Fast Galvanometer Mirrors*Channel Seperation by Dichroic or Polarising Beamsplitters*Individually Selectable Pinholes and Filters*One or Two BDL-SMN or BDS-SM ps Diode Lasers*Two Fully Confocal Detection Channels*Two HPM-100-40 GaAsP Hybrid Detectors*Optional: Two HPM-100-06 Hybrid Detectors, IRF Width < 20 ps FWHM*Optional: HPM-100-50 Hybrid Detectors for NIR FLIM*Optional: Multi-Wavelength FLIM*Excellent Time Resolution: Electrical IRF Width 6.5 ps FWHM*Time Channel Width Down to 813 fs*Megapixel FLIM, Up to 2048 x 2048 Pixels at 256 Time Channels*Simultaneous FLIM/PLIM*Wideband Version, Compatible with Tuneable Lasers*Electronic Pinhole Alignment*Z-Stack FLIM Acquisition with Zeiss Axio Observer Z1*Optional: Spatial Mosaic FLIM via Motorized Sample Stage
Duty Cycle Meter
Displays ON or OFF period as a percentage of total period over a programmed gate time from 10 ms to 199.99 s. A resolution of 1%, 0.1% or 0.01% is user-selectable. Applications include monitoring modulated proportional control systems and pulse-modulated systems, such as radar, lasers or packet radio.
Desktop Tunable Laser Source
The UC8110 desktop tunable lasers offer superior performance for the test of DWDM components, AWG & PLC components, optical amplifiers, DWDM system and other general purpose of fiber optical test and measurement applications. It is a wavelength high accuracy, high power output, small dimension, fast startup, affordable tunable laser source system. UC INSTRUMENTS provides C band, L band, or C+L band tunable laser sources options.
Dynamic Diffuser
Bodkin Design & Engineering, llc
When lasers are used to illuminate an object, a standing patter of laser ‘speckle’ is projected onto the target. This irregularity in illumination is detrimental to imaging systems and can increase the uncertainty in sensor measurements.
Compact, Efficient Four-Color Laser Engine
iChrome CLE
TOPTICA's iChrome CLE is a compact laser engine that combines four laser lines in one box. All integrated colors are provided via one polarization-maintaining single-mode fiber. It is available with 405, 488, 561 and 640 nm and more than 20 mW guaranteed output power after the fiber each. The system guarantees a plug & play installation since it includes TOPTICA's proprietary COOLAC automatic alignment technology. This way the system is ready-to-use after one simple button click. 561 nm laser light is generated by TOPTICAs proprietary FDDL technology. Each laser line can be directly modulated up to a frequency of 1 MHz and TOPTICA's "Complete OFF" mechanism guarantees zero photons in the "off"-state.
Compact Short Range HD Multi-spectral Surveillance System
TacFLIR® 230
The TacFLIR® 230 provides maximum sensor range performance including a high-resolution color zoom TV camera with low light capability, a powerful 640x480 cooled MWIR thermal camera with 18x total magnification, and optional laser pointer and rangefinder. At 41 pounds and with a nine-inch diameter, the TacFLIR 230 provides the ability to deploy on any platform including UGVs
Diode Driver & Laser System Controllers
The laser controllers provide a simple method of controlling Lumina and other popular laser diode drivers or full laser systems. They include the ability to easily control current levels, pulse modes, and interlock controls as well as monitor voltage and current levels as well as q-switch triggering, external triggering, sync output, and additional I/O signals.
Pulsed Lasers and LEDs
PicoQuant's compact and reliable turn-key diode laser solutions work in picosecond pulsed, modulated, or fast-switched (nsec to µsec) operation mode. The laser systems typically consist of a common driver unit and exchangeable heads. Specialized lasers are also available as stand-alone units.
PLD/PED Components
Neocera offers a variety of components that can be fitted and combined into new or existing PLD and PED systems to provide improved functionality and enhanced capability. Components include:*Oxygen-compatible substrate heaters for epitaxial oxide film depositions..*Automated Target Carousels for preparing multilayer heterostructures.*Deposition chambers design specifically for PLD and PED systems.*Manual and automated laser window-change Accessories.*Pulsed Electron Deposition (PED) sources for laser transparent materials.*Ideal for retrofitting existing systems or construction of new systems.
Ray tracing and Laser Simulation / Cavity Design Software
LasEasy V1.0
LasEasy software is the professional software for simulating and designing solid-state laser cavity, optical amplifier system, and parametric OPO systems. It can also simulate the laser light propagation in both horizontal and vertical (sangital and tangitial) planes.
Powerful 1 µm Femtosecond Fiber Laser
FemtoFiber ultra 1050
The FemtoFiber ultra 1050 is part of TOPTICA's third generation of ultrafast fiber lasers. The system delivers laser pulses of 90 - 100 fs in duration at a central wavelength of 1050 nm. Using a power amplifier the system provides more than 5 W average output power. It is a compact femtosecond laser system with turnkey operation and cost-effective design.
Pulse Laser
Is a variable, pulsed high power laser source, a building block ideal for MOPA, LIDAR, OTDR laser systems development and applications. This fully integrated compact module contains a Distributed Feedback (DFB) laser and built-in optical amplifier stage, and a variable nanosecond pulse generation circuits. It provides up to 200 mW optical peak power in 1064 nm wavelength region, with a programmable pulse width from 10 ns to 1000 ns, and a selectable pulse repetition rate from 100 Hz to 1 MHz The optical pulse generation can alternatively be controlled via an external electrical trigger. In a compact design, NPL-CWDM-M is applicable for OEM integration or as a stand alone pulsed laser source. Contact Optilab for more information.
Picosecond Laser
The PIXEA is a high-quality laser system for OEM and R&D applications generating ultra-short optical pulses by using gain-switched laser diode technologies. The laser features high-quality picosecond laser pulses with no satellite pulses and minimize pulse tail. The PIXEA series offer a large variety of centered wavelengths between 375 nm and 2 um. The pulse duration down to 20 ps is optimized for each wavelength. The system is based in two modules or one module, the laser head and the dedicated Control Unit including the GUI software. Different optical output options are available, including free space collimating optics and fiber coupled.
Robotic Vehicle Gap / Flush Measurement System
LaserGauge® Automation is a robotic system for measuring vehicle gap/flush on a moving assembly line. It is cost-effective, fast, flexible, and delivers LaserGauge® accurate measurements. Utilizing the Cross-Vector scanning and Blue Laser Technology, the system provides more assembled-panel surface information than any other robotic laser profiler.
Profile Measurement System
The GapGun is a laser gauge, profile measurement system that quickly and accurately quantifies local features such as gap and flush, step, weld and mismatch, radii, scratches, seals, dents, rivets and fasteners. It is a proven technology, used worldwide by most major automotive and aerospace OEMs, with over 1,000 units sold.
The In-Duct Hot-Wire Anemometer & Psychrometer accessory head, AAT3 allows HVACR professionals to measure air velocity, temperature, and %RH all in one tool. The engineered 38" telescoping probe with laser etching and quick-response sensor provides quick and easy airflow measurements from the correct location--near the evaporator. When using with the Fieldpiece HVAC Guide System Analyzers, the AAT3 can automatically calculate target super heat and target evaporator exit temperature.
Wide-Field FLIM System
*Easy to Use Like an Ordinal Megapixel CCD Camera*Spatial Resolution ~ 1024 x 1024 Pixels*Temporal Resolution (IRF Width) 50 ps FWHM*Single-Photon Sensitivity*Saturated Count Rate Up to 5 MHz*Excitation by bh BDS-SM Family ps Diode Laser*Works with All Commonly Used MicroscopesI*llumination via Single-Mode Fiber*Lens System for Image Transfer Into Camera
Laser Scan Heads
Aerotech supplies high-performance 2D, 3D and 5D laser scan heads to meet a diverse range of precision manufacturing challenges. Choose from standard options or leverage our expertise in designing laser manufacturing systems.
Ultra-Wideband Tunable Laser
Full-band TSL
The system combines up to four of our tunable lasers (TSL-570) with an optical switch module (OSU-110) and control software. The complete Full-band TSL has excellent cost performance, high wavelength accuracy and fast sweeping for use in both R&D and production environments.