Pass-Through Oven
The Memmert heating oven with fully insulated stainless steel door on both sides saves time during loading and reduces the risk of contamination, specially when handling sensitive load between grey and clean rooms. On this page, you can find all the essential technical data on our pass-through oven. Our customer relations team will be pleased to help if you want further information. If you should require a customised special solution, please contact our technical specialists at
PC/104-Plus And PCI-104 8-Port RS-232 Serial Communication
P104-COM232-8 and 104I-COM232-8
The P104-COM232-8 (PC/104-Plus) and 104I-COM232-8 (PCI-104) are PC/104-based eight channel RS-232 communication peripherals. Based on the XR17D158, the boards have eight enhanced 16550 UARTs, each with a set of modem signals (CTS, RTS, RI, DTR, DSR, CD). A 460Kb/s rate is guaranteed for all channels with up to 3K Ohm 1000pF loads. All interrupts may be monitored at a 32-bit status register. Each UART has both a 64 byte transmit and a 64 byte receive FIFO.
Peak Track Instrument
The model 90323 Peak Track Instrument is a general-purpose sensor readout device designed to complement our AutoID line of load cells and torque sensors. AutoID is a term that indicates that the calibration information for a sensor is stored on a chip inside the sensor’s connector. AutoID allows true “plug and play” operation without manual calibration procedures of any kind. The unit is also equipped with a 2-line alpha-numeric display and single button operation for simplicity.
867/856 Modules
With the 856 Conductivity Module and 867 pH Module, you can build your own, customized solution – whether you are analyzing large sample loads or multiple parameters, or you want to enjoy full freedom when it comes to method programming and applications.
Portable Load Bank
The Electra provides 460KW, 560KW or 660 of resistive load at both 240V and 480V, 3-phase. It can be applied at any AC voltage to 480V AC, 50-60-400 Hertz, single or 3-phase. Load step resolution is 5KW.
Portable Load Bank
The Atlas-Megawatt provides 1000KW of resistive load at both 240V and 480V, 3-phase. It can be applied at any AC voltage to 480VAC, 50-60-400 Hertz, single or 3-phase. Load step resolution is 5KW.
Portable Load Bank
Designed to provide an adjustable load for troubleshooting or demonstrating welding power sources or generators. Includes analog meters for AC and DC output with jacks for external metering connections.13 ft 115V power cord. Seven 50 amp load switch.
Portable Load Cell System
Load Cell is designed by Seismic Source Company to measure the Hold Down weight and the output force of the Servo Hydraulic Vibrator unit. The output of the Load Cells can be recorded with any accurate seismic recording system.
Beijing GFUVE Electronics Co.,Ltd.
The GF3031 is a powerful and portable three phase current and voltage source. All test values are generated absolutely synthetically with a high degree of accuracy and stability. The source is available in 12 A, 24A or 120 A.The GF303D three phase portable power source is a lightweight and portable current and voltage source based on newest technology and serves for solving this problem by simulating the required load conditions. Operation is performed by integrated 7" touch screen or via keyboards
Portable Three-Phase Current Load
The Current Source is able to generate three-phase currents, synchronized with the service voltage, with unprecedented stability and measurement accuracy. The amplitude and phase-shift of each current is individually adjustable. The values of voltage, current, power, power factor, phase shift, THD and frequency are indicated on the LCD display.
Portable Three-Phase Phantom Load
EE-120A-3 + EE-500V-3
The Phantom Load is able to generate three-phase voltages and currents with unprecedented stability and measurement accuracy. The amplitude and phase-shift of each current and voltage is individually adjustable. The generated values of voltage, current, power, power factor, phase shift, THD and frequency are indicated on the LCD display.
Potential Meters
Potential meters are basically electrometers which have extremely high input resistances in order to keep the feeding reference electrode free of load. This is necessary to maintain the true potential. pH - meters can be used as potential meters when fast reading is not required, because common pH meters are very slow. When the potential answer to current pulses is to be followed, potential meters are essential.
Power Conversion
The XRP6124 is a non synchronous step down (buck) controller for up to 5A point of loads. A wide 3V to 30V input voltage range allows for single supply operations from industry standard 3.3V, 5V, 12V and 24V power rails. With a proprietary Constant On-Time (COT) control scheme, the XRP6124 provides extremely fast line and load transient response while the operating frequency remains nearly constant. It requires no loop compensation hence simplifying circuit implementation and reducing overall component count. The XRP6124 also implements an emulated ESR circuitry allowing usage of ceramic output capacitors and insuring stable operations without the use of extra external components.
Powered NIM Crate
NIMpact 300W With Fan Tray
NIMpact crates are low cost crates that meet EUR4100 and CE specifications. They are outfitted with a 300W power supply with over load and over temperature protection. 5U NIMpact crates are with fan tray.
Power Sources
The MS-Series Power Sources are high performance, high efficiency, AC to AC converters. Rugged powerful output provides up to 350 amps of pulse current for driving non-linear loads.
Power Supplies
A power supply is a component that supplies power to at least one electric load. Typically, it converts one type of electrical power to another, but it may also convert a a different form of energy - such as solar, mechanical, or chemical - into electrical energy. A power supply provides components with electric power.
Power Supply
NZXT HALE90 850w
*80+ Gold certified: The HALE 90 series from NZXT operates atultra high efficiency, at 20%, 50% and 100% loads, efficiencies are87%, 90%, and 87% respectively.*Single140mm two ball-bearing fan operates with minimal noiseeven at full load. Maximum decibel levels are 20db for wattagesbetween 550-750W and 30db for 850W and above.*Strong Single Rail Design: A single +12V rail provides stabilityand ease of use making the most out of your power supply. Offers stable & clean current delivery under ...show more -
Power Supply
High precision analog control loop power supplies for inductive loads such as electromagnets, superconducting coils, Helmholtz coils and others.Autonomous analog power supplies with digital controls, readouts and supervision. The interfaces are digital and analog
Power Supply
NZXT HALE90 1000w
*80+ Gold certified: The HALE 90 series from NZXT operates atultra high efficiency, at 20%, 50% and 100% loads, efficiencies are87%, 90%, and 87% respectively.*Single140mm two ball-bearing fan operates with minimal noiseeven at full load. Maximum decibel levels are 20db for wattagesbetween 550-750W and 30db for 850W and above.*Strong Single Rail Design: A single +12V rail provides stabilityand ease of use making the most out of your power supply. Offers stable & clean current delivery under ...show more -
Power Supply 600W
UEP10M66 / CEP10M66 -
The UEP10M66 series is a linear regulated plug-in power supply for use in CERN type NIM and CAMAC crates with 600W power output for applications with extreme +/-12V loads. This high precision and lowest noise power supply is designed as a very compact unit with extremely low volume to power relation.
Power Supply Series
Thanks to their high accuracy and fast load recovery time, the R&S®NGM200 power supplies are perfect for challenging applications. Their two-quadrant architecture allows them to function both as a source and a sink to simulate batteries and loads. Their short recovery times enable them to handle fast load changes that occur, for example, when mobile communications devices switch from sleep mode to transmit mode. High-speed data acquisition and convenient battery simulation widen the range of applications.
Power Supply Series
Due to their high accuracy and fast load recovery time, the R&S®NGL200 power supply series is perfect for challenging applications. Their two-quadrant architecture allows them to function both as a source and a sink to simulate batteries and loads. Their short recovery times enable them to handle fast load changes that occur for example when mobile communications devices switch from sleep mode to transmit mode.
Precision Gram Load Cell Universal/ Tension or Compression
The GS0 Series Load Cells can be utilized in tension or compression or both with excellent compliance. The force sensing end of the anodized aluminum GS0 Series is tapped 6-32 thru for attachment possibilities for almost any application. Bonded foil strain gages at the sensing element provide for excellent stability over the suggested temperature range and ensure long term reliability. Call for application assistance.
Pre-programmed module for COMTEST software
Pre-programmed module for COMTEST software ASTM C203: Breaking Load and Flexural Properties of Block-Type Thermal Insulation. Allow you to perform the ASTM C203 with our COMTEST software to have directly the accurate results recommended in this ASTM.
Programable Power Supply & Programable Electronic Load
*Digital button control and easy operation*High resolution(20mV, 10mA, 0.1W, 0.1Ω)*Overload prevention function*9 sets programmable memory*4 sets real time display*Voltage range: 1V~63V*Current range: 10mA~15A*Maximum power: 200W*Operation mode: CV, CC, CP and CR*Built in USB interface
Programable Power Supply & Programable Electronic Load
*DC 0~32V / 0~3A X 2 + Fix 5V/3A*Triple Output 207 VA High Power*4 Digits, 4 Display*Programable Control, 9 Memory*Built In USB Interface*Series 0~64V / 0~3A Operation