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sense, display, measures; gas, water, electricity, particles, vibration, light or quanta.
See Also: Sensors, Measurement
Flexible Clamp Meter 18 inch
The FLIR CM57 is an ergonomic tool designed to simplify difficult current measurements. Made with a narrow, 18-inch (45.72 cm) flexible coil clamp, the CM57 lets you easily take measurements in tight or awkward spots. It is ideal for multiple-conductor measurements and double-wrap requirements. With Bluetooth® communication for remote viewing and data transfer to iOS® and Android™ devices via the FLIR Tools Mobile app, you can analyze and share data fast right from the jobsite.
Flow And Differential Pressure Sensors
ACEINNA’s flow and differential pressure sensors are designed to serve the need for mass flow and pressure sensing in multiple applications such as gas meters, process control, HVAC, medical, chemical, food and beverage, etc. We offer two newly launched and announced product lines, the MFC2000 family of gas flow modules and the MDP200 differential pressure sensor.
Flow Computers
Cox FC30 flow computers service both liquid and gas applications. The FC30 features batching, 40-point flow meter linearization tables, and temperature viscosity correction using Strouhal/Roshko advanced linearization methods and multiple flow and control inputs. Relay outputs are independently assignable for alarms and general purpose warnings. The FC30 has serial communications, both RS232 and 485, and isolated analog and pulse outputs.
Flow Meter
Mc Propeller
McCrometer has set the standard for liquid flow measurement performance, ease-of-use and value in the agricultural and turf markets since 1955. Its leading-edge propeller flow meters offer economical and versatile flow measurement. The Mc Propeller is especially suited to dirty water flows, municipal and other high-volume water applications.
Flow Meter
A flow meter is a device used to measure the linear, non-linear, massive, or volumetric flow rate of a liquid or gas.
Flow Meter Sensor
RF Pickups
SPECTEC Innovative Sensor Solutions
SPECTEC RF pickups are excellent for applications that require near zero speed and zero magnetic drag sensing characteristics, such as flow meter sensor applications. SPECTEC RF (modulated carrier) sensors have a long history of use in turbine flow meters and turbine engines in the aerospace, petroleum, chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries.
Flow Meters for Water
*With volumetric flow quantity, total quantity and temperature indication*High accuracy, repeatability and measurement dynamics*With switching output, analog output and pulse output*Clearly visible LED display
Flow Sensors / Flow Meters
*For liquids and gases*Versions for the use in high pressure cleaning applications*Variety of process connections available*Flow monitoring also for aggressive media
Flux Meter
NF-100 can perform stable high accuracy measurement because noise and drift are reduced by the structure of digital counter and integral V/F converter with use of operational amplifier.
Flux Meter
NF-200 is a model which is added the comparator function to NF-100. This can apply to measure inerside search coil while passing. Through optional accessories are available.
Focus® Optical Gas Flow Meter
Our Focus®2.0 Optical Gas Flow Meter is used by oil and gas companies around the world to measure and monitor the flow of flare gases in oil production. Flaring is the burning of the waste natural gas associated with oil production, and over 150 billion cubic meters of gas are flared or vented into the atmosphere every year, which is costly to the environment and affects the bottom line of oil companies.
Formaldehyde Meter
-Backlit LCD displays simultaneously formaldehyde (HCHO), temperature, humidity, easy to monitor.-Occupational safety monitoring shows TWA (8 hours) and STEL (15 mins).-Use high-precision electrochemical sensors.-The maximum / minimum / average hold.-Stores 200 records manually.-Data hold.-Formaldehyde maximum and minimum alarm value setting.
Four Channels Sound and Vibration Analyser
The SVAN958A is an unique four-channel instrument offering 20kHz-band sound & vibration analysis. It is a perfect choice for all applications that require simultaneous class 1 noise measurements & tri-axial vibration assessment. Each of four input channels can be independently configured for sound or vibration detection with different filters and RMS detector time constants giving users an enormous measurement flexibility. The real advantage of SVAN958A is the capability to perform advanced analysis simultaneously to the level meter mode.
Four-Wavelength Laser Source
CA6017 Series
The CA6017 Can transmit with a wavelength-identification digital encrypted protocol, enabling the FHP2 power meter to automatically use the proper calibration wavelength. This feature reduces the need for communication between the two technicians and decreases the possibility of making mistakes
Free Chlorine & Total Chlorine Meter
Tests swimming pools, municipal water, food and beverage water, or other aqueous solution where fluid clarity is important.
Frequency Converter from 2 to 3 GHZ
The FCV300 EVO frequency converter is an external module that, combined with a field meter,
Frequency Meter
Shenzhen Graigar Technology Co.,Ltd.
A frequency meter is an instrument that displays the frequency of a periodic electrical signal. Various types of frequency meters are used. Many are instruments of the deflection type, ordinarily used for measuring low frequencies but capable of being used for frequencies as high as 900 Hz.
Frequency, Rate Meter, Flow Rate Indicator
Two independent scalable pulse-input channels from 0 Hz to 1 MHz. Channels may be combined arithmetically. One channel can display total while other displays rate. High read rate for control applications: AC line frequency can be measured to 50.0000 or 60.0000 Hz in a few line cycles. Ideal for use as a tachometer or readout of a turbine flow meter.
Frequency Scaler
The SY024 Frequency Scaler/Multiplier can be linked to most frequency generating devices. It can be set to multiply or divide the frequency by a simple set up. When a frequency output device like a flow meter gives insufficient pulses to give the accuracy you need, or too many pulses for your Programmable logic controller or frequency counter to handle, or if you have more than one frequency output device and the rates are different you can match them by multiplying or dividing and re-transmitting to match the outputs to one another or the capabilities of your PLC etc.
Frequency Selective Power Sensor
The R&S®NRQ6 is based on receiver technology and can perform band-limited power measurements down to -130 dBm. The R&S®NRQ6 combines high-precision with high-speed measurements beyond the limits of currently available power meters. In addition to conventional continuous average measurements, the R&S®NRQ6 has a trace display function and also performs ACLR measurements.
Fuel Cell Test Station
E1PS is glad to bring you a low cost method to test fuel cells and produce professional test data results for under $1,000.00, fuel cell included! The Fuel Cell Test Station comes complete with everything but the hydrogen. There are three meters*, a load box, forced air housing and a fuel cell.
Full- Channel Resistivity Meter
ZZ Universal 64
ZZ Resistivity Imaging Pty. Ltd.
Comprehensive resistivity instrument. 61 channel system.
Gas Flow Meters
There are innumerable circumstances where gas flow rates need to be quickly and precisely measured. You’ll always be prepared with Netech’s versatile range of gas flow meters, which are designed to measure several types of gases including air, N2, O2, CO2, and He.
Gas Flow Meters & Controllers
Accurate Mass Flow Measurement Sierra designs and manufactures a wide range of today's most advanced analog and digital gas flow meters, mass flow meters, controllers and switches across three core technologies: Capillary Thermal, Immersible Thermal, and Mass Vortex. Each gas flowmeter or controller meets exacting standards, and we can also customize your flow rate sensor to meet application requirements (often free of charge).