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sense, display, measures; gas, water, electricity, particles, vibration, light or quanta.
See Also: Sensors, Measurement
Nanotesla Meter
Macintyre Electronic Design Associa
The RM100 uses a differential measurement technique employing two subsystems to achieve its high accuracy. The first subsystem is a user controlled field neutralization unit with a dynamic range of ±100,000 nT and a resolution of 0.1 nT. The second is a low noise analog output magnetometer that measures the difference between the ambient and neutralization fields. The neutralizing field and difference field are displayed on a large Vacuum Florescent Display on the front panel. The difference field is also provided as an analog voltage through a connector on the back of the chassis. The factory calibration of the neutralization subsystem to ±0.01% is traceable to NIST.
Near Field Probes
A typical emi emission test is performed using broadband EMC antennas such as biconical, log periodics, Combilogs and horns. These antennas usually placed at 1, 3 or 10 meter distance as required by the test specification. These is considered far field measurements and the emission limits are given for the specific distance by the specification. During EMI compliance measurements, the emissions levels from products are compared with these limits. If the product exceeds these limits it is considered failing. These tests are typically conducted in a open area test site IOATS) or inside an anechoic chamber.
Net Irradiance Meter
LPNET07 measures the net radiation across a surface, from near ultraviolet to far infrared.
Network Analyzers
MPR2 Series
Dimensions:DIN4 kVArh, Max, Min: available (available)% THD I: none (none) % THD V: none (none)Harmonics 1-51.: RS-485: none (none)Digital Input:Digital Output:Temperature Input:AOV:RLY: Memory:Current Voltage Unbalances: none (none) X5/X1: none (none)Plug & Meter: available (available) 85-300 VAC/DC: available (available)
Noise Dose Meters
Here you will find a full range with an industrial standard noise dose meter to suit every requirement. With the portable noise dose meter you can carry out measurements quickly to gain control of a situation or to set the device to take timed measurements. The noise dose meter is important for all industries, especially by using it as a mobile device which is able to assess office stress levels or street noise levels.Often problems arise from noisy neighbors or if bars and restaurants are in residential areas and produce noise levels after 10pm in excess of what local laws permit. We, of course, can assess which noise dose meter you require in relation to the issue you have and the relating laws. We also have microphone extension cords, tripods, calibrators and calibration certificates for most models of noise dose meter.
Noise Generator
The UFX-EbNo is a fully automated precision signal to noise generator that sets, and maintains a highly accurate ratio between a user supplied carrier and internally generated noise, over a wide range of signal power levels and frequencies. The internal power meter provides repeatable SNR waveforms for accurate signal generation.
Noise Meters
Here you will find a full range with an industrial standard noise meter / sound meter to suit every requirement. With the portable noise meter you can carry out measurements quickly to gain control of a situation or to set the sound meter to take timed measurements. The noise meter is important for all industries, especially by using it as a mobile noise meter which is able to assess office stress levels or street noise levels. Often problems arise from noisy neighbors or if bars and restaurants are in residential areas and produce noise levels after 10 pm in excess of what local laws permit. A noise meter / sound meter will help here.We can assess which noise meter or sound meter you require in relation to the issue you have and the relating laws (requirements regarding a sound meter and a sound meter’s usage vary depending on the country). We also have noise meter microphone extension cords, tripods, sound meter calibrators and calibration certificates for most noise meter models.
Non-Contact Displacement Meter
The principle of the eddy current is applied to measure the distance without contacting an object. This measuring method is widely used in the industry for detecting abnormal vibrations of rotating shafts or ironwork in a production in line. The highly accurate signal conditioning for providing the analog voltage being linearly proportional to displacement can be made easy.
Non-Destructive Moisture Meter
The SKIPPER Plus non-destructive moisture meter provides a complete, safe method for detecting excess moisture in GRP and wooden boats. Three scales of sensitivity allow moisture detection in salt or fresh water.
Novo-Curve Glossmeter
60 degree gloss meter for measuring the gloss of small and curved surfaces
On-Line Moisture Meters
Many methods are available for measuring moisture content on line, in real time: NIR, RF Capacitance, NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance), and Microwave, among others. Finna Sensors is unique in that it has experience with most of these methods and is therefore able to recommend the best possible solution for any application.
Online Sensors & Analyzers
Sensor delivers accurate, reliable measurements of conductivity and total dissolved solids (TDS). Sensor package is built with automatic temperature compensation (ATC) with options for integration to most conductivity meters and transmitters.
Online Vibrometer
Online vibrometer that accurately detects equipment abnormalities. Higher visibility with the new digital meter
Opacity & Shade Meter
Novo-Shade Duo + Reflectometer
The Novo-Shade Duo reflectometer has 3 modes of operation*OpacityThis is used for measuring the hiding power of a coating or plastic film*ShadeMeasure the shade of surface on a greyscale*CleanlinessMeasure the substrate cleanliness or oxidisation of a surface
Optical Fiber Identifier
FID-30R/ 31R
Shanghai Fibretool Technology Co.,Ltd.
FID-30R and FID-31R are optical fiber identifier for telecommunication cable. FID-30R is built-in optical power meter.
Optical Light Sources
FLS300 Series
Shanghai Tarluz Telecom Tech Co., LTD
FLS300 Series Optical light Source transmits with a wavelength-identification digital encrypted protocol, enabling FPM300 Series Optical Power Meter to automatically use the proper calibration wavelength. This feature reduces the need for communication between the two technicians and decreases the possibility of making mistakes.
Optical Multimeter
FPL300 Series
Shanghai Tarluz Telecom Tech Co., LTD
FPL300 Series Optical Multimeter integrates a stable optical laser source and a precise optical power meter. The optical laser source unit launches the laser whose wavelengths are at 1310/1550nm. The optical power meter unit can recognize the wavelength automatically. FPL3 Series Optical Multimeter offers a large storage capacity; With the assorted software, user can generate a report or manage the test report easily.
Optical Multimeters
Optical Multimeter integrates both an optical power meter module and an optical light source module and can perform closed-loop tests by using both modules but work individually. It is specifically designed for technical support personnel to test a variety of instruments with a single meter and thus satisfy the user by providing a choice of greater convenience and more advantages.
Optical Power and Wavelength Meter
The OMM-6810B is a power and wavelength meter capable of simultaneously measuring the optical power and wavelength of a laser source. A wide variety of measurement heads cover wavelength ranges from 350 to 1650 nm for power ranges of up to +40dBm or 10W.This meter has standard features such as logarithmic or linear display modes, auto ranging, user calibratable offset, reference measurement capability, analog output and IEEE-standard GPIB interface to make this instrument a cost effective laser diode development or production test tool.
Optical Power Meter
Hangzhou Huatai Optic Tech. Co., Ltd.
HOPM-3211 optical power meter is a handheld optical power meter, newly released in 2007, which can be used for absolute optical power measurements as well as for relative loss measurements in optic fiber networks. An Ø1.0mm photosensitive area photodiode is used to significantly improve the stability and the reliability. It features ingenious appearance, wide range of power measurement, high accuracy, user self-calibration function and reference power level storage.
Optical Power Meter
Hangzhou Huatai Optic Tech. Co., Ltd.
Our designs series optical power meter to meet the high demand . It intergrades the handheld optical power meter and the intelligent optical power meter in one unit. It can be used for the absolute power measurement and relative measurement of the link loss in dB.
Optical Power Meter
CA6005 Series
The CA6005 series power meter is suitalbe for laboratory, LANs, WANs, and CATV as well as long distance optical network.
Optical Power Meters
Kingfisher hand held optical power meters are a trusted test solution for optical power, optical attenuation and optical continuity. They offer leading accuracy, productivity and reliability in an economical and convenient package.
Optical Power Meters
A handheld optical power meter, which is most suitable for production of LDs, optical pickups and drives for optical disks.It was developed to meet functions and performance suitable for CD/DVD production.
Optical Power Meters
Optical Wavelength Laboratories
Deluxe color LCD fiber link certifierIdeal for installers and contractors who need to certify fiber cablesIncludes the ability to measure the end-to-end length of the fiber cableUnlimited sets of job parametersMultimode and singlemode ready
Optical Power Meters
Artifex Engineering GmbH & Co. KG
The OPM series of optical power meters (OPM) employs photodiodes for the measurement and monitoring of optical power from the UV to near IR.
Optical Power Meter & VFL
Optical power meter X-0563 combines the handheld optical power meter and the visual fault locator(VFL) functions in one unit. It can be used for the absolute power measurement and relative measurement of the link loss in dB. Its compact size, friendly operation interface, broad power measurement range, high precision and brand-new user automatic calibration function and high performance in application makes it an ideal tool for optical fiber network.