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Transmission of modulated electromagnetic waves whose frequency falls below light.
See Also: Software Defined Radio, Radio Frequency, Ham Radio, Mobile Radio, Radio Analyzers
Public Transport
Schnoor Industrieelektronik GmbH & Co. KG
Schnoor Industrieelektronik develops radio and communication solutions for a range of customers acting in Public Transport.
Schnoor Industrieelektronik GmbH & Co. KG
Schnoor Industrieelektronik develops individual solutions for Rail Radio and Communication.
Public Safety
Schnoor Industrieelektronik GmbH & Co. KG
Reliability, performance as well as quick, simple operation is of special importance in the range of public safety, police, fire brigades and rescue services. Schnoor Industrieelektronik develops radio systems, application and migration concepts, corresponding to the safety standard for Security Authorities and Organisations.
Schnoor Industrieelektronik GmbH & Co. KG
Schnoor Industrieelektronik develops radio and communication solutions for a range of customers acting in maritime rescue, Maritime Rescue Coordination Centers (MRCC), habour authorities and Waterway & Shipping Administration.
Digital Panel mounted OBI Display
This panel mounted or portable display can read the radio bus digital OBI format (Clk, Sync, Data Format) that typically drives RMI's. This format is even more widely employed with the advent of GPS/FMS and newer digital radios. This display will confirm the digital bearing accuracy of these radios.
H Bend Waveguides
H-plane waveguide bends are sections of high-precision crafted waveguides and shaped to either 30º, 45º ,60º, or 90º angles. It directs the radio frequency beam and "bends" the signal to go the direction you want.View more H-Bend Waveguide
Infrared (IR) Laser-Based Phoenix
Phoenix is a long-range infrared (IR) stimulator capable of testing aircraft electro-optical sensor suites up to 5 km. Phoenix can operate as an independent IR stimulator and/or can be integrated with our other electro-optical and radio frequency range systems (see GTESS and PRTS™).
Broadcasting & Wireless Colocation
LBA Technology™ specializes in providing radio broadcasting equipment for AM and DRM medium wave stations worldwide. We design, fabricate, and market radio frequency equipment to complement AM and medium wave transmitters and transmitting plants. Our systems make AM radio towers and masts more effective and efficient.
Ancillary Infrastructure
TideStation – Permanent
All data can be recorded locally and broadcast to a central command and control point as required. Within the TideStation enclosure is all the ancillary infrastructure required to maintain power to the Tide and Met equipment interfaced and the chosen communications systems. There are two standard TideStation variants: Option 1 – Single Port ipBuffer, TideStation Junction Box, optional Satel UHF radio. Configuration Example: TideMaster, VRS-20 and Pressure Sensor. Option 2 – 4 port ipBuffer, TideStation Junction Box, optional Satel UHF radio. Configuration Example: TideMaster, VRS-20, Pressure Sensor, miniCT, METPak II, plus other instruments.
Modular TDM / IP Split Mount Radio System
CFIP PhoeniX M
CFIP PhoeniX M split mount system consists of PhoeniX M IDU and PhoeniX ODU (XPIC functionality supported). PhoeniX M IDU provides up to 63E1 and 2xSTM-1 bringing the total maximum capacity to 348 Mbps full duplex.
Next Generation Radio Platform
Integra is an unbelievably light, energy efficient carrier-grade system that exemplifies an outstanding return on smart engineering - the synergy of high competence in radio electronics and materials science. Integration of next generation microwave radio with high and super high performance antennas into a single unit translates into a lower total cost of ownership, as well as less time spent on the installation site, and better reliability of the link even in densely served areas.
Split Mount Radio System
CFIP PhoeniX
CFIP PhoeniX split mount system is designed to fit in a classic telecom architecture with a radio located outdoor and a sheltered indoor unit. CFIP PhoeniX also enables transition from TDM networks to hybrid TDM/IP networks providing up to 20E1 + GigE. Total maximum capacity is up to 366 Mbps full duplex.
Universal Panel, IR & Radio Receivers
Add more connections to your LocoNet system. UP5 Simplifies hook-up, maintenance & troubleshooting of LocoNet, add a few to make traditional tethered walk-around operation a snap.
CFIP PhoeniX C
CFIP PhoeniX C split mount system is designed to fit in a classic telecom architecture with a radio located outdoor and a sheltered indoor unit. CFIP PhoeniX C system has compact indoor unit that enables transition from TDM networks to hybrid TDM/IP networks providing up to 64E1, Gigabit Ethernet ports, or up to 16 ASI ports for transferring video signal. Total maximum capacity is up to 366 Mbps full duplex.
V4 Marine Radio Analyser - MF/HF/VHF DSC Marine Radio Test System
ICS Electronics Limited is a world leader in the design, integration and supply of GMDSS VHF, MF/HF DSC Coast Radio and NAVTEX Broadcast solutions with a direct and active participation in the governing committees.
Broadcast Compliance Recording and Monitoring Platform
Actus View
Actus View is a professional broadcast compliance recording and monitoring platform for recording any number of TV or radio channels, from any input and any format. Actus View broadcast monitoring system complies with the media regulation authorities requirements, such as the FCC compliance specifications.
CFIP Lumina
CFIP Lumina systems are delivering up to 366 Mbps per radio. 2+0 aggregation is available for higher bandwidth users. Both single or dual, electrical and fibre optical interface versions are available, as well as hybrid version with 1 optical and 1 electrical port.
FreeMile 17/24
SAF FreeMile FODU - a new generation license-free 17/24GHz ISM band radio for Ethernet packet data and E1 voice transmission. The new radio system combines excellent features traditionally associated with ISM radios – interference-free operation, high availability, Carrier grade full duplex capacity with no cost of licensing and quick installation. SAF FreeMile radio also offers a user-friendly Web browser based management interface and straightforward installation process to ensure trouble-free experience for any user.
Control Center
COSYMA is the control centre for APCOS®4000, consisting of a comprehensive and versatile application software that includes the following components:*Communications Network Control (CNC)*Radio & Device Control (RDC)*Secure Automatic Military Message Handling System (SAMMS)
CH-14 PXIe 14-slot Chassis
The new CH-14 PXIe chassis allows you to create high-performance multifunctional systems for collecting and processing large flows of information, as well as systems for monitoring and adjusting radio electronic equipment.
Channel Replicator
Series 7000
The Series 7000 System is a multi-radio test network which replicates the propagation path of real-world applications. With complete bi-directional capability radios may operate in full duplex mode at distances up to 150 nautical miles.
Receiving Amplifiers
he products from Kuhne electronic from the category "Receiving Amplifiers for Professional Use" are designed for the following applications: Radio Link Systems, Satellite Receivers as well as Scientific and Measurement Instrumentation.These amplifiers stand out due to outstanding Noise Figures as well as a very good Large Signal Stability and small Housing Sizes.
Power Amplifiers for Radio Amateurs
From classic equipment for simple QSOs to high performance modules for contests, EME-operations and satellite radio: Our products provide absolute top performance. When choosing their equipment many radio amateurs and club-stations don't compromise and trust in the proven quality of Kuhne electronic amplifiers. Numerous contest victories, records and first contacts with a country were and are achieved with Kuhne products. Our amplifiers are remarkable for high gain and high linearity. LD-MOSFET and GaAs-FET-systems are the state-of-the-art technology in the amateur sector and enable the perfect use for all analog and digital modes (e.g. SSB, CW, WSJT, ATV, DATV). Small mechanical measurements and milled aluminum cases enable high temperature stability and tower mounting. Don't compromise and get technology from Kuhne electronic!
Receiver Systems for Monitoring, Surveillance and Logging
We produce complete turn-key radio monitoring systems ranging from portable single-channel applications for field tests and drive-by coverage measurements, to large scale computerized multi-channel surveillance systems capable of monitoring thousands of channels simultaneously.
Propagation Software
Wireless InSite
Wireless InSite is a suite of ray-tracing models and high-fidelity EM solvers for the analysis of site-specific radio propagation and wireless communication systems. The software provides efficient and accurate predictions of EM propagation and communication channel characteristics in complex urban, indoor, rural and mixed path environments.
Radio Communications
General Dynamics Global Imaging Technologies
Every day around the globe, General Dynamics'' radios ensure planes land safely, isolated personnel are found, soldiers communicate securely and first responders have the communications they need to go where no one else can. Our radios are more than tools, they are lifelines. Building on a strong, 50-year legacy in RF communications and networking development for military, government and commercial customers, General Dynamics’ radio products and systems are trusted globally in air traffic control, Blue Force Tracking, search and rescue, line of sight communications, satellite and wireless, and battlefield communications applications.
Plus Radio Ethernet Receiver
The Plus Radio Ethernet receiver is required as part of the Tinytag Radio Data Logging System. It controls the transmission of data to and from the radio loggers: data received from the loggers is then sent to the computer for viewing with Tinytag Explorer radio software. If power to the computer running the system is lost, the receiver has a battery back-up which will maintain the mesh network until power is restored. This receiver plugs directly into a LAN removing the need for a computer in the area where monitoring is to take place. The receiver is powered using a plug-in Power over Ethernet adaptor (ACS-0041) which is supplied with the unit.
Weight Drop Controller
The WDC unit consists of the following: *Weight Drop Relay Control System *Radio Trigger Module (RTM) *Remote Control Box *Radio*Hammer Switch The WDC provides following features: *Automatic cycling with user entered number of hits*Time Delay Display (Time from fire command to hit)*GPS interface for position and timing*Remote Control Box
Outdoor Radio System
CFIP-106/108 is primarily designed for IP networks and provides Fast Ethernet interface with capacities from 8 Mbps up to full duplex 100 Mbps Fast Ethernet. In addition to that, CFIP-108 has a 4xE1 port for legacy equipment connectivity and for use in hybrid TDM/IP networks.
Network Switches
Electro Standards Laboratories
Our switches support a variety of applications including Automatic Fallback, Process Control, Telco, TV&Radio Broadcasting, Video Surveillance Systems and More. We have hundreds of designs available online, but if you can't find exactly what you are looking for, we can assist.