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detectable impulse of electromagnetic radiation or quantum state superposed.
See Also: Signal Sources, Signal Processing, Signal Integrity, Signal Proccessing, Signal Analyzers, Signaling, Signal Conditioning, Signal Generators, Signal Meters, Signal Conditioners, Fidelity, Hunting
High Frequency RF and Microwave USB Programmable Signal Generators
LMS Series
The Lab Brick LMS series of high frequency RF and microwave USB-compatible, synthesized signal generators cover a frequency range from 0.5 MHz - 20 GHz with low noise, fast 100-microsecond switching time, and fine 100 Hz frequency resolution. They require no additional DC supply voltage and offer advanced features such as phase-continuous linear-frequency sweeping, internal/external 10 MHz reference, and optional pulse modulation. GUI software can track and control several connected signal generators, simplifying multiple-signal test setups. Each device stores settings in internal memory, allowing it to power up in a specific instrument state.
Wideband Recorder
Munin 1005-IF
MUNIN 1005-IF is the latest ELINT recording and monitoring solution which ensures gapless recording of narrowband and wideband IF signals from 2MHz to 600MHz real-time bandwidth.
Offline Signal Processing & Analysis Software
Signal Processing - DX
APEX Turbine Testing Technologies
DX is an easy to use, graphical, signal processing environment that simplifies analysis and reporting of dynamic data. DX includes everything needed to process data for a variety of applications and industries in a very intuitive, drag-and-drop user interface. Generate fully-interactive engineering plots from one or more tests and create reports in just a few mouse clicks.
Acoustic Emission Transducer
Acoustic emission transducer GT301 converts acoustic signal into electrical signal, parameters of which are used for acoustic emission source evaluation.
Hartmann Electronic’s board design is based on the HIGH-SPEED DESIGN concept. Low reflection is achieved by means of uniform signal surge impedance. The backplane design features an energy buffering feature which works across the entire frequency range.
Hartmann Electronic’s cPCI 3U RA Series features a sleek board design based on High Speed Design concept with exceptionally low-level reflection. The featured reflection levels are achieved by means of uniform signal surge impedance.
High Voltage Measurement
High Voltage Pulse Attenuator is used to attenuate high voltage pulse signals in a 50 system. It is consist of highly surge robust components with great voltage linearity. The device is symmetrical, Input and output can be exchanged.
PLC Fast Clearing Protective Gap
Smart Gap
The Smart-Gap improves the performance and reliability of your Power Line Carrier Communications by minimizing the impact of any surge induced loss of carrier signal, also known as carrier holes. The Smart-Gap operates faster than traditional Spark Gap solutions, extinguishing surges in less than 0.5 msec. to minimize any signal loss.
Lab Power Supplies
The analog interface is equipped with two programmable trigger inputs and three signal outputs, which can be linked to various device functions for indication, or for controlling external devices and an auxiliary power output. Beyond this, monitor outputs and control inputs for voltage and current setpoints are available as well. Sensing leads allow for auto-sensing operation at the power consumer. Strict menu-driven operation supports highly diverse programming functions. The device is transformed into a freely programmable test signal generator by means of an expanded sequence memory and extra functions.
4 load Cells Calibrator & mV/V Signal Simulator
The Tester 1008, unique in its kind, is used to check the distribution of the load among the load cells, thus avoiding overloads or unbalances that may be harmful both for the load cells and for the precision of the measurement.
PXIe Performance Vector Signal Analyzer: 50 GHz
9 kHz to 8.4 GHz, 14 GHz, 18 GHz, or 27 GHz Frequency extension to 50 GHz (minimum frequency of 3.6 GHz) with Option FRX40 MHz (standard), 100 MHz, or 160 MHz analysis bandwidth, and optional wideband IF output with Option WB1Up to 4 time-synchronous channels
Radar solution for width measurement of steel & metal
The OndoSense radar sensor solution determines the width of steel plates, steel strips or steel slabs (up to 1600 °C hot) with an accuracy of up to ±300 µm. Thanks to robust radar technology, sophisticated signal processing and smart radar algorithms, our radar sensors offer this high precision in width measurement even in the extreme production environments of the metal and steel industry.
ABex Terminal Module for Göpel 1149Cx-FXT BSCAN Cards
ABex TM-1149Cx-FXT
The ABex TM-1149Cx-FXT is an ABex terminal module for the Göpel Boundary Scan Controller SFX/PXI(e) 1149/C4-FXT-X. It is connected to the BSCAN-Controller with an adapter-paddle-card.In combination with the above Göpel Boundary scan card it’s possible to connect up to four JTAG/Boundary Scan TAPs. All differential signal wires on the PCB are impedance controlled. In addition, all other digital signals (PIP, TRG, Aux, I/O) and Ground can be switched off via relays.
ABex Terminal Module for Göpel 1149Cx BSCAN Cards
ABex TM-1149Cx
The ABex TM-1149Cx is an ABex terminal module for the Göpel Boundary Scan Controller SFX/PXI(e) 1149/C2/X or SFX/PXI(e) 1149/C4/X. It is connected to the BSCAN-Controller with an adapter-paddle-card.In combination with the above Göpel Boundary scan cards it’s possible to connect up to four JTAG/Boundary Scan TAPs. All signal wires on the PCB are impedance controlled. In addition, all signals can be switched off via relays.
ABex Relay Module with 88 SPST Relays and Three 4x1 Multiplexers
ABex AM-306 Relay
The ABex AM-306 is a performance relay card for signal interconnection up to 110V / 2A. The relay board has 100 channels divided into 88 single channels and 3 blocks witch 4 channels each which are switched to a common root (multiplexer).The ABex AM-306 is designed as a pin compatible replacement for the ABex AM-302 as well as the ABex AM-303.
ABex Rear Module for Direct Analog Bus Connection
The ABex RM-RUBI is a rear module for the ABex system. It’s designed to connect instruments to the analog bus backplane from the back side of a chassis and to route signals for debugging purpose. Each of the 30 analog buses can be routed to one of the four 4 SMB-connectors.
ABex Passive Terminal Module for Meilhaus ME-9000
ABex TM-ME-9000
The ABex TM-ME-9000 is an ABex terminal module for the ABex system to route signals from a Meilhaus ME-9000 device to the front connector of the ABex. It is only a feedthrough-module.
ABex Rear Module with 8 Isolated Outputs and 5 Isolated Inputs
The ABex RM-DIGIO is a rear module for the ABex System. It is designed to connect digital signals to the back of a ABex chassis for example for cabinet control. As all IOs are isolated it’s possible to use different voltage levels for each IO.
PXI I/O Adapter For M983xA, M980xA, And P50xxA VNAs
Access control signals of the M983xA and M980xA PXI VNAs or the P50xxA/B and P93xxB Streamline Series VNAs with twelve SMB connectors.
DDR3 X16 Non-Stacked DRAM BGA Interposer For Logic Analyzers
The W3636A DDR4 x16 BGA interposer allows you to gain signal access to the DDR3 signals critical to your debug and validation effort through a logic analyzer. The probe works in existing designs and eliminates the need for up-front planning or redesign. The probe connects directly to the balls of the DDR3 x16 non-stacked DRAM or with an optional 3rd party socket (not provided) enabling operation and acquisition of high-speed DDR3 signals without impacting the performance of your design.
Optical Monitoring
Perform OSNR monitoring, valid channel detection, and center wavelength measurement of signals with arbitrary modulation formats.
Wavelength Selective Switches
Use our modules for wavelength routing to combine, manipulate, or separate multiple WDM and DWDM signals from 100 GHz spacing down to < 25 GHz, all with no crosstalk.
Signal Generators
Whether the BPSG generators with their precisely generated RF signals for testing EMC shielding and EMI/RFI measurements, or the brand new SPECTRAN V6 VSG vector signal generators with a frequency range of 10 MHz - 6 GHz and a large number of modulation types, the Aaronia signal generators impress with their quality and price.
High Performance Data Acquisition
The PMC-AD8 module provides a high performance dataacquisition subsystem. There are (8) eight 200 KSPSADC’s for maximum performance. The Local DSP can beused to simply move data samples to the PMCbus or canprovide processing functions such as limit checking, FFT’s,digital filtering, etc. Software can be downloaded to theDSP via the PMC interface. Instrumentation amplifiersprovide over-voltage protection and gain on a per channelbasis. The PMC-AD8 can also accept external scan andtrigger signals from a front panel connector.
VME / VSB Module
The AD42M Data Acquisition Module provides high performance 14-bit digitizing of analog signals for VMEbus applications. The AD42M accepts 4 differential analog inputs via front panel miniature SMC connectors. The AD42M utilizes a signal processor to acquire and store data samples. The AD42M is able to direct the data samples to local static RAM or VSB.
The CPCI-ADDA module offers a complete solution forhigh performance data acquisition applications. Boththe ADC’s and the DAC’s use 10 mS converters thatwill support up to 100khz signals. The CPCI-ADDAsupports P.I.D. loop closure frame rates of up to 4 KHzper channel. The CPCI host can download gain andsetpoint changes on the fly. The CPCI host can readback the current values for feedback, error, setpointand output drive on each channel. The local DSPprocessor can be used for data processing such asdigital filters and FFT’s. The DSP can also be used asa waveform generator to drive the 16 bit DAC.
Data Acquisition DSP based 16 channel
The CPCI-AD8/16 module provides a 3U high performancedata acquisition subsystem. There are (8) eight or (16)sixteen 100/200 KSPS ADC’s for maximum performance.The Local DSP can be used to simply move data samplesto the CPCI bus or can provide processing functions suchas limit checking, FFT’s, digital filtering, etc. Software canbe downloaded to the DSP via the CPCI interface.Instrumentation amplifiers provide over-voltage protectionand gain on a per channel basis. The CPCI-AD8/16 canalso accept external scan and trigger signals from a frontpanel connector
Clock and Trigger Distribution Card
The clock and trigger distribution card is a simple and passive component that allows to synchronize several systems externally. No programming is necessary. A clock can be fed in from an external device or as an option an internal clock oscillator can be equipped by the factory. This clock is then also used to synchronize an external trigger signal into the clock domain. Both, clock and synchronized trigger, are then fed into a maximum of 17 different systems. Each system can be a single card or a synchronized set of cards that run with an internal star-hub.
PCIe 16 Arbitrary Waveform Generator - up to 625 MS/s on 1 Channel
The M4i.66xx-x8 series arbitrary waveform generators (AWG) deliver the highest performance in both speed and resolution. The series includes PCIe cards with either one, two or four synchronous channels. The large onboard memory can be segmented to replay different waveform sequences. The AWG features a PCI Express x8 Gen 2 interface that offers outstanding data streaming performance. The interface and Spectrum’s optimized drivers enable data transfer rates in excess of 2.8 GB/s so that signals can continuously replayed at a high output rate. While the cards have been designed using the latest technology they are still software compatible with the drivers from earlier Spectrum waveform generators. So, existing customers can use the same software they developed for a 10 year old 20 MS/s AWG card and for an M4i series 625 MS/s AWG.
VXI Synchro/Resolver Module
With so-called synchro/resolver cards, rotation angle sensors that work according to the synchro/resolver principle can be measured. Depending on the angle of rotation, these generate a sine and cosine signal, in order to determine the position and direction of rotation.