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detectable impulse of electromagnetic radiation or quantum state superposed.
See Also: Signal Sources, Signal Processing, Signal Integrity, Signal Proccessing, Signal Analyzers, Signaling, Signal Conditioning, Signal Generators, Signal Meters, Signal Conditioners, Fidelity, Hunting
A 2-port device that transmits microwave or radio frequency power in one direction only while blocking the signal in the opposite direction.
Attenuator & Signal Calibrator (30MHz Receiver)
The TEGAM Model VM-7 is a 30MHz receiver that performs precise measurement of RF power ratios over a wide dynamic range. It offers averaging, high resolution, and offset features to improve measurements and speed accessible through front panel keystrokes, or remotely through a GPIB controller.
10 MHz to 18 GHz Frequency Converter
The 8852 Frequency Converter is designed to expand the VM-7 frequency range beyond 30MHz. The 8852 converts frequencies between 10MHz and 18GHz to the 30MHz signal required by the VM-7 while maintaining the power level of the original signal. The 8852 can also provide a 2GHz to 18GHz signal to drive the Frequency Converter Model 8853 for measurements above 18GHz.
31 MHz Function / Arbitrary Waveform Generator
TEGAM combines the best of both worlds in signal generation: the low cost, ease of use, and sweep/modulation capabilities of the Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS), function generator architecture and the unprecedented accuracy and precision of a true arbitrary waveform generator. Create and generate high-speed, standard, or user-defined waveforms ranging from 1 Hz to 50 MHz.
Signal, Module Insert, Receiver, i2 MX, 84 Position, QuadraPaddle, Crimp
Signal, Module Insert, Receiver, i2 MX, 84 Position, QuadraPaddle, Crimp.
Data Aquisition System
KiDAQ is an innovative, general purpose data acquisition system (DAQ) to measure more than 20 different analog and digital signal types. The wide selection of signal conditioning and data acquisition modules enables perfectly fitted system configurations, exactly to the customer’s requirements. Thanks to its modular design and various case types, KiDAQ can be used in a broad range of applications. Depending on your use case, you can choose from a variety of product designs for laboratory applications, permanent installations and mobile use.
Signal Conditioning
To get most out of high-quality sensors, accurate, low-noise processing of the sensor signals that are emitted is essential. Kistler offers an attractive portfolio of solutions for signal processing and subsequent data digitization. Piezoelectric (PE) sensors with a charge output require a so-called charge amplifier. On the other hand, piezoelectric sensors with integrated electronics (IEPE) are supplied by Piezotron couplers which decouple and amplify the signal.
A sensor is a device that produces an output signal for the purpose of sensing a physical phenomenon. In the broadest definition, a sensor is a device, module, machine, or subsystem that detects events or changes in its environment and sends the information to other electronics, frequently a computer processor.
Digital and Mixed-Signal Test Solutions
A digital device processes electronic signals that represent either a one (on) or a zero (off). The ‘ones’ and ‘zeros’ represent data. Each one or zero is referred to as a bit and a group of 8 bits equals a byte
Waveform/Function Generators
Our function generator offers the standard signals and features you expect — modulation, sweep, and burst. It also has features that give you the capabilities and flexibility you need to get your job done quickly, no matter how complex.
Power Dividers
Powers plitters can divide one signal into two or N way equal or non-equal energy, in reverse,they are also used as combiners by combining multiple signal into one. They are mainly used in feed network in antenna array, mixer and balanced amplifier, finish the work of distributing, combining and measuring power, isolating signal sources and measuring swept reflected coefficient etc.
Logic Probes
Logic probes are used to analyze the logic states (high/true: logic 1 or low/false: logic 0) of digital signals. To verify and debug today’s high-speed, low-voltage digital signals, you need logic probes that can accurately acquire signals from a wide variety of electronic designs, while protecting signal fidelity. Tektronix logic analyzer probes contain a variety of connectivity options that are engineered to ensure that signal acquisition is a true reflection of your design's performance. Compare and learn more about Tektronix logic analyzer probe solutions below.
High Efficiency, Low-Cost Test for Less Complex Signal Devices
J750Ex-HD Family
Microcontroller Units (MCUs) are used in automobiles, mobile electronics and robotics. As you go through your day, dozens of MCUs are in your electronic devices working to provide unique features and Teradyne’s J750 family most likely tested them. With a growing installed base of over 6,000 test systems and widely available at more than 50 Outsourced Assembly and Test (OSAT) locations, Teradyne’s J750 is the industry standard for high volume test of low-cost devices.
QuadPOD Conditioning Interface
JT 2147/VPC
The JT 2147/VPC is a variant of the JTAG Technologies QuadPOD signal conditioning interface specifically designed for use within Virginia Panel Corporation’s mass interconnect interface. The unit integrates both the JT 2148 transceiver circuitry, two independent, programmable TAP modules (of type JT 2149) and two TAP modules with I/O (of type JT 2149/MPV) on a single board that interfaces via the VPC QuadraPaddle connectors type G20x or G14x.
Mixed Signal JTAG Tester
JT 5705
The JT 5705 series offer a unique combination of JTAG TAP controller (tester) interfaces plus digital and analog I/O in compact desktop package.Use the ‘mixed-signal’ features to measure power supplies, clock frequencies or test DACs and ADCs. Add your own capability through use of CoreCommander FPGA our generic bridge/translator system.
TAP Extender
JT 2135
The JT 2135 allows TAP signals to be extended away from the base JT 2137 (classic pod) by up to 1 meter and retain full pod’s frequency specifications. The active circuitry inside the JT 2135 compensates for the TDO signal return time of the longer interface cable. Multiple JT 2135s can be implemented if a longer extension is required.
32 Channel Multi-Purpose DIOS/TAP Modules/Interfaces for Spare JT 2148 QuadPOD Transceiver Slot
JT 2149/MPV eMPV
The JT 2149/MPV and the JT 2149/eMPV are a 32 channel multi purpose DIOS/TAP pod modules/interfaces that can be plugged into any spare JT 2148 QuadPOD transceiver slot. The DIOS channels of these units I/O interface pods enable increased fault coverage and thus improved diagnostic resolution during boundary-scan testing. The principal difference between the two versions is the use of an extended case on the eMPV that allows standard 0.1″ connections to be used to access ths TAP and static IO signals (see tab below)- on the standard /MPV unit these signals are available at the front face 0.05″ connector. The units are fully supported by JTAG Technologies’ development tools. Additional DIOS modules can be serially connected if more parallel access points are required.
TAP Signal Isolation Module
JT 2139
The JT 2139 is a TAP signal isolation module designed for use in combinational test systems that utilise multiple instrument interfaces. To avoid parasitic capacitance effects and/or unwanted ground loops the JT 2139 can be used to completely galvanically isolate any JTAG Technologies boundary-scan controller from the remainder of the instrumentation system. JT 2139 isolators are a standard component of the JTAG Technologies ‘Symphony’ systems that integrate boundary-scan with In-Circuits Testers etc..
Low Noise Amplifiers
This S-band dual channel low noise amplifier is intended for use in modern solid state communication equipment, where high reliability microwave signal amplification, high dynamic range isrequired.
This unit is intended for use in professional application where different RF signals are needed in the same time. The L band high speed tuneable signal can cover 100 MHz wide range with 1 MHz step. The fix frequencies are 30 MHz, 40 MHz, 240 MHz and 400 MHz.
Function Generators
FG085 miniDDS
The FG085 is a low cost yet versatile function generator capable of producing signals of many different waveforms. As an easy-to-use tool operation of FG085 is very simple and straightforward. It is an ideal test/experiment tool for electronic hobbyists and students.
Oscilloscope (Dual channel)
DSO 094
DSO094 is the first two-channel member of JYE Tech oscilloscope family. It not only can work in commonly used Y/T mode but also work in Y/X mode. The Y/X mode opens a new measurement area since it can graph relationships of any two signals.
Infiniium Oscilloscopes
The Infiniium Z-Series delivers this and more with its RealEdge technology enabling 63 GHz of oscilloscope bandwidth and superior signal integrity. The Z-Series takes advantage of indium phosphide chip technology and custom thin film packaging to give you extremely low noise, low jitter, and high effective number of bits. These technologies allow you to see the true representation of your signal.
Infiniium Oscilloscopes
The highest real-time oscilloscope measurement accuracy. Keysight uses a proprietary indium phosphide (InP) integrated circuit process to design the key technology blocks to deliver high-bandwidth performance, ultra-low noise, low jitter, and high-voltage signal input. The InP process lets you see your true signal and make the most accurate measurements.
CF Express
The CFX supports CFexpress Spec (Ver 1.0), PCIe Gen4. The CFX Plug test adapter allows easy access via SMA connections, to measure or inject data signals. The user can also access +3.3V, its respective GND, Reset and other control lines via a low-speed 6-position connector.
UXG X-Series Agile Vector Adapter, 50 MHz to 20 GHzNEW!
The N5194A is part of the UXG family of signal generation products designed for threat simulation; simulate complex signal environments for radar/EW.
Dekatran Decade Ratio Transformer
The DT1145 is TEGAM''s only bench or panel mountable, decade transformer solution. It features three decades plus an interpolating potentiometer for fine tune adjustment of ratio signals to 1.11100. The unit has an exceptionally low output impedance for high current applications of up to 1 Ampere.
Automotive Radar Test Solutions
Analyze and generate automotive radar signals across the full frequency range for 24 GHz, 77 GHz, and 79 GHz radar with scalable analysis bandwidth from 2.5 GHz to > 5 GHz
High Power RF Calibration System
The TEGAM High Power Calibration System is the complete automated solution for calibrating through path and terminating RF power measurement devices from multiple manufacturers. It includes the signal generation, amplification and filtering necessary to achieve or exceed the devices original specifications with the most accurate High power measurement system available. Calibrate High Power RF Sensing devices up to 250 W with uncertainty less than 1%.