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Spacecraft communication network.
See Also: Communication, Spacecraft, COMM, Communication Protocol
PMC SpaceWire
PMC SpaceWire implements SpaceWire in a convenient PMC format. With PMC you can install the adapter into PCI [PCIBPMC], cPCI [cPCI2PMC], or processor board pmc slots. The SpaceWire specification calls for LVDS signaling and a specific 9 pin micro-D connector. You can connect the PMC-SpaceWire to other SpaceWire compliant devices without electrical interface issues
SpaceWire RMAP Tester
The SpaceWire RMAP Tester is a software test platform that provides the means to validate SpaceWire RMAP target implementations and to test the generic functionality of any unit that relies on the RMAP protocol for its configuration and control.
SpaceWire PCIe
The SpaceWire PCI Express (PCIe) board is the latest addition to STAR-Dundee’s SpaceWire interface device family. It provides three SpaceWire interfaces with the optimised host software supporting high bandwidth transmission of SpaceWire packets directly to and from the host PC. The three SpaceWire interfaces of the SpaceWire PCIe are each fully compliant to the SpaceWire standard and operate at up to 300 Mbits/s. Not only an interface device, the SpaceWire PCIe also contains powerful routing capabilities and an RMAP Target. The device can also be used as a router. The router facilitates packets from one SpaceWire port to be routed to another SpaceWire port or into the host PC via the PCIe interface. There are three independent channels from the SpaceWire router to the PCIe interface, so traffic flowing over one port cannot block traffic for another port. In addition there is a separate control channel, so that the host PC is always able to access the control, configuration and status space of the PCIe regardless of the data flow.
SpaceWire PXI Mk2
The SpaceWire PXI Mk2 card is a versatile SpaceWire Interface, Router or RMAP Target device. The card is designed to be an efficient host interface to a SpaceWire system or network, by utilising a cPCI or PXI backplane.
SpaceWire PXI
The SpaceWire PXI card is a versatile SpaceWire Interface, Router or RMAP target device. The card is designed to be an efficient host interface to a SpaceWire system or network, by utilising a cPCI or PXI backplane.
SpaceWire LabVIEW Driver VISA
STAR-Dundee's SpaceWire LabVIEW VISA driver has been implemented as a native LabVIEW driver, providing support for the STAR-Dundee PCI family of devices. Software written to control these devices may be deployed on any hardware platform that supports cPCI/PCI and NI-VISA, including both Windows based hosts and LabVIEW Real-Time targets, without requiring modifications to source code. The software is provided as LabVIEW source with password protected block diagrams, allowing users to compile for any target.
SpaceWire Router Mk2S
The SpaceWire Router Mk2S is a routing device that provides the essential capabilities now demanded of SpaceWire test and development equipment. The SpaceWire Router Mk2S provides eight SpaceWire interfaces, the ability to act as a time-code master, support for high speed data transfer, the capability to inject various types of errors on demand, and comes complete with highly optimised host software support for low latency transmission of SpaceWire packets directly to and from the host PC.
PMC Compatible SpaceWire Interface
Utilize SpaceWire to communicate with the European Space Agency and NASA equipment utilizing the ECSS-E-50-12A specification. SpaceWire is configured using routers to create a heirarchical point-to-point system with high speed parallel paths. PMC SpaceWire implements SpaceWire in a convenient PMC format. With PMC you can install the adapter into PCI [PCIBPMC], cPCI [cPCI2PMC], or processor board pmc slots. The SpaceWire specification calls for LVDS signaling and a specific 9 pin micro-D connector. You can connect the PMC-SpaceWire to other SpaceWire compliant devices without electrical interface issues.
SpaceWire Monitors
This section details the 4Links range of high-performance test equipment that is used to monitor SpaceWire networks. These devices are attached to your SpaceWire systems and then can be accessed via Gigabit Ethernet, using the standard TCP/IP family of protocols, so that they can be controlled remotely (for instance, by partners collaborating on a mission).
SpaceWire Conformance Tester
The SpaceWire Conformance Tester connects to a SpaceWire device and, through the host software, executes a variety of tests to check the unit under test’s (UUT) compliance to the SpaceWire Standard. Over 55 tests are conducted across the following levels:
SpaceWire EGSE & Device Simulator
The SpaceWire EGSE & Device Simulator is a programmable hardware unit designed specifically for generating sophisticated test schedules involving precision timing and creating accurate real-time simulations for SpaceWire enabled instruments.
Mainframe Chassis
DXM/64x64 and DXM/128x128
These Chassis provide a non-blocking, full fan-out matrix in any configuration from 16x16 to 128x128 or larger. Both systems are capable of switching high speed differential CML up to 2.5 Gbps but are most commonly used for ECL, LVDS, LVPECL, Spacewire or RS422.
STAR Fire Mk3
The STAR Fire Mk3 is a test and development unit that can emulate, stimulate, debug and validate SpaceFibre enabled equipment. The STAR Fire Mk3 can transmit and receive both SpaceWire and SpaceFibre traffic; it can interconnect SpaceWire equipment to a SpaceFibre network; and it can operate as a SpaceFibre link analyser, capable of unobtrusively capturing and displaying SpaceFibre traffic. MICTOR connectors on the rear of the unit allow decoded SpaceFibre signals to be viewed on an external logic analyser. Integration with external equipment is possible using SMB connectors.
SpaceWire PCI Mk2
The SpaceWire PCI Mk2 is a 3 SpaceWire port interface device, which can also act as a router, that succeeds the successful SpaceWire PCI-2 card. New features include the introduction of a packet generator in the hardware. This allows the card to generate SpaceWire packets at high speeds without using the host PC’s resources. Similarly, a new packet checker has also been added to the hardware design. The high performance driver boasts a full API which allows the user to control all functions of the card, supporting C and C++. Both the API and board design are common across several other STAR-Dundee devices. This makes it easy and quick to migrate user application software across different platforms. The board also supports field upgrades, such that any future revisions or a requested customisation can be downloaded from the STAR-Dundee website and installed.
FMC SpaceWire/SpaceFibre Board
The FMC-SpaceWire/SpaceFibre board is an FPGA Mezzanine Card which is designed to extend the capabilities of an FPGA development board by adding support for SpaceWire and SpaceFibre interfaces. The board has four SpaceWire ports with accompanying status LEDs, and two SpaceFibre ports.
SpaceWire Isolator
The SpaceWire Isolator is an isolation unit for ground test and integration applications, providing galvanic isolation for two SpaceWire links. Isolation is tested to 60 V with components rated to 100 V and 2500 V max transient voltage.
SpaceWire Recorder
The SpaceWire Recorder is designed to support the validation and debugging of complete SpaceWire systems. Using the advanced SpaceWire technology from STAR-Dundee Ltd and the very latest solid state data storage technology the SpaceWire Recorder offers exceptional SpaceWire recording capabilities.
SpaceWire Physical Layer Tester
The SpaceWire Physical Layer Tester (SPLT) is a tool designed to test, validate and verify a SpaceWire system across all levels of the SpaceWire standard. Two SpaceWire ports employ a special LVDS interface which allows the transmitted signals to be deliberately and measurably manipulated to test the capability of a unit under test to receive signals of varying quality.
PCIe-SpaceWire implements SpaceWire in a convenient PCIe format. Four fully independent and highly programmable LVDS IO ports are provided by the PCIe-SpaceWire design. The SpaceWire protocol is advanced with link testing, error handling, command and data protocols built in. The SpaceWire electrical interface is point-to-point with token based flow control. Now with DDR memory for 32 Mbytes per port [256 MB total]