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Test Systems

group of interoperable devices whose integration perform a common test purpose.

See Also: Systems, Equipment, System Integrators, System Test, System Integration

Showing results: 3166 - 3180 of 5329 items found.

  • Test Solution

    Eye-BERT MicroX - Spectronix

    The Eye-BERT MicroX is a compact, easy to use test solution offering high performance bit error rate testing at a fraction of the cost of competing solutions.  The unit is offered in two speed grades including the X10 which operates up to 14.5Gbps, and the X30 which extends the data rate to 29Gbps.  Its broad data rate capabilities and long test patterns make this unit suitable for testing nearly all optical SFP, SFP+, and SFP28 transceivers in production with just one unit. The real-time eye opening monitor and eye scanning capability can aid in troubleshooting by providing the operator with additional link quality information.  Other features include Autonomous pattern detection, SFP diagnostic tools, and wavelength tuning (per transceiver capability).  With a click of a button the Eye-BERT MicroX will automatically test an SFP module based on its advertised capabilities and generate a detailed test report complete with manufacturer, part number, serial number, date code, fiber type, link length, speed, and test results.  The Unit is supplied with anti-skid bumpers and is small enough to be integrated into larger systems for dedicated link verification.

  • Portable Analyzers

    Alpha Moisture Systems

    The key to the operation of Alpha Moisture Systems' Portable Analysers is the unique Desiccant Dry-Down Chamber. By keeping the sensor dry between tests, the special assembly of the head ensures that the instrument is always ready for immediate use. The head assembly consists of two chambers which have a telescopic action. When the head assembly is in the 'closed' or 'Dry-Down' position, the sensor is completely surrounded by desiccant, which absorbs the remaining water moisture from the sensor and hence it is dry and ready for use. The small space at the bottom of the test chamber enables the sample pipe to be purged before the test commences without wetting the sensor. By placing a finger over the outlet of the head, the sample pressure is able to open the test chamber automatically, exposing the sensor to the gas being tested and enabling accurate reading of moisture content in the sample gas. After each test the head assembly is closed by depressing the inner section so that the sensor will again be dried by the desiccant, leaving the sensor ready for use time and time again. The desiccant is kept in the inner chamber and is not exposed to ambient room air or the sample gas, therefore there is no need for frequent regeneration or replacement of the desiccant.

  • Audio Test Software

    Soft Hearts LLC

    1. Distortion free stimulus even the equalized stimulus.2. Unlimited channels acquisition and processing. (Hardware limited)3. Human correlated listening test(Bark Scale intensity chart). (Requires large memory)4. Hi Res intensity chart for buzz/pop detection. (Requires large memory)5. Auto equalization method with target dBSPL accuracy.6. TCP client for test framework integration.7. Easy limits and logs development.8. Easy logs visualization module.9. Auto waveform alignment and triggering.(Upto single point alignment accuracy)10. Easy regression testing via TCP client.11. Standard Magnitude, Phase, THD, THD+N, Rubb&Buzz, Pink Noise, Noise Tests.12. Unlimited calibrations and equalization for scaling to different products and stations.13. Lowest test system and test sequence development times.14. Requires minimal training and debugging.15. Automatically avoid Reference speaker play and stop pops.16. WMD/ASIO driver compatible sound cards supported.(B&K 3670 recommended)

  • Noise Figure And Gain Test Extenders


    SA full noise figure and gain test extender that extends the noise and gain measurement capabilities of common and low frequency signal synthesizers and noise figure meters to the frequency range of 110 to 170 GHz. This extender is designed to interface with industry standard noise and gain test systems.

  • High Current Power Switching

    YAV90PIN - 6TL Engineering

    The YAV90PIN board is designed to cover the need to control the available power supplies in a test system to the device under test. A VPC 90 series connector is used as interface with the fixture, guaranteeing more than 20.000 mating cycles. Two connector contacts per relay contact are used.

  • AC/DC Hipot Test Set (Oil Immersed)

    YDJ / 560 - Wuhan Huatian Electric Power Automation Co., Ltd.

    Suitable for all kinds of high voltage electrical equipment in power system、Insulation material insulation strength test under power frequency or dc high voltage.

  • 6-24V Car Circuit Tester

    1951 - Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd

    Check on 6-24V system. The alligator (earth) clip is suitable for earth and the tip of the contact probe is placed onto the part to be used. If current is present the test light will glow.

  • 6-24V Car Circuit Tester

    1952 - Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd

    Check on 6-24V system. The alligator (earth) clip is suitable for earth and the tip of the contact probe is placed onto the part to be used. If current is present the test light will glow.

  • 6-24V Car Circuit Tester

    1953 - Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd

    Check on 6-24V system. The alligator (earth) clip is suitable earth and the tip of the contact probe is placed onto the part to be used. If current is present the test light will glow.

  • 6-24V Car Circuit Tester

    1954 - Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd

    Check on 6-24V system. The alligator (earth) clip is suitable earth and the tip of the contact probe is placed onto the part to be used. If current is present the test light will glow.

  • Armature Testing

    Electronic Systems of Wisconsin, Inc.

    ESW Armature Test Systems are equipped with the latest features the market has to offer. The on-screen display makes it easier to read, track, and record your armature information. ESW's data collection software is compatible with almost any type of system that allows the user to store the information on any software platform. Our Testers store your data, so that you never have to worry about losing important information again. We will work with you to meet your customized testing needs. Please see the videos and slideshow below to view some of our Armature Testers.

  • Saluki S87234 Series USB Peak and Average Power Sensor (max. 67GHz)

    Saluki Technology Inc.

    S87234D/E/F/L USB peak and average power sensor is a diode-detection broadband power measurement instrument based on the USB 2.0 interface, which can realize accurate average power measurement, pulse power measurement with large dynamic range and CCDF statistical measurement analysis. The frequency range covers 50MHz to 67GHz, the highest power accuracy can reach 0.2dB, the video bandwidth is ≥30MHz, and the rise/fall time is ≤13ns.S87234 series can flexibly expand the power measurement function of electronic measuring instruments and test systems, and is mainly used for field testing, production line testing and system integration.

  • Ultrasound Transducers

    Imaginant Inc.

    Utilizing optical and semiconductor fabrication techniques, Imaginant manufactures the PureView PrecisionTM line of RoHS-compliant delay-line ultrasound transducers with center frequencies ranging from 50 MHz to 250 MHz (higher and lower transducer frequencies are also available).  Imaginant's precision-manufacturing process produces transducers that exhibit high reliability and high uniformity from device to device.  This manufacturing consistency enables uniform test system performance to be attained across multiple systems.  Imaginant transducers are available in focused and flat-face models that can be produced with minimal-damping for applications requiring maximal sensitivity or with maximal-damping and high-bandwidth for applications requiring the highest-degree of temporal precision.

  • Millimeter-Wave Noise Source, R-band, 26.5 to 40 GHz

    R347B - Keysight Technologies

    The Keysight R347B noise source covers a 26.5 to 40 GHz frequency range. This waveguide noise source allows you to make accurate and convenient noise figure measurements on millimeter-wave devices. The R347B provides highly precise broadband noise at the input of the system or component under test. The noise figure meter then processes the ON/OFF ratio of noise power present in the system IF, and provides an accurate reading of noise figure and gain. The R347B noise source has remarkable ENR stability over time, which allows longer recalibration cycles and more accurate noise figure measurements.

  • IVTS In-Vehicle Test Set

    LXinstruments GmbH

    The in-vehicle test set was developed to successively measure several active RF amplifiers installed in the vehicle as well as different antenna structures. It offers the possibility to connect 12 DUTs. The DUTs can be connected to an external spectrum analyser via a 1 to 12 RF multiplexer. Each DUT can be individually switched and supplied with an adjustable voltage via a bias-tee integrated in the system. The individual bias voltages and currents are recorded by the IVTS and can be called up on an interactive control panel or via Ethernet and SCPI commands. The complete system can be powered by rechargeable battery and can be operated either via Ethernet, fibre optics or WLAN.

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