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find the limits of a design and assure designed requirements.
See Also: Test, Testing, Specimen, Audio Testers, Automotive Testers, Battery Testers, Cable Testers, Component Testers, Checkers
Panelized PCB Tester
Removable nests are designed to configure base test system to accept panelized circuit boards for rapid functional test.
Automated Filter Tester
Automated Filter Tester 3160 is the most advanced automated tester available for challenging filters and filter media with submicrometeraerosols. It can be used to test both low- and high-efficiency filters and filter media, up to 99.999999% efficient (eight 9’s),or penetrations down to 0.000001%. The 3160 uses a bank of atomizers and the TSI Electrostatic Classifier to challenge a filter or filter media with known-size, monodisperse particles.
Air Jet Erosion Tester
The state of the art Rtec Air jet erosion tester AJ-5000 allows to test repeated impact erosion test that delivers a stream gas with abrasive particles. The tester comes with close loop temperature control upto 900C. The tester is used to rank erosion of various materials, coatings etc. across a wide range of abrasive particle materials, shape, size at various temperature and impact speed.
Micro Compression Tester
MCT Series
This is a strength evaluation tester for micro parts and micro particles generated in powder processing. It is capable of carrying out not only compression tests, but also loading and unloading tests, repeated tests, and various other load patterns, with excellent operability and functionality.
Microhardness Tester
By adopting the Load-cell load system, multi-stage load switching is possible.
Microhardness Tester
MT91 Series
Newage Testing Instruments, Inc.
The Newage MT91 System is an automatic microhardness testing system that uses the Rockwell method for the hardness result. Hardness is measured based on the depth of penetration rather than using an optical system to determine hardness based on the impression diameter.
Hardness Tester
NB3010 Series
Newage Testing Instruments, Inc.
A basic Brinell hardness tester with semi-automatic operation. NB3010 is a cost-effective Brinell tester using deadweights with a pneumatic load system to apply and remove the loads. Operates in most all Brinell scales.
Newage Testing Instruments, Inc.
Newage Testing Instruments offers user friendly and microhardness testing software compatible with Newage testing equipment or competitive hardness testers.
Brinell Hardness Tester
KB Series
Newage Testing Instruments, Inc.
The Newage KB Series is a popular, manually-controlled Brinell hardness tester that meets ASTM E-110. This lightweight, portable tester is ideal for virtually any size or shape of metal specimen.
Rockwell Hardness Testers
Newage Testing Instruments, Inc.
Newage Testing Instruments offers a wide range of rugged, high precision Rockwell hardness testers and accessories.
Microhardness Testers
Newage Testing Instruments, Inc.
Newage Testing Instruments offers a range of microhardness testing solutions including the cost-effective MT91 and MS-ZH microhardness testing system.
Brinell Hardness Testers
Newage Testing Instruments, Inc.
We offer a wide range of rugged, high precision Brinell hardness testers and accessories for your Brinell testing.
Voltage Detectors & Testers
Non-contact AC voltage detector quickly checks for the presence of live voltage on wiring and electrical devices. Features a built-in flashlight for added convenience.
Pipe Burst Testers
Tests pipe, tube and hose from 1/8" to 12.0", measuring burst pressure up to 3000 psi. Custom burst pipe testers can measure higher pressures and larger diameter samples.
Bond Testers
Has automated the test process with microprocessor-controlled data acquisition. Designed to provide the expected internal bond strength for various types of paper, coated products and paperboard, this instrument measures the impact energy imparted to the specimen. The machine consists of a base, sample-preparation press, tape dispenser, dual-range pendulum (0 to 0.325 ft. lbs. and 0 to 0.650 ft. lbs.) and Digital Display. Internal Bond software is available.
TR Testers
Measures the effects of low temperature on rubber, plastic and other elastomeric materials.
Abrasion Testers
The measure of aggregate toughness and abrasion resistance such as crushing, degradation and disintegration.
Impact Testers
For impact resistance testing of plastic film, sheet, and laminated materials, a specific weight is dropped from a specific height onto a firmly held sample to determine a 50% failure rate.
Brittleness Testers
The Samples are immersed in a solution to drop the temperature. After three minutes at the desired temperature, the samples are hit with a striker of prescribed radius and speed. The operator then inspects the samples to see how many have failed.
Tensile Testers
Tensile tests are used to determine how materials will behave under tension load. In a simple tensile test, a sample is typically pulled to its breaking point to determine the ultimate tensile strength of the material.
SCR Diode Testers
SCRs and Diodes are used in the power sections of various power systems. A SCR Diode Tester is an important piece of equipment to determine if a SCR or a diode is defective in a power circuit. It is difficult and time-consuming to troubleshoot SCRs and Diodes with a digital meter.
Insulation Resistance Tester
Aarohi Embedded Systems Pvt. Ltd
Aarohi make device enable us to measure electrical leakage in wire, results are very reliable as we shall be passing electric current through device while we are testing. The equipment basically uses for verifying the electrical insulation level of any device such as motors, cables, generators, windings, etc.
High Voltage Tester
Aarohi Embedded Systems Pvt. Ltd
AAROHI make high voltage tester is specially designed to test induction & submersible motors with cutting edge technology.High Voltage Tester is manufactured as per the International set standards and regulations. This High Voltage Testers are available in AC and DC types and are used for testing HV cables after installation and repair for ensuring efficient performance. It also indicates voltage withstands level and current leakage level of the cable during the testing period.
Leakage Current Tester
Aarohi Embedded Systems Pvt. Ltd
“ AAROHI” make Leakage current tester is very compact & specially designed microprocessor based instrument to measure mA of motor,Stator.
Manufacturing Safety Testing
We have been helping keep your customers safe for over 41 years with our manufacturing safety testers. Whether you manufacture white goods or LED lighting, we have a testing solution that will seamlessly integrate with your production line testing procedure.
We've been helping the hire and rental equipment industry ensure the safety of their electrical items for over 37 years. Our testers are trusted by some of the big names across the world and have been recognised by national associations.
Rockwell Hardness Testers
Is the most commonly used method to determine a material's hardness and is suitable for almost all metals and to some degree for plastics. It measures the permanent depth of indentation produced by a force/load on an indenter.
Two-Pole Voltage Tester
Sonel P-4 is reliable, particularly durable and safe 2-pole testers, which enable testing voltage, circuit continuity and phase sequence. It has been designed for use in extreme conditions both in industry and commercial applications. Advanced technology, a high level of safety and user-friendliness are the key features of the P-line voltage testers.
Super MUTT Deluxe Edition Electrical Circuit Tester
Innovative Products of America
The Super MUTT places a load on the trailer's electrical circuits to identify wiring problems while providing remote control operation over both air brakes and lights. Built to facilitate a one-man testing operation, the Super MUTT reduces guesswork and inspection time to prevent failures that lead to expensive road calls and citations. The remote control allows for repetitive air brake actuation at each axle to reveal developing problems often missed by normal testing procedures.