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Ultraviolet light is in the wavelength between 380-10 nm. AKA: UV

See Also: UVA, UVB, UV, UVC, Electromagnetic Radiation

Showing results: 61 - 75 of 341 items found.

  • Gas Analyzers

    Teledyne Analytical Instruments

    Gas Analyzers by Teledyne Analytical instruments - carbon dioxide systems, gas chromatographs, hydrocarbon analyzers, infrared analyzers, moisture analyzers, nitrogen analyzers, nitrogen oxides & ammonia analyzers, oxygen analyzers, sulfur analyzers, thermal conductivity analyzers, tunable diode laser (TDL) analyzers, ultraviolet analyzers, and more

  • Most Compact Vacuum UV Back-Illuminated CCD Spectrometer (VUV-FUV)

    VU90 Spectrometer - HORIBA, Ltd.

    Horiba has developed a compact size Vacuum Ultraviolet (VUV) Spectrometer with a dedicated CCD Camera Syncerity-VUV, all manufactured in its NJ facility. This unique system features a special CCD sensor with high sensitivity in the far-UV wavelength range with capability to measure from 115 nm with a resolution better than 0.5 nm under vacuum or high purity nitrogen. The system’s internal optical cavity can be black coated for ultimate suppression of stray light.

  • Detectors

    McPherson, Inc.

    Solar blind detector for operation in the 1 to 180 nanometer region. It is encased in a vacuum tight housing for vacuum operation. The Model 425 is ideal for measurements in the Extreme and Vacuum UV (EUV and VUV) where the solar blind feature eliminates potential interference from long wavelength ultraviolet and visible light. It may be operated in pulse-counting mode or DC. The CEM is also available with coatings like Cesium Iodide or Magnesium Fluoride to enhance response in different energy regions.

  • Total Sulfur Analyzer​​​

    Model 6200T​​​ - Teledyne Analytical Instruments

    The Model 6200T Total Sulfur Analyzer utilizes proven UV fluorescent technology to continuously detect sulfur found in inert gas streams. An internal, quartz catalytic converter is employed to convert the sulfur, when mixed with scrubbed ambient air, into SO2 via higher temperature oxidation. An internal vacuum pump is employed to draw both the sample and the ambient air into the converter. The converted sample gas is fed to the fluorescence chamber where it is then exposed to ultraviolet radiation.​

  • Ultra Compact and Broad Range Spectrometer

    InVizU Cube - HORIBA, Ltd.

    InVizU Cube (Infrared-Visible-Ultraviolet) is the latest evolution of the ultra compact, high performance spectrometers from the HORIBA Scientific OEM team. This dual system for industrial applications uses a modified miniaturized VS70 optical engine optimized for the UV-VIS spectral range along with the VS20 optimized for the NIR spectral range. The InVizU Cube is based on high performance aberration corrected concave holographic gratings fitted with custom multi-area order-sorting filter to eliminate higher orders.

  • VUV Spectroscopy Detector

    VUV Analytics, Inc.

    All gas phase molecules absorb strongly in the vacuum ultraviolet region (120 – 240 nm), yet application of VUV absorption technology to routine analytical detection and measurement has not been addressed…until now. The VGA-100 is the world’s first benchtop VUV spectrometer. It is a universal mass-sensitive gas chromatography detector that provides both qualitative and quantitative data. The strong absorption of gas phase molecules in the VUV spectrum provide excellent sensitivity, and the compound-specific absorption spectra provide unparalleled selectivity.

  • Motor Exhaust Gas Sulfur Analyzer

    MEXA-1170SX - HORIBA, Ltd.

    The MEXA 1170 SX is a new instrument used to measure sulfur for after treatment and transient lubricant oil consumption. The analyzer uses ultraviolet fluorescence (UVF) for detection and it can be operated in a total sulfur mode, analyzing sulfur oxides, hydrogen sulfide and all organic sulfur compounds. An inorganic sulfur mode will analyze hydrogen sulfide and the sulfur oxides. The final operational mode will analyze just the sulfur oxides. Any one of these modes can be selected by the user from a front panel interface.

  • SparkFun UV Light Sensor Breakout

    VEML6075 (Qwiic) - SparkFun Electronics

    The VEML6075 UV Light Sensor Breakout is SparkFun’s latest ultraviolet sensing solution. The VEML6075 implements a simple photodiode to measure the levels of UVA (320-400nm) and UVB (280-320nm) radiation. With this breakout, you will be able to read the intensity of these types of light in irradiance, and from there, calculate the UV Index. Utilizing our handy Qwiic system, no soldering is required to connect it to the rest of your system. However, we still have broken out 0.1"-spaced pins in case you prefer to use a breadboard.

  • Spectrometers, Vacuum

    McPherson, Inc.

    A compact and versatile vacuum ultraviolet monochromator. A selection of aberration-corrected diffraction gratings is available so you can tailor the instrument to your wavelength of interest and application. Connect this instrument directly to your vacuum plasma physics experiment or build an intense UV tunable source. It is available as a scanning monochromator, as a spectrometer, or as a spectrograph with microchannel plate or direct-detection CCD. The Model 234/302 is popular in systems due to its compact design, high throughput and resolution. It is also available with an additional entrance or exit port.

  • EUV Lithography

    NXE systems - ASML

    NXE lithography systems are used in high-volume manufacturing of advanced Logic and Memory chips. The first systems to use ASML’s novel 13.5 nm EUV light source, they print microchip features with a resolution of 13 nm, which is unreachable with deep ultraviolet (DUV) lithography. Chipmakers use our NXE systems to print the highly complex foundation layers of their 7 nm, 5 nm and 3 nm nodes. Read about how EUV lithography went from imagination to reality.

  • Spectrophotometer

    Spectro 23RS -

    Spectro 23 RS spectrophotometer is a visible and near ultraviolet spectral range, with high technology of built-in interface RS-232C, to make it possible to communicate with any IBM compatible computer and printer for test documentation as well as to store, record, and print test results. Spectro 23 RS utilizes new generation technology; using a microprocessor for automatic adjusting of 100% T and Zero absorption, Factor and Concentration. Most knobs have been eliminated and replaced by Soft Key, as a result; Spectro 23 RS is really easy to work with.

  • Automated Stand for Magnetic Luminescent Control of Railway Wheels

    ViTec Co. Ltd

    The amount of information processed and time constraints required the creation of a multi-level distributed image processing system based on National Instruments Compact Vision System controllers, industrial computers and workstations. During the control process, the wheel is watered with a magnetic-luminescent emulsion, magnetized and exposed to ultraviolet radiation. As a result, the emulsion deposited on the defects glows in the visible range (yellow-green light). Eleven FireWire (IEEE 1394) color cameras with a resolution of 1280 x 1024 are used to scan the wheel surface. In one iteration, they completely cover a 20-degree sector of the wheel.

  • NIR & UV-VIS Process & Lab Analyzers

    Process Insights, Inc.

    Our Guided Wave complete analytical systems utilize proven Near Infrared (NIR) and Ultraviolet / Visible (UV-VIS) spectroscopic techniques. We deliver a total solution that includes optically matched components and a well-planned calibration approach leading to long-term success and savings. Our state-of-the-art systems are designed for continuous online use, providing real-time data of laboratory quality while thriving in the most demanding processing plant environments. We work with you to tailor a solution for your exact requirements from analyzer to interface.

  • X-Ray Photoelectron Spectrometer

    AXIS Supra - Kratos Analytical Ltd

    AXIS SupraTM is an X-ray photoelectron spectrometer (XPS) with unrivalled automation and ease of use for materials surface characterisation. The patented AXIS technology ensures high electron collection efficiency in spectroscopy mode and low aberrations at high magnifications in parallel imaging mode. XPS spectroscopy and imaging results can be complemented by additional surface analysis techniques such as: ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy (UPS); Schottky field emission scanning Auger microscopy (SAM) and secondary electron microscopy (SEM) and ion scattering spectroscopy (ISS). The AXIS Supra replaces the AXIS Ultra DLD as Kratos' flagship x-ray photoelectron spectrometer.

  • Multi-Spectral UV/Laser Range Stimulator

    Phantom™ - Textron Systems

    The Phantom is a long-range laser and ultraviolet (UV) stimulator capable of testing aircraft electro-optical sensor suites up to 5 km. Phantom can operate as an independent laser and/or UV stimulator or can be integrated with our other electro-optical and radio frequency range systems (see GTESS and PRTS). The Phantom provides both a laser threat and a synchronized temporal missile plume signature to stimulate both the aircraft’s laser and missile warning systems. Training aircrew to counter maneuver a Laser Beam Riders (LBR) threat is considered essential to survival and in-air training. The Phantom can be deployed either on a shoulder or tripod mount.

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