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Broadcast Filters VHF DAB
The filters offer a compact and flexible solution for both transmitter mask filtering and digital RF channel combining. The DAB filter range is founded on RFS' world-leading RF combining technology and utilizes a similar platform of components to the company's VHF Band III;digital television combiners. DAB filters can beincorporated within transmitters to provide critical mask filtering of the digital RF signal, in keepingwith global DAB standards. When used as the key components of a balanced DAB combiner, thefilters can achieve both critical transmitter masking and adjacent channel combining simultaneously,eliminating the need for additional filters within the transmitter.
Super Low Noise Amplifiers
WCA Series
WCA series super low noise amplifiers have sub-0.5 dB noise figure at VHF band with several octave bandwidth. The amplifiers have 75 Ohm impedance.
VHF, UHF and 700/800 MHz Combining Systems
Bird's combining systems consist of a very broad offering in the VHF, UHF 700/800 and 900 MHz frequency bands. RF combining systems allow multiple transmitters to share the same antenna, maximizing tower utilization, reducing tower loading and reducing interference risk. Bird is known for highly specialized technical expertise in providing system designs for simple applications as well as the highly configured applications. Designs may be for a simple antenna system or a multiple antenna system with challenging frequency plans.
RFI Detector Meter
Use this ultra-sensitive pocket-sized RFI Detector to track down and eliminates RFI caused by radiating cables and wires. Usable from VLF to VHF. Gain adjustable over 50dB range.
Aeronautical Communications
Aeronautical communications systems must be reliable and efficient. Morcom is a leading supplier of communications systems for civil and military users. From long-haul SELCAL radio HF-SSB systems, to ATC radios for VHF and UHF communications we have supplied several military and civilian aviation users around the world with very effective and state-of-the art solutions.
Broadcast Filters VHF TV
RFS bandpass filters are primarily used as part of multi-channel combiner facilities but can also be used to eliminate spurious emissions and increase isolation between co-sited services.
VHF Band 1.0 Watt Amplifier With RF Bypass
Teledyne RF & Microwave has developed a 35 to 350 MHz custom amplifier with 1 watt output power. The amplifier has 29 dB gain with 3 dB noise figure. The amplifier assembly has a RF switch so that the RF input can be connected directly to the output bypassing the amplifier. The amplifier goes into the "bypass" state when the DC bias is removed from the switch. This unit is one of a series of amplifiers that covers the 1 MHz to 2100 MHz with similar operation.
DVB-T Amplifier Module
The COMM-connect DVB-T Amplifier Module is a very versatile module, for use in multiple applications, including driving High Power amplifiers or stand alone Gap-filler. The amplifier covers both VHF & UHF bands, and can be combined with several COMM-connect filter options.
VHF True RMS Probe
The VHF True RMS Probe is a frequency compensated power probe capable of measuring power even in a multiple carrier installation. Regardless of physical waveform, the probe will measure the True RMS power of the signal. When used together with our Broadcast Power Monitor type 3024, you can add Web and SNMP capabilities to your mast site installation.
High-End OEM DAB Modulator
Green4DAB belongs to the Green4CAST product family and as has been especially designed to drive DAB, DAB+ or T-DMB transmitters in the VHF Band III. It comes as a compact, flexible and reliable OEM modulator, ready to be integrated within a Digital Radio transmitter.
VHF Antennas
From small craft to large ships, Shakespeare® VHF antennas are the go-to antennas to keep you connected utilizing the essential VHF marine radio.
Universal Radio Test Set for FM and AM Radio Stations of the VHF Band
RST - 430 Radio-Communication Service Tester is designed for maintenance and repair of FM and AM radio stations operating in the HF and VHF bands. It is a multipurpose radio measuring device for maintenance of communication equipment in indoor and field conditions.
VHF & UHF Couplers for the PowerMaster and PowerMaster II
VHF-1.5K (2m), VHF-1.5K-2 (1.35m), UHF1.5K (440-450 MHz), UHF-1.5K-2 (420-440 MHz)
Submarine Antenna
Combined antenna system for the VHF, UHF, IFF, GPS and INMARSAT-C (optional HF-Rx, Link 16 and IRIDIUM) frequency ranges for mobile applications with limited space availability, uniquely designed for submarines.
V4 Marine Radio Analyser - MF/HF/VHF DSC Marine Radio Test System
ICS Electronics Limited is a world leader in the design, integration and supply of GMDSS VHF, MF/HF DSC Coast Radio and NAVTEX Broadcast solutions with a direct and active participation in the governing committees.
BRRF14 and BRRD14 are the channel units of BHE's FM and DAB solution. They are connected to the respective amplifier unit (BRRF15 / BRRD15) to amplify the selected channel within the band. Placed in a modern rackmount box, these units can be combined with BHE rackmount TETRA repeaters fulfilling the variouscommunications need of special places like tunnels or underground stations.
VHF Radio Direction Finding Antennas
Vector-Finder Series
The Vector-Finder Series of VHF direction finding antennas provide a compact, lightweight, active antenna, suitable for use in the field with handheld transceivers and scanning radios. The mechanical design allows the sense antennas to be folded back to provide a compact unit, easily stowed or transported in any vehicle. The system interfaces with any FM receiver or transceiver via the antenna jack and the earphone jack. Several different models are available to suit your pocketbook or unique field application, all of which operate on the phase shift technique. The VF-142Q models incorporate left-right indicators as well as an audible response from which the user can determine the true direction of the radio signal. The other types utilize the audible response generated by the equipment and heard on the user’s receiver or transceiver. All models operate from a 9-volt battery.
VHF SWR/Wattmeter
This is the worlds most popular and most affordable VHF SWR/Wattmeter. It has a built-in Field strength Meter. Covers 144 and 220 MHz. Read forward and reflected power in 2 ranges - 30 or 300 Watts. Reads SWR from 144 thru 220Mhz
Cross Needle Meter. 1.8 - 60/144/440
This new MFJ Cross Needle SWR/Wattmeter covers HF thru VHF 1.8 - 60MHz, 144 MHz and 440 Mhz bands. It features separate HF and VHF / UHF directional couplers, each with its own SO-239 connectors. This lets you connect your HF and VHF/UHF transceivers at the same time.